The large group of people all looked up at the wall, only to see the king with the word 'Fat' engraved in his chest, leaving a hole with the same lettering on his back simply flipped around, and the Queen, her innards out for all to see. She had committed suicide via detonation, after all. Her ribcage was shattered, leaving tiny spikes of bone left in her chest. It was a gruesome sight and even caused some people to spontaneously vomit. It wasn't a pleasant sight.
"You...did YOU do this?!" Some man yelled out from the crowd, his beard covered in vomit. He must have been one of them. "Oh, I wrote those letters into the King's stomach! It suits him quite well!" Aaron responded, giggling slightly at what he had done. "Although, I do wish what happened to the Queen was my doing, it wasn't. She killed herself, blowing herself up from the inside! It was quite the spectacle to watch her 'Infinity Blast: Red Beam' turn into a ball! She then shoved it into her chest, rejecting a kind offer I gave to her and boom! Now she's dead!"
"No...he made the queen do that?" People began to whisper, as they looked upon the dead queen, wondering what had happened to make her take such a route of life. Then, the vomit-bearded man spoke up again. "What kind of sick offer did you give her?!" He yelled out, as everyone else began murmuring about the same thing, saying stuff like "Yeah!", or "Sicko!". Just normal crowd insults.
"Let me tell you the offer I gave her, in the EXACT words used. I said, and I quote: 'I'm going to give you the same chance I gave your daughter. You can either work with me or go run off and gather a pathetic little army to attack me with'. Now, considering the situation she was in, and the situation YOU are in, I believe that was a pretty kind offer, don't you think?" Aaron replied to the crowd, seeing how far he could calm them before shattering them. Nothing like breaking the hopes of a crowd.
"Now, listen. I know we all make mistakes, mine being one of the biggest ones out there, but I'm willing to change. If you can provide me one simple reason that I shouldn't kill you all, I'll leave you all alone, and try to reform society." Aaron explained, painting the picture of the misunderstood person. The people standing there weren't convinced, except for one. They walked up beside Aaron and stood beside him, showing that they trusted him.
This person had been nicknamed 'Too-Trusting Teresa', for the fact that she always trusted what other people said WAY too easily. "Thanks for believing me," Aaron said, showing off his caring side. People were stunned at this. He hadn't damaged her, or even threatened to harm her in the slightest. Maybe he was a decent person. Surprisingly enough, more people started to move over to Aaron, although he couldn't recognise any faces. His parents weren't there, but he guessed that they were probably waiting behind the throne room doors for a last-minute entrance, to surprise him.
Once everyone had made their way over to Aaron, he smiled warmly, showing that he could care. Everyone looked back at him smiling. They all thought that this would be a new start for the world, given that the most powerful person known to mankind was trying to be a decent person.
"You FUCKING idiots." Aaron menacingly whispered, as his smile went from caring to downright psychotic in the blink of an eye. Everybody surrounding him was lifted into the air, and tied by their arms, legs and necks with black chains made of corruption. These chains served a special purpose. They would slowly corrupt the places where they were changed, corrupting everywhere but the head, as that would be saved for last. Aaron had full control over the chains, and he strung everybody up in a T shape, just to make it slightly more agonising. Their chests were forced out, like the crucified royalty behind them.
"You guys REALLY thought I would reform? Hell no! I know how humans work. I know how people think. I've seen some shit. I've seen how people treat OTHER people. It isn't nice. I used to be one myself, you know? It was horrible. I had no noticeable Ki Energy, so I had to be hidden from the world. Once I unlocked my powers, it wasn't Ki. It wasn't any noticeable type of Ki. It was my own little thing. If you look over there, you can see another 'person' who was corrupted by the same thing as me. Now, all of YOU shall be forced to live the lives of monsters. How will that feel, huh? To live a life where you can't become friends with anyone without hiding your true appearance? It'll be hell. Just like I endured. I got sick of it, and I had to power to stop it. So I am! Just in my own way." Aaron explained, showing them all what a bunch of idiots they were.
Steven and Elise Stone then rushed into the room, with their Ki elements finally revealed. Steven's appeared to be void, which would be quite the powerful ability, and Elise's was the power to control matter around her, so she had about ten swords just flinging around her like a shield. Impressive.
"Aaron!? Is that you?!" Steven yelled out, as he looked that the monster with the strange face of his son. Aaron turned around, and saw his parents, forcing them to look at his and his psychotic smile.
"Oh hello, parents! You came just in time to see a little spectacle I've created!" Aaron responded as he clicked his finger. The chains around the necks of the people who were chained up instantly constricted and pulled, removing their heads from their bodies, creating a beautiful fountain of blood from each person.
[11:55 PM]
Dead People
Insane God
Distraught Parents
And Two Schoolboys
What happens next?
No idea lmao