
Skeleton Detective: Rise of the underworld.

{ Mature Contents} R18..... Riya steps out of her favorite bar around the corner, only for her to bump into a gruesome murder scene with a strange entity lingering around that reveals a dark side of her she hadn't realized exists and takes her into the supernatural world. Journey with Riya and Elijah on Skeleton Detective: rise of the underworld. ******************************************** Stepping out of the bar, Riya continued to walk down to her apartment which was just around the next street. Crossing an alley to take a short cut to her street, the wind started to pick up and Riya immediately regretted not wearing a Hoodie. "Shitty brain" she muttered, "Just a few walks and I'll be ho... thud!!!!!!!!!!! She turned around startled to find someone had dropped something from the top of one of the buildings she was walking in between. She walked towards it in curiosity and almost screamed at the sight of a dead man. He.... Riya started to throw up until she could almost throw up her intestines, the man wasn't just dead, but his body wasn't really left in a sane condition. His chest had a big hole where it seemed like his heart had been pulled out, his intestines were out too and his eyes were gauged out from the sockets, there was also a cut from both sides of his lips up to his eyes that made him seem like a more twisted joker character. Suddenly, the wind picked up again and this time it was heavy. Riya immediately stepped away from the dead man and just then she started to hear whispers, not very distinct but it seemed like they were flowing with the wind and it suddenly made cold air creep up her spine. Just then, she felt like someone was watching her and has in fact been there for a while but she was too engrossed in staring at the dead man in front of her to notice. She then remembered that the man's body was thrown from the top of the building and looked up just in time to find a pair of red eyes staring at her. The person was wearing a cloak and the only thing she could make out was those red eyes. She blinked twice and the person was gone like it was part of her imagination. Wait what!!!!! she thought. She immediately ran back towards the way she was coming from to Mr Andrew's bar. She met the place still crowded and he seemed busy, she immediately ran to the counter while avoiding the weird stares she got.

Okhiria_Gift · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Say your goodbyes


Music recommendation - Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine

Dawn finally came, and it came with a heavy rain. It rained like it was made to wash up the blood the previous night had spilled or the tears it brought.

Still holding her mother in the living room, Riya continued sobbing silently. Her mother had passed hours ago but she just couldn't let her go.

"We have to let her rest Meridith". Voleth Meir said calmly patting her shoulder lightly.

Elijah just stood in the corner quiet and lost in his thoughts, he hadn't said anything since Riya's mother passed or even moved from that spot.

" I can't let her go, she's all I've got". Riya said with a lost look in her eyes that had been there since her mother passed hours ago.

Voleth Meir stepped closer and held her close as she began to cry again.

"We have to take her back". Voleth Meir whispered as she held her.

Riya wiped her eyes and placed her mother down slowly.

"We need to take her back and explain things to my step father, he might not be home because they fought but he'll definitely come around, he always does, he always comes back". She said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Alright". Voleth Meir said calmly.

Elijah stepped closer and carried Riya's mother carefully, he had this unusual look on his face that caught Riya's attention, it seemed like regret or pain.

"I'm sorry". He said looking at her before bowing his head again.

"Elijah". Voleth Meir called softly as she tried to approach him, but he stepped back and shook his head slowly.

"It's not your fault". She whispered to him as she stopped in her tracks when he continued to step back.

Elijah whispered a spell and a portal opened behind him, he turned and stepped into it, followed by Riya and Voleth Meir.

They reappeared in Riya's mother's living room. The place was still a mess as it was last night and it was obvious the police had been there because there was police tapes all over the living room.

"Neighbors must have reported the noise last night". Voleth Meir said.

Got too occupied I forgot to wipe their memories".Elijah said still holding Riya's mother.

" I'll go do that now, stay here with them". Voleth Meir said.

" Why do we need to wipe their memories?". Riya asked alarmed.

" The last thing we need RN is fending off cops and the Media Meridith; and the poison that Adonis used will garner too much attention". Voleth Meir said calmly.

"Ohhh". Riya said.

"I understand". She added.

A car swerved outside and Riya went to look through the window and saw that it was her Father.

" He's here". Riya said calmly.

Voleth Meir and Elijah came to join her at the window, Riya's step dad packed in the garage, got down from his Sedan and walked towards the front door.

Seeing this, Voleth Meir disappeared without a word while Elijah dropped Riya's mother's body on the couch and whispered a spell to coat the stench starting to leave the corpse. They all haven't really noticed because of the sadness or they must have, but no one brought it up.

"What do we do". Riya turned to face him.

"We wipe everything that adds other people to this already bizarre case, that includes your neighbors, Voleth Meir will take care of them and the Police officers inclusive". Elijah said going to sit down.

"We'll need to keep your mother's death on a low and bury her the same". He added.

A knock came, Riya went to the door and opened it, she immediately hugged her Dad as tears came back to her eyes again.

"What's wrong honey?, when did you get here?, Where's your Mum?".He asked looking confused.

"She's over there". Riya said pointing to the couch.

Justin ran to the couch and whispered;

"What happened".

Riya walked over to the couch and knelt down close to him and hugged him as she cried.

"What happened". He repeated still holding his wife tight as tears began to pool his eyes.

"I was just gone for few hours". He whispered as he held his wife and rocked back and forth with pain in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry". Riya whispered crying.

" What happened". He asked again still sobbing.

" I got into trouble Dad, I didn..... I didn't know I'll lose mum". She cried bitterly.

" What do you mean baby?". He said holding her mother with one arm and put his other arm around Riya.

"I know this sounds crazy, but something actually happened recently, everything has been crazy since that night". She whispered before breaking into tears again.

Riya narrated everything from the night at the Alley till this very moment. Just then, Elijah who sat in the corner since Riya's dad walked in came forward.

"How are these things possible?". Justin whispered looking at Elijah.

"I hate to admit it, but it is ". Elijah said.

"So Riya is in danger?". He asked as he drew Riya closer.

"Yes". Elijah said quietly.

"I'm so sorry baby". He whispered to his wife as he held her closer and started to cry again.

"I messed up, I'm sorry". He added still sobbing.

"We have to organize a burial immediately, I already preserved the body, but the spell will eventually wear off soon". Elijah said carefully.

"What are we supposed to tell people". He asked staring into nothing.

"The witch already went to take care of the neighbors and the police, you can decide what to tell your family". Elijah said calmly.

Riya took a closer look at him, he seemed more calm than she's ever seen him, and he'd been like that since last night.

"I can't believe this is happening right now, I just want to wake up from this nightmare". Justin whispered still staring into nothing.

"We have to move her to a funeral home". Elijah said approaching Riya and her father.

"Let me hold her for a while". Justin said as he hugged her.

Elijah stepped back and stood there without any expression on his face. Riya stared at him again and wondered what was going through his mind.

"We should do better for her". Justin said all of a sudden.

"We should give her a proper farewell". He added.

Elijah came forward again and picked Riya's mother from her Dad's arms and just stood there like he was contemplating something.

"I'll go with you". Riya said.

"I will too, I want to be there through it all". Riya's Dad added wiping tears from his face.

" We can't take her out through the front door or even out back, we can't risk anyone seeing us". Elijah contemplated.

"We'll have to teleport". He added.

Elijah whispered something and a portal opened.

" What is that?". Riya's dad asked stepping back and shielding his eyes from the light.

"It's a Portal, it's magic, it's for fast transport ". Riya replied him.

Elijah stepped into the portal with Riya's mother in his arms and Riya following behind with her father who seemed to hesitate at first before stepping in.