Aaron watched as both his body and the voices stopped. Everything fell silent within his head as both of the beings tried to process what was going on. The other person was the bad guy! That much was obvious!
{Aaron, you can't be serious, right? He's the embodiment of evil! He went on a destructive rampage over the past millennia, leading to the destruction of many planets!} L yelled out, their systematic voice carrying over a form of emergency.
"Alright, I'm not going to deny the fact that I have in the past," N admitted, not bothered to lie. "It isn't as bad as what she's done. L has manipulated me on many occasions to portray me as the bad guy, even when she's the one in control! She forces me to be the bad guy against my will. Like she has a hero complex or something along those lines."
{I heard that! You are never going to be safe from me again, you insulting embodiment of the sins of the universe.} L responded, causing N to audibly shrink away, as he didn't want to fight again.
"No! I'm not letting you start another war with Aaron in the balance. Knowing you, you'd start an Interdimensional war, and you just kill this man. That'd be unfair on him!" N argued against L, apparently concerned for the safety of Aaron.
"It seems strange that you'd be so afraid for my physical well-being when you literally have control over every physical action that I take. You could throw this body into a pool of lava, and I wouldn't be able to stop you." Aaron pointed out, causing N to slightly recoil, or at least Aaron imagined him recoiling, judging by the noise.
"Yeah, I see where you're coming from, but I'm doing this to make you more powerful. I can't go down there myself and become powerful again, so I chose you due to your soul. You soul, the thing that makes you YOU. If you didn't have one, you wouldn't exist, and you wouldn't be here. Do you get what I mean? You're like a vessel which I could imagine myself being in. You've gained so much power in such little time. I'm telling you that you're on record pace compared to anyone I know. That's only me and L. It took us hundreds of years to become one hundred percent boundless, so don't believe her lies about doing it easily." N advised Aaron, which led to a quick response from L.
{Don't believe a single word that lying bastard tell you! He's just trying to get into your head and make you think he's in the right! He's the embodiment of evil!} L repeating, struggling to find any more coherent answers.
"Oh? Repeating yourself, are you? You really can't find any good response to try and convince him that you actually ARE a good person? Wow. You were calling ME the embodiment of evil when you can't even give a good reason as to why YOU AREN'T the embodiment of evil? How sad is that, trying to undermine the success of the only other fully boundless person?" N mocked L, who just screamed out in frustration.
{You know what, fine! Let N continue to take control and watch as your reality shreds itself to pieces!}
[Boundless User L####: Absent]
[Removing the user from access point...]
"That was certainly something, wasn't it?" N sighed as he turned back to controlling Aaron's body. "Fuck!" He yelled. He had gotten distracted, and now Alec had grabbed him during the destruction of the environment with his purple tentacles. Aaron's body was pulled towards the malformed body of Alec. As he was pulled closer, he heard Alec repeating one phrase over and over rapidly, almost as if it was all he could focus on.
"Mam...Ben...help me...please..."
Aaron didn't know what the hell was going, but hearing that just made his heart shatter. He didn't know what the hell happened to his family, but it's all Alec could think about. Aaron watched as his body was grabbed by another tentacle, meaning that one was on top, and the other was on the bottom. Aaron watched as Alec's tentacles pulled apart, taking his lower body with it. Aaron watched as N tried to move his lower half, and it somehow worked, despite not being attached. Aaron looked on in amazement as he saw his legs kicking at the tentacle which had grabbed it. Aaron's body parts were flung away from Alec, slamming through the city walls with great force. Aaron fell onto the field outside, his lower body around twenty meters away. N used Aaron's strength to bend his arms, and he then released, sending him flying into the air. He landed beside his body, and then he started to fuse his body back together using the black liquid.
Aaron's body slowly began to pull itself together using the black liquid as a crutch for fusion as Aaron watched a tentacle shoot forward from Alec's writhing mass of purple flesh, grabbing him from a long distance. N kept Aaron's body together as they were pulled towards Alec's main body slowly.
"How the hell did you even gain access to my body, N? It's not like I let you into my head," Aaron asked, curious as to how this situation even started. "While we're at it, why were you an ass when we first talked. You really sounded like an indecent person."
"Well, I can answer both questions. When you let L inside your head, you left your unconscious mind open to outside attacks, as you've never had to consciously keep the system running, have you? This follows that principle. I got into your head and just altered the growth of that strange liquid affecting your memories." N explained, shocking Aaron. "The only reason I had to be rude when we first encountered was because if I pranced in all nicely, you wouldn't have taken me seriously. I needed to show that I was the real deal. Plus, I was worried about what L would have made you do. She's a little bit mentally unstable, just like you and me."
"Like us all."
We are all alike, one way or the other. Just because you don't share one trait with a person, doesn't mean you don't share another.