

During the Dark Era, there stood a man, no, a Monster at the top of this universe. He had many names, but the most prominent one was "The Dark Emperor". For mortals, he was a God, for the Ascended, he was a Monster. *** After Jade Xan, an orphan, gets a system, that makes him Level Up, and each Level Up makes him stronger, he swears to become a successful person, so that he could provide a better life to his sister. The Secret Society of Oriental Martial Artists, awaits this young man, who holds the greatest inheritance one could ever dream of! Some are envious of him, Some are scared, but, Most want him dead! *** [System has levelled up] "So, after you took away all of my hard work, what do I get?" Jade said Suddenly, he had a headache, and his consciousness got teleported to that White Room in his mind A menacing figure stood in front of him "Who are you?" Jade asked "I am your ancestor kid, the strongest God of All Time, name is Ajagara, the Snake Emperor" *** Author's Note: Not your everyday cultivation-system novel, this one is ACTUALLY DIFFERENT More than Cultivation, it's Martial Arts, it's Blood pumping Thrilling Martial Arts. The story contains elements of Urban Xianxia/Wuxia, along with the Korean LitRPG vibe. Mild chase the heroin from a big clan shenanigans, and a lot of face slapping. P.S. I respect every religion, and it's folklore, mythologies and the tales of it's past. Take everything related to religion in this story with a grain of salt. I will integrate actual folk tales and mythologies, with stories I have made on my own. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM, WHATSOEVER WITH MY WAY OF SHOWING MYTHOLOGIES AND FOLKTALES, PLEASE DISCORD ME, I WILL CHANGE OR REMOVE THAT PART OF THE STORY. A few stories from some specific cultures won't be used, as they might result in my death, so yeah. Hope you enjoy this novel. Thanks! *** I do not own the cover, if you have any issues, please mail me at - saiyanganu@gmail.com My discord - ganu #7657 And yes I love Valorant

Ganu · Urban
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3 Chs

Gas Station (I)

Jade panted, he was sweating heavily. His vision was blurry, yet the images in his head were clear as water. "That was a weird dream" He murmured as he wiped off the sweat on his face

The teen sat on a bed in the infirmary, the room was very bright as the sunlight directly poured into it

Jade looked at the clock in the room, and learned that it had been about half an hour since Ms June urgently left

He then, wore his shoes and walked out of the room

Before leaving, he caught a glimpse of the book Ms June was reading earlier, he gulped when he saw the book, but left the room without overthinking any further


School had ended, and Jade was now walking towards his home. His home was about 3 kilometres away from the school, normally Jade would take the bus, so that after freshening up at home, he could go to his part-time job, but he had a day-off today, therefore he was walking, so that he could save up some extra bucks.

After about thirty minutes, the boy reached his home. Jade's home was a small, two storey house, which looked like it would collapse any moment. The building looked ancient as compared to the houses in the area.

Jade opened the locked main door, and entered the house. He went straight to the stairs, and started climbing them. With each step, came a squeaking sound from the stairs, which desperately needed some repair.

He entered one of the 2 rooms on this floor. "I am gonna complete all of my assignments today!" He told himself

He kept his bag on the single bed in the room, and changed his clothes. Jade then went downstairs to eat some food, which was usually bread with some kind of spread.

Once he finally sat on the kitchen counter with a peanut butter sandwich, his cell phone started ringing. Jade had one of those old school flip phones, and even that was in not in a very good shape, cracked screen and buttons which only worked on pressing them at least a few times, Jade wanted a cool, new smartphone, but his financial conditions did not let him have this luxury.

He quickly picked up the phone after he finished the bite that was in his mouth, "Hello?"

"What? Now?" Jade said with shock and displeasure in his voice, "Okay, but you better compensate for it later"

One of Jade's co-worker had asked him to switch shifts, so, now his plans to complete those assignments had gone down the drain

After he quickly finished his sandwich, Jade quickly dialled another number, "Hey, granny" he said

"Yeah, I am going to the gas station today as well"

"Umm, Dave asked me if I could switch shifts with him, he had something urgent to do"

"Yeah okay, see ya" Jade said before ending the call


Jade was clad in a green shirt, with the logo of the gas station franchise he worked for, "Alan Gallon", a grey jacket to cover up his uniform while he commuted to his workplace, and blue jeans.

He was currently walking towards the gas station which was about a kilometre away from his home, and this station was just at the end of the city. The road on which this station was located on, lead straight to the most well known city in the world, the city of millionaires, New York City, NYC. It was Jade's dream to be able to afford a life in a city such as NYC.

In about 10 minutes, Jade had reached his destination. He walked in the convenience store situated in the gas station. There was a blonde girl standing behind the counter, wearing the same green shirt Jade wore. The girl was engrossed in her smartphone

"Hi Cathy" Jade said, as he walked towards the storeroom of this store, he wanted to hang his jacket there.

"Hey" The girl named Cathy replied while still looking at her phone

After hanging the jacket, he went towards the counter and said, "Do you want to check the stock, or should I do that?"

"I am fine here" She replied

"Ok" Jade nodded

This was something the boy had already predicted, he was not disappointed, but instead very happy, now he could avoid those moronic customers, and just mind his own business.

Jade then went back to the storeroom, with a few papers in his hands, he started counting the boxes, and checking the expiry dates and the quality of the object kept in those boxes.

About an hour later, Jade finally came out of the storeroom, his hand were filled with packets of chips which he had to place in the chips' isle, which was located in the corner of the convenience store

The boy squatted down as he removed expired products, and placed fresh products on the isle. The door of the convenience store opened, and came a loud, rough voice, "Hands Up!"

His eyebrows knitted in confusion when he heard these words, and without taking too much time, he sneakily snuck a glance at the cash register.

Seeing what he saw made his mouth and eyes wide open.

Two men, who were armed with weapons, stood in front of the cashier, demanding for money. Both wore black monkey caps hiding their faces, one man was equipped with a Glock pistol, while the other held a tactical military grade knife.

Jade quickly went back to the corner after learning what was going on. The first thing he did was, was that he searched for his phone in the pockets of his jeans so that he could dial 911. At that moment, it struck to him that he had left his phone in the storeroom to charge it.

"Fuck" He cursed in his mind

"What should I do now?" He thought

Suddenly, he noticed that the door to the storeroom, it wasn't locked, so if he could quietly enter it, then maybe he could call for help "Maybe, I could crawl my way towards the storeroom"

He then started to crawl, the door was not even in the line of sight of the thugs, but still, one needed bravery to do this, to quietly crawl 4-5 meters, while there are armed men ready to kill you as soon as you are spotted.

Jade had nearly reached the door, when suddenly a blue light glimmered in front of him, and a blue, holographic screen appeared in front of him

[Quest Completed : Travel 5km in a day]

[20 EXP Gained]

[Level Up!]

[Your Current Level is 1]

[You now have 3 stat points]

Seeing this screen all of a sudden, shocked the shit out of Jade, as he swerved leftwards, bumping his head into an isle, and ending up knocking down some canned food. The sound created by this event, alerted the intruders, as the man with the pistol in his hands pointed his gun towards that direction, and shouted, "Who the fuck is there!"

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