
Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child

"Will you sleep with my husband until you are pregnant and give birth to his child?" Elena Wasley was reunited with her twin, Elise. She asked Elena to help conceive a child from her husband, Brian Fernandez. Of course, Elena refused because soon she would marry her lover, Diego Orlando. But all changed because of one unexpected incident. Elena wants to conceive the baby by asking for expensive fees. Make Brian and Elise make a written agreement for an agreement with Elena. On the other hand, Tiara Jackson, Brian's ex-fiance, still expects the man to be her. She was determined to get rid of Elise and the baby in various ways to get Brian. What was the reason Elise asked Elena to have Brian's child? Why did Elena agree to the crazy agreement? How would Diego react if he knew everything? What would Tiara do to get rid of Elise and her baby? Can the baby be born into the world safely? How does this end when love shakes things up? ....sorry, if my English is bad. because I'm not very good at translating into English. but I hope you can still enjoy reading this story. thank you....

MaylisaAzhura · Urban
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221 Chs

43. Something happen to Diego

 "Brian," said Elena desperately. She wanted the baby so badly. She will not be selfish and will not break the agreement by giving up one child to be raised and owned by Brian and Elise. But let her take care of her one baby.

 The ringing of the cell phone caused Brian to look away. The man reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Elise called.

 "Our conversation is over. The twins are ours." Brian rose to his feet. Elena stared at Brian with a pleading look. Tears had been dropping since Brian's first refusal.

 "Brian." Once again Elena called out to the man between sobs. Brian's heart ached and cut into the look in Elena's eyes and the tears that fell down her cheeks. But he did not want to separate the twins. And according to the agreement the baby Elena was carrying was hers. Whether it's a baby or twins.