
Skill:UNLIMITED Reincarnated as a Peasant

By trying to save a girl he was acquainted with, Fritz Desmond unfortunately died when the girl tried saving him from getting stabbed, thus reincarnating in another world wherein he was given the Unique Skill: Skill Generator.

JuliusAlfred · Fantasie
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463 Chs

158. Happiness

Tumult here, an explosion there, dead bodies lying on the ground, fallen trees, and destroyed houses and stores could be the only thing one would hear and see. The peaceful days of Dorthonion were robbed of the place by selfish desires, grudges, and they wanted to take revenge. Innocent lives that were accidentally taken by both parties could not be brought back to life. No magic would be able to bring them back to life. It wasn't the intention of both sides, however, things like destruction of the city and dying of the citizens are bound to happen in an all-out war.