
Emily is Missing?

Currently, I was in a library to start looking for information about the oddities that happened to me at that time. I chose some books that seemed to be about magic and occult matters related to the oddities of foresight and time. I also chose a book that contained modern knowledge. Well, there were quite a lot of books I chose. I read page after page very carefully, but so far I haven't found any information related to the weirdness I experienced. All I found were some stories and photos about the possibility of being a lifetime traveler. In a photo taken in 1905, in the photo there is a crowd of people, in the crowd is visible someone who has a mohawks hairstyle like a Punk Rocker, whereas no one has ever heard of a white person with a mohawks hairstyle before the 1970s.

Or the carving of a pillar in Salamanca Cathedral, which was built in the 1600s and completed in the 1800s. The sculpture on the pillar shows a human dressed as an astronaut. While the first astronaut suit to be worn in space was the Soviet SK-1 worn by Yuri Gagarin in 1961, the first designs for suits that could withstand extreme pressure were only made in the 1930s. Another story is that of Jhon Titor, a US military soldier in 2036 who went on a special time-travel mission in 1975. There are many other stories that I think are very absurd, really like science fiction stories in novels or movies.

When I was seriously reading, suddenly my cell phone rang and there was a call for me. Someone's name appeared on the phone screen, and I was quite surprised after seeing the person's name. The name Alice was written, she was my classmate, it was unusual for her to call me.

"Yes, Alice. I hope there won't be a rainstorm today because it's unusual for you to call me?" I said that to tease her a little. But she didn't seem to respond to my jokes, as she continued to speak seriously.

"Don't joke around at a time like this, let's see what time it is."

"Haah, what time is it? Don't you have a clock in your house, to bother calling me just to ask what time it is? Hahaha... so funny." I really couldn't help but laugh at this girl's question.

"Huh, that's not it, you idiot. It's almost night now, right? It's already 6 pm. How long are you going to keep Emily with you? Quickly send her home, her mom called me just now!"

"What do you mean? Emily is not with me right now," I answered, honestly. Emily was indeed not here.

"Huh, really? But Emily hasn't come home until now, just now her mom called me. Her mom thought Emily was with me, but since I wasn't with her, I thought she was with you."

"But Emily isn't here, I didn't go home with her earlier, because she had picket duty so I went home first."

"Then why hasn't she gone home yet?" asked Alice, which also confused me.

I thought for a moment, "Maybe she's still at school," I said.

"How could she still be at school at this hour, do you know that she's a coward? How dare she be at school alone at this hour?" Alice's words made me very worried about Emily. Then a bad feeling suddenly struck me.

"Then I'll go look for her at school."

"I'll also help you look for her, you wait for me at school if I haven't come yet."

"Alright, Alice." I disconnected the phone and hurriedly ran towards the school. I ran as fast as I could, all I was thinking about now was getting to school as quickly as possible, and I hoped to find Emily there.

Upon arriving at school, I went to almost every classroom to look for Emily. I kept looking while shouting for her, "Emilyyyyyy... where are you? Emilyyyyy...!"

Suddenly my cell phone rang and there was an incoming message. It was a message from Alice, telling me that she was already in the schoolyard, so I hurried to go see her.

"How was it? Did you find Emily?" asked Alice frantically, once I stood in front of her.

I shook my head weakly, "No! I haven't found her even though I've searched every class."

"Emily, where is she now?" From the look on her face, it was clear that Alice was very worried about Emily. So was I.

"Come on, let's split up to look for her. If one of us manages to find her, we should tell each other," I suggested, this was the only way I could think of right now.

"Alright, Elliot. I'll call you if I find Emily." I nodded at Alice, indicating my agreement. We parted ways and started looking for Emily.


30 minutes passed and we still couldn't find Emily. Alice and I were now in our class.

"Could Emily not be at school?" Alice expressed her opinion.

"No, I feel like Emily is here, I'm sure..."

For some reason, I felt very sure that Emily was at school. I kept thinking, racking my brain to find a place that might be Emily's current whereabouts. Suddenly a horrible thought crossed my mind, while I was trying to think of Emily's whereabouts.

"Did you check the Biology Laboratory room, Alice?" I asked.

"Haah, no. I haven't been there yet. That room is locked." I immediately ran towards the Biology Laboratory room and Alice chased me from behind.

When I got there, I immediately checked the door. It was true, the door was locked. But, I'm sure this wasn't a hallucination, I heard crying coming from inside the room behind this door.

"Hey Elliot, did you hear that?" It wasn't just me who heard this crying voice, but Alice as well.

I was so sure this voice was Emily's, without thinking again I broke the door. The door managed to open and it was pitch black inside. As the crying sound became clearer, Alice walked into the room and approached the source of the sound. When I was about to follow Alice, she suddenly shouted, "Don't come here, Elliot. Stay there!!!"

I understood why Alice forbade me from entering, although the room was very dark, my eyes seemed to be getting used to this darkness and I could see it. A girl was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the wall while hugging her knees. Without a doubt, that girl was Emily. But what made me so sick and angry was her appearance now. She was wearing only her bra and panties. Just by looking at her situation, I knew what had happened to her. I was sure this must be their doing. My anger peaked as if it was going to explode and I promised in my heart, tomorrow I would teach them a lesson, for doing such a cruel thing to Emily.

I gave my school uniform coat to Alice and Alice put it on Emily. I really couldn't bear to look at her, it must have been very painful, being treated like this. She had been stripped naked, I don't know where they threw away Emily's uniform. Then they cruelly locked her up in this room. In this very dark and cold room. Alone in a very dark and cold room almost naked. Emily must have been in great pain and fear. It seems they knew Emily was very afraid of supernatural things, especially ghosts. That's why they locked her up here, in a Biology Laboratory room filled with horrible things.

How could it not be horrible? In this room so many statues that show the organs of the human body, there is even a statue of a human skull. People who have a very strong fear of things that smell supernatural and mystical like Emily, of course, will suffer greatly. From the expression on her face, I could tell she was suffering and tormented. Her eyes were always filled with affection, and her face which was always cheerful and adorned with smiles, was now gone. What I saw there now were eyes filled with fear and a face filled with anxiety and extreme suffering. Without realizing it, my tears flowed by themselves. Alice and I drove Emily back to her home.