"GHOUL? Ultimate Destruction? I can guess what the second one does, but I honestly have no clue as to what the first one could be used for." Aaron admitted, his eyes wide with curiosity. He wanted to know what these skills did, but abilities don't have descriptions, except for ones he found in the Boundless System. "Well, here's what the abilities do." The white-robed creature explained, bringing up a little demonstration video that it had made on the spot.
"Ultimate Destruction does what it says. It allows you to destroy pretty much anything. However, you can use almost any method to do this, such as decaying the body at a rapid speed or making the body fall apart." It explained, and Aaron just looked at the creature in amazement. "Such an interesting skill. I can think of many uses for this." Aaron commented, bringing a smile to the hidden face of the monster. "Just wait for the next ability, creator. It'll blow you away." The creature explained.
"GHOUL is an ability which changes your body, or the bodies of the people you choose, into spectral entities, basically becoming invincible to physical attacks. There are two different ways to use this ability. You can transform your body, or you can do something more interesting. You can create spectral beings to follow your command or convert people into said spectral entities, forcing them under your command. This would probably be the best and quickest way that you could create an army." The white-robed creature explained as Aaron contemplated something.
"From previous experiments, I've seen that people can be infected with my corruption, so let me ask you something. Can a spectral entity be affected by my corruption, or would that be impossible?" Aaron asked out of curiosity. He wanted to see if he could create some kind of invincible corrupted monster. It'd be a way to summon insanely powerful soldiers.
"That is not a question I can answer. I simply do not know how your corruption works, creator, so I must say no for the moment, although you are completely allowed to try it for yourself." The creature replied, causing Aaron to sigh. "Well, it was worth a shot. At least I now have something to experiment on later." Aaron said as he prepared to jump backwards. "Well, it was nice meeting you...I never got your name." Aaron began, realising that he didn't know the name of the white-robed creature. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Call me CZ. It stands for CreationZ." The person in the white robe, now known as CZ, told Aaron as he gave a bow. "Well then, thank you, CZ. I shall take my due leave. After all, there's a lot more I still need to do before I can truly relax." Aaron explained, exiting his slight bow and jumping backwards, disappearing from the illusionary space.
"My creator is quite the individual. I wish him success in whatever he plans to experiment." CZ said to itself as the space of illusions disappeared, causing it to vanish along with it. "However, I do hope he returns. Our time talking was short, but I enjoyed it." It said before it properly was removed from this plane of existence.
Aaron appeared outside of the illusionary space, everyone else waiting for him. "Ah, Aaron, you got out! How was your time talking with that creature?" Sciat asked Aaron as he landed on the ground. "Oh, it was fun and informative, but I got something quite useful from that encounter, so that's a plus."
Aaron responded with this as he immediately activated GHOUL and walked towards Sciat, using Boundless Telekinesis to make it look like nothing had changed. This was just in case there was a physical change to it. "Uh, Aaron? What the hell are you doing?" Sciat asked in confusion as Aaron simply smiled in response. Aaron then proceeded to literally walk through Sciat as if he didn't even exist. "This is an ability I was given. GHOUL. It allows me to become immune to physical attacks, which can also be called physical interactions. I can also turn other people into spectral entities like I am right now. This is a multi-use ability, as it allows for me to summon monsters out of thin air along with its original effect. It's a versatile skill. I also got another ability called Ultimate Destruction. It basically allows me to, well, destroy things. Pretty obvious by the name, right?" Aaron explained as Jude looked at his hand.
"It forgot to give me an ability," Jude commented, the token for an Ultimate Skill still in his hands. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, Jude. Here, it was probably just overexcited at seeing me since I created it, you know?" Aaron explained, walking over to Jude and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll give you something special as payment for this. I don't want to annoy CZ if you understand why." Aaron explained as he brought Jude over to a different part of the room, using Boundless Telekinesis to create a soundproof barrier.
"Now, Jude, there are many things I can do to pay you back, but I'm not just going to do one. Since you have no powers like me, Seph, None, Sciat and Crystet, I'll give you something better than what they got." Aaron told him, his arm turning into black tar. Yes, this was God Eater. "I'm going to absorb you and bestow you with two things. Of course, that's if you're okay with it." Aaron explained as Jude looked at him with determined eyes. "Do it."
"Alright then, it'll be slightly uncomfortable, but just bear with it, okay?" Aaron warned Jude, making the soundproof wall into a wall that couldn't be seen through. Aaron then fully covered Jude in the black tar his arm consisted of and took a peek into his mind. He needed to do this to administer the items.
Inside his mind, Aaron planted two things. A copy of his own GHOUL and Ultimate Destruction and a weapon. It was a dagger that resembled the knife that Aaron had used while fighting Crystet on the planet where you summoned monsters. The Dagger of Bad Omen. It was just something that Jude would be able to bring to the real world at any time.
After that, Aaron's God Eater spat out Jude, who just looked confused. No black tar remained on his skin, and Aaron's arm had returned to normal. "Have fun with your new abilities, Jude," Aaron whispered before removing the barrier between them and the others. "You'll enjoy them."
Oh hey look a normal human with Ultimate Destruction
Nothing at all will go wrong.