Stephan disabled his illusion, allowing everyone to walk out the door normally. In the sky, a ship-like figure was descending upon them from the skies, blocking out the midday sun. "Greetings, people of this planet!" A loud and distorted voice yelled. It was heard almost all across the world. It scared those who could see the spaceship and shocked those who could not. "I come in peace! Or, well, as peaceful as a planet destroyer can be." The voice continued, the screams of people erupting out from the towns and cities, people fearing the worst. They were going to lose their lives due to a person in a strange vehicle.
"Aaron? How much do you want to bet it's Ronin or Crystet using some random-ass ability?" Soul asked Aaron, who was currently studying the shuttle. He was trying to find an entrance or an exit. "There's an opening in the underside." Aaron noted, Soul punching him lightly in the back of the head, causing Aaron's body to bend forward slightly. "We don't need to worry about that right now. All we need to figure out is how to stop it." Soul told Aaron, who nodded in response after straightening himself up. "This isn't something either of them would do. They faced me head-on before, and they would do that again. They'd also specify our names in their announcement, right? It may just be some random who thought that they had a chance at destroying a planet." Aaron responded to Soul's assumption, looking up at the object in the air with increased curiosity.
"Well, it's not going to go away by simply staring at it. Come on, are we all going to go up?" Oliver asked, his clawed hands at his sides. Aaron had forgotten he had them, but Aaron recalled Oliver's attack at their first interaction. "Oliver, how do your claws relate to being a chancer?" Aaron questioned him out of curiosity. "Well, I get an augmentation based on the chances of something succeeding. For some reason, I usually get claws." Oliver explained to him, causing Aaron to smile. "I'm assuming you can't change it, right?" Aaron asked, his smile growing wider as a plan formed in his mind. "No...why?" Oliver asked, a scared expression on his face as he walked closer. "Oliver, you are now going to be a missile," Aaron said, grabbing Oliver and lifting him into the air. "Whoa! Let's not make any hasty decisions that we'll regret later, right?" Oliver exclaimed, struggling to get Aaron to let go of him. His attempts were futile, though. Aaron lifted Oliver overhead using both of his hands. Nobody stopped him, despite Oliver's unwillingness to do this. It was understandable. They were all as curious as he was to see what would happen to Oliver when he was thrown.
Aaron flung the torpedo that was Oliver towards the spaceship in the sky. Aaron had a smile on his face as Oliver soared towards the sun-blocker. As Oliver became something less than a dot in the sky, a red flare burst from the ship, flinging straight at Aaron. It had seen him throw Oliver at it. The bright crimson-like spark flew towards Aaron, its sights set on hitting them. Aaron lifted up his hand, the flare stopping in the air as Aaron spun his hand and flicked his fingers. It was almost as if he was trying to get rid of an annoying nuisance on his fingertip. The red spark flung towards the spaceship at double the speed it had gone before. It was as if it now had a grudge against the original firer. Aaron watched as a small explosion impacted against the ship, reckoning that the crash was Oliver. His theory was proven right moments later when a burst of light the size of an average hotel came from the ship, smoke erupting from it.
"Now THAT'S what we call an explosion! Soul yelled, getting into a jumping position. "Ready to join me for a quest, slowpoke?" Soul asked Aaron, using the term slowpoke to call him a snail. "Alright then, Usain Bolt, keep your legs on," Aaron responded, quickly blinking before jumping into the air, vanishing from everyone's sight. "The jackass used teleportation, huh? Well, two can play at that game!" Soul yelled, vanishing from the spot where he was standing. Everyone looked at the spaceship in horror, wondering how the trio would fare inside the large foreign shuttle.
Twenty seconds later, the whole thing exploded. There was no epic build-up, anticipated moment, nothing. It was quicker than anyone expected. Aaron and Soul appeared on the ground, back in their starting places. Oliver was on Aaron's back, although the reason was unknown why. Oliver jumped off of Aaron, the spaceship's charred parts flying down to the ground, sending massive walls of dust across the entire planet. "Our job was to destroy it. So we did!" Aaron exclaimed, a cloud of dust hitting them in the face. Everyone except for Aaron and Soul began coughing as if they were about to die. The dust must have been extremely thick due to the destruction that occurred by ship parts hitting a residential area or even just the whole town. "Well, I'd call that a job well done!" Aaron announced, a smile on his face. Aaron turned around, watching a small flame descend towards them, arcing as if trying to hit them. Aaron stepped backwards, watching the stray flare get closer and closer, realising that it was not just a flame but a person ablaze. "Everyone! Stand back! Someone is coming in for a crash landing!" Aaron yelled, getting everyone to run backwards, most of them taking shelter inside the bar-like room they were in before.
Then the stray person set ablaze hit the ground, lighting up the area as if a flare had been shot at the floor. It was almost too bright to look at, but the creature on fire didn't seem too bothered. After all, it had prepared for escape manoeuvres.
Sorry for the lack of uploads! My phone broke, so I wasn't able to write lmao