"You know, It's quite rude to call some a monster before even getting to know them," Aaron responded as he walked towards the woman. "I must say, you have quite an impressive office all to yourself. The blue lights add to the atmosphere. It almost reminds me of the ocean."
"That's what the inspiration was, but tell me, are you a monster? All of our surveillance says so. There's a person who works for the guild who refuses to say anything about you. It's like they're under the threat of death. Know anything about that?" The woman asked, pointing a pencil at Aaron. Aaron found this interesting. "So, in the short time since me leaving the guild, you spied on me and interrogated a guild worker? You work fast." Aaron commented.
"Well, knowledge is something I place above everything else. If you don't know things, people with knowledge can outclass you, and you wouldn't know why." The woman stated. "Still, that doesn't answer the questions I proposed. Are you a monster, and do you know anything about the guild worker under threat of death?"
Aaron began laughing, causing confusion to spread across the woman's face. "Please, enlighten me as to what you find funny." The woman requested as Aaron calmed down with his laughing. Aaron took off his helmet and let it drop to the floor. A look of shock spread across the woman's face. She wasn't actually expecting Aaron to be a monster. She was expecting him to be some form of a summoner who was better than others. It was revolutionary.
"So, I was right. You ARE a monster." The woman mumbled, trying to stop herself from screaming out in fear. Monsters were known for their savageness, and if provoked, could kill an unarmed person like it was nothing. "Nothing more, and nothing less. Being a skeleton isn't the most surprising thing about me, though." Aaron responded, walking towards her slowly. The woman stood up and tried walking backwards so that Aaron would stay at a respectable distance. The back of her shoe caught something, although she couldn't tell what. She fell over as Aaron continued to pace towards her. It was almost like an intimidation tactic.
"What could be more surprising about you than you being a monster with insane power?!" The woman yelled, crawling away slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Aaron audibly laughed as half of his body turned into black sludge. "This. I can eat anything and gain the skills it possesses. It's what you could call an overpowered ability. I have a good few of these." Aaron explained, causing fear to spread across the woman's face. She was scared about what was about to happen.
"Have you ever wondered what it's like to have no control of your actions? What it feels like to have no control over fate? Your own destiny being played with by the gods? That's what I went through, and after such a long time, I am who I am now. Now, I'm going to see what I am, compared to a person. Am I inferior, or am I the superior one?" Aaron monologued, trying to set the scene.
<Aaron, you do know that she's scared out of her mind, right? Just look at her face.> Monument pointed out as Aaron took a good look at the woman's face. Her face was lined with enough fear to make it look like she had aged about twenty years. Aaron smiled to himself as he made his eyes flash a dark blue for dramatic effect.
Yes, I do know that Monument, but think about it. If we scare the woman enough, she'll be willing to do almost anything we ask for fear of death. I know it's cruel, but it will be worth it when we extract all the information we can because God-Eater doesn't take the information out of a person's mind.' Aaron reasoned with Monument.
<I do see your logic there, and I don't have any compelling arguments against it, so you do what you need to do. It's fun looking at a person's life from the side and giving them personal advice. It's something new and exciting since I was always just sitting on that chair.>
Aaron looked at the woman with a strange gleam in his eye. The right side of his body was still a glop of black goo, so he turned it back into his armour. It was interesting watching the armour turn into the material used in God-Eater, and then watch it turn back to its original state. "There's also something else you should know about the overpowered abilities that I mentioned I had earlier? Well, you want to know one of them?" Aaron asked the woman, causing her to shake her head from side to side in fear. "No? Too bad. It's already activated." Aaron replied, a laugh coming from him as a black portal opened up behind him. From the portal appeared thirty skeletons which were identical to Aaron, as he laughed even harder. "Meet my clones! All of them are exactly like me! Isn't that amazing?!"
Looking at this was just too much for the woman. Her eyes rolled up into her head, and she fell flat to the floor. She wasn't too injured, considering she was already on the ground when this happened.
<Honestly, I didn't expect her to faint. I DID expect her to scream, though.>
'Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting.' Aaron admitted.
After about half an hour, the woman finally woke up. She was disoriented. After a minute, however, she was up and going again.
"Well, it looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake again!" Aaron exclaimed, sitting in the woman's chair. There were no signs of the other skeletons, which shocked the woman. "Where are the other skeletons, Aaron Stone?" The woman asked. "Gone. I made them disappear." Aaron bluntly replied, getting up off the chair. He grabbed his helmet from the desk and put it on. Not five seconds later, Aaron heard loud footsteps approaching the room. He regained his posture, just as The Boss from before came rushing in.
"It's an emergency! The Higher Earth Guardian, Monument is missing! He isn't in the cave!"