
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · sci-fi
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75 Chs

episode 4

"kudorai" fights "gaplock" and "wreck" knocks out all the troopers giving "shimarai" time to run to the back of the house and join "yaguto".

Wreck:-the house will fall apart soon , we better take this fight somewhere else.


"gaplock" held back and took down the house along with "kudorai" and "wreck" ,

Eventually "wreck" appears to have created a barrier at the last second saving "kudorai".

Wreck:-sorry about the house sir , I know it means a lot to have your family together.

Kudorai:-do not be , besides I have found my bounty who murdered my team , I will not rest till I have means to stop the north west nation , "komi"…will you help me save the world from the lack of knowledge?

Wreck:-[smile]I can't believe someone like you would have the same plan as me , it will be my objective and I'm going to finish it.

Kudorai:-now let's go back to work and defeat north west.

"wreck and "kudorai" fought "gaplock" and it was a tremendous fight , "gaplock" has been defeat by confusion.

Wreck:-good luck "gaplock" it's time for you to pay for your crimes , but tell me one thing…you're from "skarven" aren't you.

Gaplock:-and what if I was?

Wreck:-good thing you can talk , I will be forced to kill you.

Gaplock:-like when you did with the first friend you had?


Kudorai:-don't listen to his words , he's preventing you so he can escape.

Gaplock:-I saw you , "wreck veganson"!

Wreck:-[frightened]…(he was there , but which)?

A magic eye appears on "wreck's" left eye , "gaplock" blasts "wreck" away.


"kudorai" was going to help "wreck" , "gaplock" throws "wreck" at "kudorai" then stab them both , "kudorai" dies.

Gaplock:-look at you , you couldn't even save an ally…because of you he's long gone.

"wreck" creates a thunder force field unconsciously then disappears with the lightning , at the mean time "yaguto" , "shimarai" and "stella" escapes from the madness of "gaplock".

Yaguto:-I think we're far enough.

Shimarai:-[angry]why weren't you there helping them "yaguto"? if only you were ready.

Yaguto:-if only I was ready to dye , but I'm not.

Stella:-"yaguto"…what did the paper mean?

Yaguto:-I did not know back then , until "komi" told me that it was the black list of names that included father.

Stella:-…you mean…the crossed ones are dead?


Stella:-father told me about this…when someone like him falls to this world falls with it.

"wreck" falls from the clouds unconscious , drops down crashes into a dojo but still remains alive , 3 days later "wreck" wakes up frightened , bandaged and the magic eye is still active , a 10 year old cute girl with short black hair by the name "tika" , looks so worried about "wreck".

Wreck:- (who is she)?...where am I?...you look…familiar…am I dreaming?

"tika" did not speak and yet she looks so nervous , "wreck" wounds himself on the cheek and the magic eye deactivates.

Wreck:-I can feel the pain , so it's not a dream? Then how did I get here?

Tika:-[nervous]you…you fell…from the…sky.

Wreck:-[surprised](I've never seen anyone so nervous as her , why does she look familiar? Where did she come from)?...what's your name?

Tika:-[nervous] "tika".

Wreck:-okay "tika" , I have many question I wanna ask , if you could please stop being nervous maybe you could answer me nicely.


Wreck:-think of me as someone close if you're too nervous to speak to a stranger , okay , this place does look like a dojo.

Tika:-but it is a dojo.

Wreck:-great , this is the first normal speech , okay.

"wreck" heals his wound and realizes he is not wearing his scarf.

Wreck:-…where is my scarf? Don't tell me that you have taken it for a wash.

"tika's" big sister "kira" who is blonde and 17 year old comes into the room wearing the scarf.

Kira:-how ya doing little sis? Did your drama wake the boy of your dream?

Wreck:-little sis? You have a sister?

"wreck" looks at "kira" and finds his scarf.

Wreck:-excuse me ma'am , can you please return the scarf? It means a lot to me.

Kira:-oh? Is it about a girl?

Wreck:-…it's "nunya".


Wreck:-it's "nunya" business , now can I have my scarf back?

Kira:-okay , if it mean so much to you then here.

At the mean time "gaplock" is sitting on the window still remembers how "wreck" got away.

Gaplock:-this is the power of the magic eye…when anyone wishes a person who wields it the magic eye will instantly transport automatically to the one who speaks…that would be impossible for a human to call for "wreck veganson's" appearance…we must find him by any means.

"wreck" is now having lunch with "tika's" family , her mother is "mira" , her father is "honzo" and her big brother who is 18 year old is "klai".

Honzo:-it's good having you hear if my little daughter would be happy , what's your name?


Mira:-are you an angle?


Kira:-who's scarf is this from.

Wreck:-like I said , it's "nunya" business


Klai:-where are you from? And what do you know?

Wreck:- (they see me like I came from the sky and not a stranger , this guy cannot trust me with those judgeful eyes), I'm from the world of knowledge , in my world it's like a future.

Honzo:-well then , looks like my daughter have got for herself a great future husband!

Wreck:-what? Non-sense , you can't expect taking things too far by saying that you'll make your daughter my bride , (even though I still don't know where am I and where is my fellow student , I want answers and fast).

Klai:- (something about this kid doesn't look right , he might have fallen from the sky but he came with no reason).

Wreck:-thanks for the food…my apologies on what I'm about to do.


Kira:-what do you mean?

"wreck" used his "ki" to turn the table into a wall closes between them then took "tika" and ran away.

Klai:-[angry]I knew we couldn't trust him!

"wreck" went very far from the dojo with "tika" and realizes that he is in some other town.

Wreck:-this doesn't look like the north west nation , but a good place to repair.

When "tika" called "wreck" by his real name he got frightened and stopped.

Wreck:-[angry]who are you? And how do you know my real name?

Tika:-[nervous] I…can't.

Wreck:-[angry]answer me dammit , I'm sick of hearing your nervous speeches , just tell me what you know , what are you? And why do you look familiar…answer me dammit.

Once "tika" slaps "wreck" he remembered (at the day he was searching for the lost "skarvenian" girl with his two expert partners , he sees "tika" crying quietly and lost in the woods), "wreck" looks surprised and drops tears.

Wreck:-I see now…you knew me but didn't catch my real name , so you spent your life guessing it.

Tika:-I'm…sorry , I only wanted you here , I didn't mean to upset you , a lot have changed since that day when the three experts came here.

Wreck:-what could have change? [surprised]oh , how could I have forgotten?... I came to stop the north west nation…(and also build a crew that will help me do it).

Tika:-there's no need to run…we can fix this together.

Wreck:-there are reason why I should run , right now your brothers want me dead from what I've done , if you know anywhere else I could hide in.

Tika:-…I know someone who can help.

"kira" and "klai" came out of the dojo and called for a "cephadrome" to chase "wreck" faster.

Kira:-he is just a kid , and yet he can use his "ki"?

Klai:-no matter what he is , we will bring our sister back.

"wreck" goes to where "tika" tells him to.

Wreck:- (I don't know if I can get out of this situation , but from this very moment , I need to create the "masmur rods" and resurrect "kudorai" and his crew , this will be my objective from now).