
Six Friends

Ganesh_Rocky_6020 · Spiele
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6 Chs


DAY 2: Its morning and all the six friends woke up and they decided to start the journey , rame asked datta that in which direction we have to go then datta said we have go in the north west direction it takes two days to go. Then bot sandy said (" are anti ra ide") then gani said in the city there will be more girls for you to chat then his bot sandy face glow like brighter than the star , and he said hey guys what are u doing lets go lets go it's getting late then everybody be like

and then they started walking to the north west direction on the way saw a cave and some voice is coming from that cave and they decided to check in the cave so they went that side and there they saw a dragon baby lying beside a dead dragon then gani went near the dragon and healed the dragon and decided to take the dragon with him and then datta told to gani that i you want raise the dragon then u have to make the blood contract with it like u have to give ur blood to the dragon then gani immediately given a drop of blood to the dragon now the contract has been formed after forming the contract gani lost

some much of his energy and the dragon has slept . Then binnu given the energy drink to ganesh to restore his energy after that they buried the dead dragon and left the cave the dragon is now resting in the sprit ring of gani and they are continued their journey after some time datta said lets take a break and everyone said ok except that bot sandy and saying hey man lets go lets go their is no time so many beautiful ladies are waiting for me in the city then gani said if you don't shut ur mouth i have to kill you . then sandy face expression like . suddenly they hear the sound of the wild beats coming their direction so gani taken his sword out and said get ready guys it time for fight and all of taken their wepons out and getting ready to kill the wild beasts .The wild wolf beats are lvl 10 gani said that i and harry will go take the front lead bot u fire with ur gun

,datta use ur magic and make the long range shots using fire arrows , binnu smash with the fireballs

and rame cover bot from getting killed . with that battle formation they all killed the wild wolfs on their way, every one of them got extra points of 120 each and they dropped the sprits stones seeing the sprit stone datta said that by the using the spirit stones the dragon can evolve into the big dragon although its power will be less but its physical appearance will be change and its physical strength will be increased then gani call the dragon to come out then the dragon came out and consumed all the power of the spirit stones and it evolved into the big dragon after seeing the dragon he named the dragon as ELDRAGO and its started into the sky and came back entered into the spirt ring . Now after the fight they want to take rest and it is getting darker so they found a cave to sleep in the night and all of them taken the energy drinks to restore the energies and they all slept.