

“I am sorry. I am really sorry I am in a hurry,” she apologized when she crashed into a human-wall in her clumsiness. “It’s fine,” he said and turned his heels around to leave the place, but her meek yet hesitant voice made him stop in his tracks. “Hmm… Can you tell me where is freshers hall?” she asked lowering her head as she clutched her shoulder straps tightly while looking at him with her small almond eyes making his heart skip a beat. “Follow me,” he said she nodded. Soon they reached the freshers' hall. Giving a small smile to him, she went to an empty seat and settled there, while he went to the boys’ side and sat in his seat. But unknown to her, the eyes of a certain person remained on her whole time. He watched her every action which amused him. She is clumsy, stupid yet she looked cute. Her actions caught his eye as she stole his heart but only to be broken. —-------- “Pritam, You have to help me in finding his feelings towards me,” Shristi requested him, making his heart bleed in pain and agony. Gulping the lump that formed in his throat, he said, “I will,” “Thank you. Ok bye. It’s getting late,” she said and left. Breaking his heart into million pieces. Indeed, it’s late for him. If he said his feelings earlier, if he was close to her, if he was outspoken with her, maybe he would be the whom she loved. But it’s already late. In the game of time and fate, would she recognize his love? If she does, would there be any obstacles? Can their love meet the skies? To know the answers read the story of Pritam Gupta along with his clumsy beauty Shirsti Sharma.

SHIVASHANKAR · realistisch
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22 Chs


When Kaveri asked for the plan, I immediately thought of Pritam as the only guy who could pull it out.

I then asked Pritam if he was fine with it.

"Is it worth it?" Pritam approached me and inquired.

"It's worth it; this isn't for you, by the way, but I suppose it may be extremely valuable to your younger sister," I said Pritam.

"Yes, but I don't think stealing is a smart idea," he added.

"Okay, then. I'm not going to force you if you're not ready "I added.

Following that conversation, we all dropped the plan due to the risk involved and did not think it was a good idea.

We all went home to be with our families.

My father also wanted to hold a party for my brother's birthday that week.

Pritam was advised not to be concerned about it too much.

Pritam also informed me that his parents expected a lot from him, including that he would take care of his family.

He also told me that because of that incident, all of their expectations were dashed, and he regrets it.

My mother appeared to be overjoyed that my brother would be returning home after several days at boarding school.

Krunal and my father are organizing and compiling the guest list for my brother's birthday celebration.

Meanwhile, Krunal approached me after work and inquired, "Hello there, Shristi. Are you all right?" Kurnal inquired.

"Hey, yeah, I'm fine; how's everything?" I inquired.

"Do you mean arrangements?" he inquired.

"No, it's about your health," I explained.

"Well, everything is for your brother's birthday celebration, and I'm well as well," he said.

"May I have a copy of the guest list?" I inquired.

Then he handed it to me and said, "Sure, take it, and you can add your friends' names to that."

I took Kaveri's name and added it to the guest list.

Then I gave it to the krunal.

After seeing it, he asked, "Only one?"

"Yeah, I don't have many friends," I replied as I stepped away from him.

I went to campus, as usual, the next morning.

Someone comes in with an announcement when everyone is focused on the class.

"Is Pritam Kumar there?" inquired the announcer.

"Yes, I'm here," Pritam said.

Everyone was shocked that Pritam had taken action.

"Director sir has requested that you meet him in his office," the announcer stated as he exited the classroom.

Pritam responded, "OK," and walked out of the classroom. The class then continued.

Pritam arrived a few minutes later with a letter, which he displayed to the professor.

The professor then gave Pritam a pitied look and let him leave the class.

I was concerned for him since I didn't know what was going on. Then he exited the classroom with his belongings.

Kaveri and Arun both looked at me as though I had done something wrong.

I kept thinking about what had gone wrong, but I didn't get anywhere, so I waited till the class was over.

After class, I called Pritam to find out what had happened.

"Pritam, what occurred, and where were you?" I inquired.

"Don't worry, it's not about you," he replied as he hung up the phone.

Then I became perplexed and inquired about his location, but he hung up the phone without answering anything.

I walked to the canteen with Kaveri after being perplexed, but Arun was also looking for him.

Arun found him under a tree in the college's backyard and notified us.

Then I went to the location with some snacks for Pritam.

Pritam appeared concerned and frightened.

Three of us were begging Pratim to explain what had occurred, but he stayed silent for some time.

Then we all decided to sit with him until he could speak on his own.

It's becoming dark outside, and Krunal has arrived to take me home. That left me with no option. Then I walked away.

As far as I know, Kaveri also left after a while, and Arun remained with him.

Kaveri contacted me that night while I was at home with my family to tell me what had happened.

"Hey, Shristi, do you have some free time?" Kaveri enquired.

"Yes, I'm free." "Tell me what it is, please," "I said.

"It's all about Pritam. According to Arun, Pritam was dismissed from school for a week for being a bad influence "she stated.

"What? Are you really real?" "How could they do it without knowing the facts?" I inquired.

"I don't know the rest, Shristi; this is what Arun told me," she explained.

"OK, thank you for informing me of that," I said.

"Anytime, my girl. See you in class tomorrow, "she added as she hung up the phone.

After hearing it, I was shocked and texted Pritam.

'Hello, Pritam," I texted, "I've heard what occurred, and I'm going to fight for it tomorrow with the director."

"Could you kindly do me a favor and do nothing?" I already have enough difficulties; please don't add to them," he responded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you," I apologized through Messaging.

"Shristi, just promise me you won't do anything stupid like go to the director's office," he said.

"But, Pritam, it's unjust, and I need to know why," I said.

"Just promise me, Shristi, or I won't speak to you again," he said.

Then I made a promise, and our chat came to an end.

I was thinking that everyone's life on this planet goes through such a phase, or that it was just my life.

I'm not sure what God had in mind when He brought Pritam into my life.

I believe God is trying to teach me about love and emotions through this era.

I was moaning to God about what happened to the pritam the entire time, and I was quite curious about why the pritam was expelled so fast.

All I can hear and see around me is happiness, but not within me.

My mother took me aside and inquired when she observed I was acting pleased.

"Is everything all right, child?" my mother inquired.

"I'm OK. Why do you ask such a question, Mom?" I said.

"Nothing you seemed unhappy my child".

"Your brother is coming tomorrow, and we're going shopping after you get back from college," my mother remarked.