

Kimberly P. O. V

I was in a daze when I woke up, I saw I was in a room laying on a mattress with white sheets . The walls of the room were white. There was no window, only one door. There was no furniture. I did not know what the place was and who brought me here. I did not remember anything. I only remember that I was yelling at my father before I passed out.

Jonathan, it must be his doing.

I bobbled towards the door, my head was dizzy and vision was blurry but I somehow managed to reach the door and found out that it was locked. I twisted the knob once ,twice, thrice but of no use. So I gave up. I went back to the bed and sat down and was in deep thoughts of how to get out of this trap.

I heard footsteps from outside. I pretend to be unconscious. My migraine started becoming worse. My body was aching very badly. Every bone of my body was giving me pain. I did not know what was happening to me. My breath became shallow. I was having a panic attack. I tried to concentrate on my breath to calm myself down. Tears were rolling down my eyes. It has been seven years since I had such a bad panic attack. I started to calm down and pretend to be sleeping.

The door of the room burst open. I opened my eyes a little and saw Jonathan, my father and a woman standing by the foot of my mattress.

The woman had the palest skin that I had ever seen. Her skin was so pale that all Her nerves could be seen. Her eyes were a very light shade of foster green. Her nose was pointed , she had thin lips and eyebrows. She had long light brown hair with green highlights. She was thin and was about five feet three wearing a long black dress. She had a worn out bag on her shoulder and a few books in her hand. There was an infinity symbol on her hand,it means she was a witch.

"Did you bring everything I asked for? " the witch in a shrill voice asked Jonathan.

Jonathan only nodded his head.

She placed the books and bag on the floor and turned towards Jonathan.

" Bring the candles and a silver dagger. Take this collar and chains and put on this silver collar on her neck and chain her hands with the wall".

Jonathan turned to my father and said " Bring all the things she asked for".Then he came to me and put the silver collar around my neck. It was stinging badly but I tried to keep quiet but I could not when he chained my hands. My body jerked forward and I cried out in pain. The pain in my body was intensifying.

"You are awake".

They set the candles around my bed then backed off. I did not know what was going to happen to me. The witch said something and all the candles lit up. She sat in front of the mattress and started chanting spells. I pulled the chains to get myself free but it became more tight.

"Ah h leave me . Let me go.What are you going to do with me?Dad ,why are you with them? You are going to be with them who killed your wife? If mom is still alive she would have been very disappointed by you".

But my father just turned his face. That day I got to see which side my father chose. I made a vow that if I survived then this will be the last time he will see me.

"Then it's good that she is dead" .

I tightly shut my eyes because of the pain but it started getting worse. I opened my eyes slightly and saw that a ray of flames coming out from each candle formed a circle above my body and between the circle there was a star symbol, everything was made of flame.

I tried to angle my body to see what was happening. I saw that the witch was sitting in front of my mattress with a bowl of black liquid, and books were opened in front of her. A silver dagger was kept on her left. She was chanting spells in a weird language ,I did not know.

"What are you going to do to me? Let me go. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

" Please let me go".The pain was too much to control. I felt like my bones were snapping, my skin was crawling and my spine was bending. I suddenly remembered that I was about to shift tonight. It was my first shift as I would be sixteen after midnight.

"To answer your question, we are going to kill your wolf. No family member of mine will be a wolf though how much I despise you for who you are and for what your mother was".

Tears were rolling down my eyes. Being a werewolf was the last thing that connected to my mother .I could not let it go so easily without a fight.

I turned to my father for help.

"Dad please save me, it is the last thing that connects me to my mom. This monster destroyed our lives before. Don't let him destroy us again. Please dad please save me. Mom would want you to save me please".

Dad saw me, sadness was written all over his face. He came forward to save me but Jonathan turned to look at him. He stopped in his track ,balled his fist and backed away, guilt and sadness was written all over his face. He schooled his expression quickly into a stone faced expression, turned around and left. My last hope was taken away with him. I promised myself that I would never see or speak to him again.

Suddenly my bones start cracking, I let out a loud scream of pain and agony . My skin started crawling and was covered by brown fur. My face started extending. My spin bends and my hand changes into paws and nails into claws. My teeth extended into sharp and long pointed canines. When I completely changed I let out a powerful bark like a werewolf. My clothes torn into pieces.The chains snapped due to my strength and it broke but the silver collar didn't. The pain in my body increased by a hundredth time because now I have gained my wolf. I was shifting back and forth in my human form and wolf form.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh please stop this please ".

I tried to run towards the door but something grabbed me by my throat and lifted me in the air and brought me below the flame symbol. My migraine intensifies. It was as if someone was breaking my skull. The grip of my neck was so tight that I was not able to breath. I grabbed my throat to release myself from the hold but was of no use.

Blood started coming out of my nose. I started coughing blood . The witch stands up with the bowl with black liquid and the dagger in her hands. She came and stood in front of me.The choke hold disappeared .She placed the bowl near my feet and took my hand forcefully . She cut my palm.I squeezed my eyes in pain then opened it and saw blood start flowing down my fingers into the bowl . But the strange thing was the blood was not mixing with the black liquid instead it was floating above it in a red circle. The witch picked the bowl and placed the tip of the dagger and started moving it in circles on the blood while chanting spells. The black liquid and my blood mixed by the end of the spell. She closed her eyes and lifted the bowl in the air with both her hands and said in a foreign language.

Black smokes covered above the bowl and the content of the bowl disappeared. As soon as it finished a shock of pain passed through my body it forced me to shift in my wolf form. I fell on the floor .I barked out in pain. The witch lifted me by my throat while chanting spells and stabbed me in the heart. I howled in agony and pain. I felt something broken in me. I know what it is . It was my wolf bond, they killed my wolf. It forced me to shift in my human form. I vomited blood . My breath turned short, my vision started to blur and I soon passed out on the floor. I last saw the witch before closing my eyes ,standing above me