
Six Ways To Sunday

[MATURE CONTENT] *Slow burn* ------- Life has unexpected ways of turning things from 0 to 180 degrees in just a matter of seconds. Charlotte was mourning her husband's sudden demise with the only daughter they had, Aurora. And as if the pain of losing him wasn't enough, Derek, the boss of the dead man, came out of nowhere, to demand a mind blowing amount as a debt the man owed him. But meanwhile, he would take Aurora, their only daughter, with him, till Charlotte paid every penny. - Derek, a young man who had been through a painful experience, numbing his emotions in the process, found out that the man who betrayed him had a family somewhere, enjoying life. He vowed to kill them all. But ended up sparing their lives, taking Aurora, his only daughter, with him. But wait, why has Aurora started to feel that Derek is not as scary as he looks? Why does she feel like she can bring life and light into his seemingly lonely, dark life? Will Derek open up to this foreign feeling that has started to trigger certain emotions in him? ------- Excerpt She was in deep thoughts when she heard shuffling sounds and her head quickly snapped to the direction of the man. He was on his feet now, his gaze not leaving them. Charlotte and Aurora both scampered back in fear. He stared at them for some few seconds and wordlessly turned and walked towards the door. Aurora's eyes widened a bit. Wait, was it...was it over? Had he agreed to her mother's pleas? Was he going to leave them alone now? She was about to breathe when she heard a deep, gruff voice. "Get the girl." - - Join the #DeRa roller coaster now :) --------- Cover editing done by a colleague author :)

Juujuu_Sky · Urban
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181 Chs

103. Date or avoid?

"Will you come and visit when you go back?"

This question from Elaine left Hayford's lips parting in surprise. And, was he tripping or was he actually seeing tears in her eyes?

He took slow steps towards her.

"Elaine..." He drawled, "I am not even sure yet. I'll still be here."

"I know. I just..." Elaine paused to swallow that stubborn hard lump in her throat. Her eyes were rapidly burning with tears that she couldn't even hide. "I want to know if I'd ever see you again once you leave."

Elaine had turned herself to face him fully, with both hands wrapped tightly around the handle of the basket in front of her. The cool breeze was slowly wafting through her brown hair which was left lose at the base and the upper half was tied into a lose pony tail.

Hayford became helpless with a woman for the first time. This was one reason he didn't do relationships. Women were just too whiny. He was not even going and here she was, crying?