Ray stood up, as he held his head, as he had fallen on his face. "Jesus! Aaron, that was some kick! How the hell did you do that?" Ray asked, as he made sure that his balance was on point. That kick to the back took him off guard.
"Well, some of the Ki Branches have unique abilities, so I'm just using them, and seeing what happens. Like those spikes I created earlier. Those were of a different branch than the kick I delivered to you. When you have a Ki Type to yourself, you gain the ability to access every branch, and I find that impressive." Aaron said, going along with the lie of the New Ki Type. He wanted to see how long he could keep this up for. He was curious to see how long it would take before his cover was blown or some generic novel stuff happened.
Well, hopefully he would be prepared when some generic novel stuff happens.
Crystet stood up shakily, with quite the amused look on his face. "Well done, Aaron. You used your weight, or well, lack of it, to escape from an attack by Ray, leaving me exposed. Congratulations. Quite the impressive improvisation."
Crystet's balance was almost non-existent. This was because of the fact that the electricity thrown at him was still running throughout his body, so his muscles were continuously jolting, although, if it hurt, he showed no reaction.
"Crystet, we might need to bring you to some form of infirmary. You look like you will collapse at any second, and I don't want that to happen." Aaron told him. He wasn't worried for Crystet's safety, it was just that, should the electricity decide to jump across his chest, him and Ray would be arrested for the murder of Crystet Artemi, and that would be a real pain for Aaron, so it was just best if they avoided that situation as much as possible.
"No...no, I am perfectly fine. All I need is a few minutes to sit down, and the electricity will dissipate into nothing. Just give me a few minutes." Crystet replied, as he sat down onto the ground, as he held onto the end of his katana, propping himself up.
"Well, if you say so." Aaron said, as the still-present stilettos of corruption dissipated into thin air. Like they were never there. He didn't feel like holding them anymore.
"Still, I'm shocked at what you were able to do, Aaron. You possessed logical thinking, and had us beat in around thirty seconds, simply by using what was available to you with that strange Ki Type. You really should have used that when your strength was being decided." Crystet admitted, while Ray gave Aaron his shorter version. "You are incredible!"
Aaron chuckled, as his pink smile grew wider beneath his mask. Some people who were enjoyable to be around. All he had to hope for was that he didn't encounter someone who would try and be aggressive towards him. Today. He was at least safe for today. Tomorrow was a whole different can of bean.
Somewhere in an important office....
Maybe in Nevada...
Steven and Elise were sitting at a large table, as people argued about what they could do about the situation with the mysterious light. Steven and Elise were pretending like they had no idea what they were talking about, as they wanted to keep Aaron safe. If they found out what Aaron was then they would...
"Steven! Elise! What do you two make of this?"
"Well, I have no idea what was going on there, Jack. It appears to me like someone could have activated an ability of sorts, although I could not tell you what kind." Steven told him.
Everyone at the table was covered in a dark shadow, disguising what they looked like, except for Steven and Elise, who ere the only two ones seen there. They appeared to be able to see everyone clearly.
"Well, we need to find out what the hell was going on with that bright light." The one named Jack said. "We need to interrogate everyone who could possibly be linked to that light. Get everyone you can searching on it! The media got a video of what the light looked like, and people have been sharing it all across the Internet, talking about it! We need to find every piece of evidence possible, so that we can make sure that our country wouldn't be assaulted by others in an insane attempt to gain power!"
"And as such, we need a plan..."
Underneath the earth's surface, a monster sealed many millenia ago sat in quiet, as it regained as much power as it could. It needed as much power as it could get its hands on, as it didn't have its true name. Without its true name, it was only a tenth as powerful as it could be.
Yorotos sat on his throne of magma, siphoning Ki from the earth. He was building up his power, as he awaited the day where he could break through the earth with a roar, and ravage the surface of the planet with his army of demonic soldiers. He just needed to wait. He required power. Enough power or summon an army. Enough power to take over the world, and cleanse the humans from this planet.
He, finally, had enough power to obtain a crucial part of his army. The Ten Demon Summoners. He emitted a blinding red light, as ten sealed circles of Ki appeared infront of him. Ten demons began to materialise, one in each spot. Each of them looked identical, with them being long and slender, with deathly white skin. They each wore a long hat, with a large eye in the centre. Compared to Yorotos, however, they were tiny. He was around fifty meters tall, while these guys were around two and a half metres tall, or around 7 feet and six inches tall.
"Welcome back, my Summoners. Now, we must reclaim the surface from the humans, starting with you. Summon as many demons as you can, as I...have a plan.
I am so tired irl lol
At least I don't have school for two more months