
Chapter Eight

I yawned stretching my limbs. I sat up with a straight face. I still have to go to hell don't I? I mean... "School". I was feeling lazy, so skinny jeans and a hoodie it is for today. I tied up my combat boots and heard the sound of my mother's voice in the kitchen.

"I know... Yes! Can you believe it? She's skipping school... I don't know what I am going to do with her..." She said.

I sighed. Yep. Out the window it is. I pulled back my blinds and slid open the glass. The morning air was rateher cool for our area. I shook my head and leaped out.

The impact was horrible. I groaned and rolled on my side. That is going to bruise... Picking my body up weakly I made my way over to the shed where my baby was. I straddled the bike and let the engine roar back to life. Gosh, I will never take that sound for granted. I hurried to roll it down the drive way. I was almost at the road's edge when I saw my mother running down the driveway.

Nope. Not today. I hit the gas and sped kicking up the gravel. I'll most likely end up hearing all about what was wrong with me later when I returned. I knew I would return. Hell, not like I had anywhere else to go. I had to remind myself also that I needed to go buy a new helmet. I completely messed up my other one. I sped up. The air was nice as it rolled passed me as if to blow away my thoughts and clouded mind. Sadly, before I knew it, I was entering the parking lot.

I pulled into a parking space and sighed when I saw a familiar car pull in. I had to admit that I hated the people who owned the car, but damn... That was a nice car. If I stole it though they would probably know it was me. I watched as they all piled out of the car and walked into the building. Arick stole a glance at me and I gave him the bird.

"You wish!" He yelled back.

Fucking bitch. I looked up at the sky as it gently started to rain. Not enough to make my drenched, but I liked how it covered me. Sighing I flung my bookbag strap over my shoulder and onto my back as I walked into the hell hole- I mean gracious education facility.

I walked to my locker to dumb all my books since I wasn't going to class anytime soon. Here I come...sweet detention. I sighed again closing my locker and was face to face with Karina. She had a small bruise on her cheek and her right eye was puffy. I smirked.

"No makeup today?" I asked.

"Stupid bitch, are you calling me ugly?" She snaps.

I noticed the rest of their group just watching. Arick was no where to be found. Figures. He is probably the only one who keeps these animals in check. I smirked and stepped forwards. I stared her right in her eyes before speaking.

"I'm not saying you are ugly... no no no...I'm just saying you could go to the vet and nobody would ask a damn question." I said.

She looked at me growling and I step back with an innocent look on my face. I help up my hands in a surrending like motion.

"Calm down now... I would never pick a fight with an ugly person...because I know they have absolutely nothing to lose." I said.

That's when she lunged at me. I couldn't duck in time and I felt my cheek burn. I cupped my cheek as Jack and Rex grab Karina from behind and yank her away from me. I looked at my hand and gasped at the pool of blood in my hand. I felt someone grab me and pulled me away from the group. I looked up and saw Arick.

"Sorry pekon..." He said.

I couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes. I heard Karina growl and I heard Arick click his tongue in fustration. Before I knew what was happening I was thrown over Arick's shoulder and was being carried down the hall and outside.

"Where are we going? Ugh! Put me down damnit!" I yelled.

He stopped and I set me down. I looked around and saw Karina as well as the others racing towards us. Arick straddled my bike and shoved me onto the back. He reached into my back pocket and pulled out the keys. He started my bike and he tore into the road quickly.

I had to hurry to wrap my arms around his waist so I didn't fall off the back. The speed that he was going made me clinng to him closer. His muscles were tense. I couldn't tell if he was scared, or if he was just really pissed off.

"Where are you taking me?!" I asked over the roar of the engine.

"Somewhere safe! Ain't goan to let them hurt you!" He said to me.

I didn't know how to respond to that. So I simply kept my arms around him and placed my head on his broad back. It was surpisingly warm. Eventually I drifted off into a peaceful sleep...