
Sister's Growing Obsession

My older sister, who returned from the United States, has become a little strange... Extra Tags:#romance #incest #sister #yandere #Obsession #exhaustion #femdom #Oneshota N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 - My Sister Returned From America (1)

N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it's not my fault. Please don't comment about the translation quality because, again, it's Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

"Jiwoo, are you calling to eat tteokbokki together after school?"

As I was getting ready to get up after class, someone lightly tapped my shoulder.

Ha-yeon, with her hair tied in two pigtails, is smiling sweetly.

She was her neighborhood friend, whom she had known since high school.

Somehow, we entered the same university, the same department, and went to school together like this.

Maybe it's because we've been together so often lately, people I don't know ask if we're dating.

But Ha-yeon and I are not like that.

Simply friends.

We communicated a lot, so we were friends who hung out together, but we didn't feel romantic feelings for each other.

It's not even a trivial relationship like some.

That would be the case, because Ha-yeon dated her boyfriend a few times in her high school.

We are just friends

To emphasize once again, we are nothing more than friends.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'll be a bit busy today."

"Are you busy? Han Ji-woo, who seems to be the most leisurely person in the world, is busy?!!!!!!"

Ha-yeon is surprised with an expression that says she can never be there.

In fact, the reason she and Ha-yeon became friends was simple.

As for Hayeon, she really likes to play, but she was able to play often because she is also on her free side.

"Huh. You said My sister is coming today."

"Sister? Real sister? Did you have a sister?"

I've already said it several times...

I remember saying it last week as well as a few days ago.

He said it would be difficult to go and play with his older sister today.

In fact⁸, the beating in a corner of my heart did not stop.

How much is it?

Seven years had passed since she hadn't seen her.

She initially intended to go to the US to study, but even after she graduated from college she did not return to Korea.

Did she say that the business she started as an undergraduate was doing better than expected, so she couldn't come?

I don't know the exact details, but she started a shopping mall business, and it seems that she hasn't come to Korea for a while because she's growing and establishing her company.

But now that she has settled down to some extent, she says that she hasn't been to Korea for a long time and that she is returning home this time.

I don't know how long it will be, but the thought of seeing her older sister after a long time makes her feel quite excited.

"Today is the day my sister returns home, so I have to go to the airport."

"Hhh... Then I have to play alone?"

Suddenly her shoulders droop. And then I start pretending to cry

"There is no use pretending to be pitiful. Not really today."

She has known her for five years.

She knew at once that she was playing a prank on her, for you could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her face.

"Sheesh, that doesn't work. Then why don't you play with other people?"

It's strange that she's upset about this in the first place, and even if she doesn't hang out with me anyway, she has a lot of friends because she's friendly unlike me.

Even if it's not me, I'll play well with the other kids.

After saying hello to her, I hurriedly got on the bus to her airport.




I have an older sister who is 8 years older.

In the case of other houses, it is said that siblings fight often, but our siblings rarely fight, perhaps because of the large age difference.

Of course, sometimes I did something wrong and got scolded by my sister, but that was entirely my fault, and I never had a fight with my sister because of a disagreement.

My older sister who always took good care of me, my younger sister.

Ever since I was young, I often relied on such an older sister.

Her father was often away from home on business trips abroad, and her mother also came home late due to work at work.

Maybe that's why, most of the time I spent time with my older sister.

He's very mature, and if it's studying, if it's sports, then if it's sports, it's his personality. Because she was outstanding in every way, she naturally leaned on such an older sister a lot.

She was really good at her studies, especially, so her older sister would often sit beside her and look after her studies.

Maybe that's why she got around 10th place in the whole school until elementary school.

With no sister by her side, she went back to her original grades...

She was an older sister who was mature compared to her peers and could do anything well.

Her mom and dad always praised her like that, and because she was like that, she trusted me and entrusted me.

So when her older sister said she was going to America, she cried a lot.

She was an older sister, but she was also a mother at the same time.

So she begged me not to go for a long time.

She sat down at the airport and cried wildly, telling her not to go... Oh... It's a story from when she was young, but even thinking about it now, what happened back then is really embarrassing.

Of course, when my sister moved to America, her mother quit her job and took care of me as her full-time housewife.

She didn't take care of me like her older sister.

Ah...But that doesn't mean her mother neglected her motherly role.

However, she is just emphasizing once again that my sister really cared about me a lot.

At first, she misses her sister very much and is sad every day, so she falls into depression, but eventually, as time passes, her feelings become dull.

After about 3 months, she has perfectly adjusted to the reality of not having her sister.

Rather, I think it's a little more comfortable because I don't have an older sister... Heh

Because she was usually a little tired from taking care of me too much.

Of course, that doesn't mean that noona is a nuisance, but it was also cool because she felt like she was liberated.

But still, I still wanted to see my sister. I often thought of her face and missed her warm embrace.

In particular, she was an older sister who hugged me tightly and was by my side when I was sad or having a hard time...

Every time I had a hard time, I would think of such an older sister more.

I'm going to see that older sister now.

No one will know how excited and excited I am right now.

I kept in touch through phone calls and video calls, but I hadn't seen them in person.

If we meet, I'm a little worried that we might feel awkward with each other.

It doesn't matter much. It's natural to feel awkward since we haven't seen each other in a long time.

If you stay together, the awkwardness will disappear and you will be able to be close again like before.

Thinking about this and that, I am waiting for my older sister at the airport.

Originally, it would have been nice to have her mother come along, but after she entered college, her mother also started working again.

Unfortunately, my mother's company is busy right now, so she said she couldn't bear to come.

So she was waiting for her sister by herself.

A flight from New York to Korea has just arrived at the airport.-

The phrase appeared on the light board.

"Wow...He came..!!"

Unbeknownst to me, my inner thoughts came out of my mouth.

It was the moment she had been waiting for.

I'm meeting the older sister I've been wanting to see so much.

Maybe my heart is beating thump without even realizing it.

So I quickly got up and hurried to the waiting area.

I wanted to meet my sister as soon as possible, so I stood at the front and waited for her.

People were coming out one by one.

I heard that it takes 15 hours to get to Korea, so people's expressions were quite tired.

It's been 7 years.

In the meantime, we kept exchanging regards, but since it's been 7 years since we've actually seen each other, we can't recognize each other.

My sister has changed a lot, and I have changed a lot since then.

Moreover, she must be exhausted from the long flight, so I have to be more alert and find my sister.

Um... But no matter how long I wait, I can't see my sister.

I was watching each and every one of the people who came out, but I couldn't see the older sister in my memory.

Did I miss something?

I looked straight ahead, but I might have missed it without even realizing it.

The last time I saw my sister was before I went to middle school, so I might not be able to recognize her changed appearance.

And to be honest, I also find her face a bit blurry.

Is there still such a thing as a feeling?

They are from the same family and are brother and sister, but I believe they will recognize each other somehow.

At that time, the atmosphere at the airport changed in an instant.

The eyes of the people at the airport suddenly began to focus on one place, and at the same time, exclamations were bursting out here and there.


"Oh my god..."

"Are you a celebrity...?"

"I've never seen one before, isn't that a model?"

Everyone was making bewitched expressions as if they had seen something great, and I, like them, naturally turned my head in that direction.

And why people reacted like that, I could understand at once.

A woman with wavy light brown hair that came down to her back.

Clear eyes, long eyelashes, and black pearl-like eyes in between were clearly shining.

Her haughty yet charismatic beauty was so beautiful that it was difficult for even most celebrities to follow.

Her glamorous and elegant body was more overwhelming than any other models.

In particular, he had a fantastic proportion with a height close to 180, and the long brown coat he was wearing suited him so well.

Wouldn't the word Gyeonggukji color be used for her?

The blond-haired foreigner next to her was also very beautiful, but not compared to her.

She has never dated a girl in her life, but she has seen several girls on television or at school festivals.

And the woman in front of me was by far the best among the women I had ever seen.

Ah... For a moment, I lost my mind without realizing it.

My priority is to find my sister, but thinking about something else... She might have just passed by while I was looking away.

That's why she was looking here and there at her older sister, who might have passed by.

"Did you erase it?"

Then someone called my name.


"Jiwoo, right? Erase it?"

He has matured a bit, but he definitely has some of his old voice mixed in.

"You have grown so much, sister. Gia's older sister. I remember?"

A voice filled with sorrow and joy.

And then he hugged me

She was the very beautiful woman I had seen earlier.