
Skelengel; Tales Of The Boundless One [Not Updating]

When the universe creates a person, they are bestowed with certain traits that we, as mere humans, are aware of. Sportiness, the ability to work with computers, and creativity are all things we may obtain at creation. However, some of those talents extend far past the mortal realm of flesh and blood. They go all the way to your very soul, and these are the ones that we cannot see. These few are destined to become Boundless. And it just so happens that one was designated to die on the fateful day a new god took sight over the earth. This is the tale of Aaron Stone, the once businessman turned planetary traverser. Aided by himself and his potential, he plans to live out his life with peace of mind. However, the universe has it out for him, and it won't let him ever have true peace. However, someone from behind the shadows controls everything, and they have quite a distaste for Aaron Stone. They will try to make his life a living hell. Everything you read here is an account of something going on in the vast universe. Hell, who knows... It may even be YOU who takes his place in the future. [Chapter Length: Above 1k words] [Upload Time: Once a day, if I can. My life has gotten increasingly busy over the past year, so I may have to put novelwriting to the side for a bit. L] If you want a book with a main character who goes around helping every little person, this book isn't for you. It involves death and some gory details, among other things. People and friends will die. These are all part of the universe. [Volume 1: The Awakening Of Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 2: The Quest For Higher Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 3: The Fires Of Boundless Supremacy: On-Going] WARNING! Different novel mechanics will be placed into this book, so there will probably be some confusion in ability specifics and other details. Simply leave a comment, or message me on the discord server below, and I can clear up some of the details :) Also, because of the idea of adding multiple different mechanics, there will hopefully be something that suits everyone in this book :) AUTHORS NOTE! Thank you for taking the time to read through this synopsis. It means a lot to me that you even bothered to read this. If you plan to read this book, I will say that, as of me writing this at chapter 320, it gets much better the further you go! Thank you for thinking about reading it, and I hope you will enjoy it! The book is also completely free to read, and I want it to stay that way! I just want people to be able to read and enjoy my stuff! I'm just gonna put the discord link here if you want to access it. You should join if you wanna just talk about the book to the creator and others! We got a general chat, memes, and other things. I hope we will see you there! https://discord.gg/gcrbtk8M63 Also, I have a YouTube Channel! I'm not going to tell you to sub, but it would really be appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrURywBu-fDA5KQaDPc3GOg [Also, just letting you know, I do actually own the cover :)] [It was made by @chook-in-a-jar on Instagram! Go follow them there!] This book is copyrighted material of ShadowAmeratsu, and cannot be used/altered for any projects without the author's permission.

ShadowAmeratsu · Fantasy
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323 Chs


Aaron watched as the Hero sunk to the ground, and all he could do was smile. He was once in such a position, or at least something similar. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for the Hero, but he just wanted to see what happened to him when he believed he couldn't win. Aaron wanted to leave things the way they were. He wanted to go along with the original plan of slowly building trust with people, but if the Hero was going to spread bad word about him and Crystet to the inhabitants of this world, it really wouldn't help them with what they wanted to do.

"So, now that we're both sure of our positions, I'm going to tell you what I want to do. I want to live a quiet life. Me and the person you call a Demon Lord will live peacefully, away from humans, and maybe, one day, we'll interact with humans again, which will probably be very soon because I might get bored. We're taking the child too, simply because the humans here cannot be trusted to take care of her properly. After all, they sacrificed her to the now-dead Demon King, so I won't be forgetting that any time soon." Aaron explained, his hands by his sides, looking down at the Hero. The Hero looked up into his eyes, and all he could see was an area void of light, but it felt as if Aaron's eyes were pulling him inside. He was being dragged by Aaron gaze, but he couldn't figure out what was causing it to happen. It was almost as if an outer force was dragging him in.

The Hero's eyes went blank, and for just a second, Aaron could feel something hitting his eyes, but he only thought something was up when he saw the Hero fall to the ground. 'Memica, do you know what's happening?' Aaron asked his system, Memica.

[No, I don't! All I know is that someone has let him into your body, and I can't kick him out! I don't know who let him in, but I can't get them out either!] Memica yelled out in fear, as she couldn't understand what was going on. She was worried that she'd either be shut off or somehow be removed from Aaron's mind, as this person had the power to not only access Aaron's mind and bypass her built-in firewalls but even make themselves untouchable while in there. It was unheard of, so she couldn't do anything to fix it. [We just have to wait until they do something. Then they might expose a weak point from which I can eject them.] Memica compromised, which Aaron didn't mind. If she could get them out at some point, he was happy. 'Well, at least I know it wasn't you, Memica. I guess we need to just wait until something happens.' Aaron responded as he looked down at the Hero's limp body. Crystet stared at them from a distance, wondering what was going on.

The Hero's mind floated within the endless void, which was Aaron's eyes. At least, that's what he thought he was going through. He saw nothing but darkness for a few seconds, but he saw a strange blue light floating around the void. The Hero decided to move towards the light as it got brighter and closer every second. His ethereal hand touched the floating orb, and his vision filled with the blue light that it was made of. He felt it permeating every pore of his skin, almost like the light was trying to take hold of his senses. A single word appeared in his mind, and it wasn't even a proper word. It had numbers mixed in with it. "Z3R0? What the hell does that mean? Surely it stands for something." The Hero said to himself, and he was, almost instantly, ejected from Aaron's body.

Without any warning, the Hero's body began to rise as Aaron looked upon it in shock. His eyes no longer had any whites nor pupils. It was just a blue light that had replaced his eyes. Aaron watched as the Hero's body fell to the ground, his feet touching the ground softly. A blue liquid shot out from the Hero's back, encompassing his body like it was taking control. It reminded him of when he was being coated in corruption or when N had taken control of him for a bit. Aaron watched the blue substance stop spreading, and it began moving around, testing out its new body. It appeared to be genderless, but when it started speaking, Aaron could tell something was up.

"Ah, it {feels so strange} being free from that {place}! I now have a physical body. {Where's my body?} I can now live! {I want to escape}. It feels so weird being {free me}!" The voice yelled, being obviously male, but something was wrong. Every once in a while, his voice would be replaced with the Hero's voice. "You. What have you done to the Hero?" Aaron asked, getting into a fighting stance. "Woah! No {need to escape} of me! I'm just {my body}. I'm an incarnation of {let me free}. I've taken this body as a {I don't want to be a vessel} host! It really fits {me free}!" The voice yelled, causing Aaron to barely understand what he was saying. The Hero's voice kept on getting in the way, causing the sentence to be almost impossible to hear. "I can't understand a single word you said, person. The voice of the Hero kept on interrupting you." Aaron stated as the voice began laughing.

"So, that's {what's stopping me from leaving}? I'll go tell him to {shut up}!" The voice responded as Aaron waited for the conversation to resume. "Sorry about that. He was having a mental talk with himself and kept interrupting me. Let me explain. His body was a perfect vessel for me, so I now have consciousness. Think of me like your system, just less limited. I actually have a physical body!" The voice exclaimed as Aaron stayed in his fighting stance. "That doesn't answer my question. Who ARE you?" Aaron asked.

"Well, think of me as the physical manifestation of one of your skills that you forgot about. Did you forget about me, Z3R0, or more commonly known as N0N3?"

Oh damn it has returned

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