
Sin of Sloth Reincarnation

A young man led his life full of laziness. He would procrastinate on school work, would lazily ignore friends, and even was lazy enough to procrastinate his mother's funeral. This didn't even change at his own death, not to his surprise, he was the living embodiment of Sloth. Current World: Solo Leveling 1st world - Solo Leveling 2nd world - One Piece 3rd world - Tensura

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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Jeju Island

A few hours after becoming an official S-rank, I was asked to meet the president in person. I knew what he was going to ask me and I was planning to say yes anyway. I walked out of the elevator doors and into Go Gunhee's office and saw that Jinwoo was here too.

"Ah, Hunter Natae, you've arrived as well," Gunhee said in a respectful tone and placed his hand on Jinwoo's shoulder, "This is Korea's 10th S-Rank, Sung Jinwoo," I shook Jinwoo's hand and introduced myself, "I'm Natae, Korea's 11-th S-Rank, it's very nice to meet you."

Jinwoo gave me a slight smile, "It's nice to meet you as well, you're a very interesting person," I laughed, "Yes, I get that a lot, probably due to my age and origins, I mean who can believe some old guy just wakes up and becomes an S-Rank right?" I laughed again but no one was laughing, I coughed in embarrassment and let Gunhee speak.

"I've called you both in here today to ask if you know about the upcoming raid on Jeju Island," I nodded, "Yeah I've heard of it, and sure I'm in!" I flashed my teeth in a smile which surprise Gunhee.

"Are you sure? I'm not complaining of course, we need as much help as possible, but you didn't even give it some consideration, have you no value for your life?" I shrugged at his question, "I've been alive for a long time, (although I was sleep for most of it), if I die now then it's only destined that I was to die there," I said and Gunhee nodded.

"And you Hunter Sung Jinwoo?" He asked but Jinwoo was distracted by something, clearly the high magical presence coming from the gym, "Ah, you must have sensed them, although from this distance even I have a hard time reading them," Gunhee said with a laugh.

"Them?" Jinwoo said, "Yes, the other S-Rankers who will be participating in this raid, for a total of 17, including Hunter Natae. Would you like to meet them?" He asked us both and I could feel my blood heat up in excitement, not only will I get a chance to meet some of the world's strongest, but I will also be able to see how I rank amongst them.

Currently, I would say Jinwoo is around level 50, which is 8 levels higher than mine, making him significantly stronger than me. Knowing he'll probably level up soon as well, I have to constantly get stronger, I don't want to be overshadowed by him. Jinwoo and I nodded at his question and we walked out of the office and soon made our way to a giant blue building.

Now that I was closer I could feel the overwhelming magical pressure coming from inside. I couldn't help but let out a grin as we walked in and I watched as Yoonho and Dongwook sparred. There spar finished and I scouted out the S-Ranks in the building. Out of all of them I would put myself at second strongest behind Jinwoo.

I could feel the countless eyes on me as I was the new S-Rank, of course they would be curious. After the spar between the two A-Ranks (totally forgot their names), the proposed spar between Korea and Japan was beginning.

"Who should we pick between Dongwook and Hunter Natae?" Yoonho asked Cha Hae-In , but Dongwook answered it himself, "Let the newbie join, I'm sure we're all curious about his fighting ability, this also gives us room to learn about his fighting style," Yoonho and Hae-In nodded and I soon jumped down from the balcony, landing in a crash.

"Eehehe, oops," I rubbed my head in embarrassment, sure was doing a lot of embarrassing shit today. I noticed my team members looking at me and I bowed in greeting, "Hello, I'm Natae, the 2,500 year old man, but I'm not an old man as you can see by my youthful appearance so please treat me as someone around your age, and not an old man please!" I really don't wanna get called old man, I swear if I hear that I might just snap.

Yoonho laughed and slapped my back, "Don't worry, we're all pretty old anyway," Yoonho was quickly pinched on his side by Hae-In whose face was in a pout, "I am not old!"

I laughed at their antics but it faded as the fight was about to begin. I could feel my mana grow excited and it was leaking out of my body. The fight began and Kenzo, a big muscular guy, came and attacked me.


I ducked under one of his punches and I could've easily ended the fight by grabbing his wrist or touching his back, but why would I do that? I used [Reinforcement] on my fist and hit Kenzo pretty hard in the stomach, sending him flying into a nearby wall and knocking him out.

Was he really that weak? I didn't even use a [Lazy Punch], that was just a regular ol' attack. I could see the shocked looks from the Japanese team along with my own team.

"Uhh, my bad, I used too much strength..." I nervously laughed and the fighting continued as canon. Despite this, the Korean team somehow still lost, probably due to me being careless and getting my wrist grabbed by the orange haired dude.

I sighed and watched as Goto and Jinwoo were about to spar. Once their fight began, I could easily track Goto's attacks and could proudly say I could beat him with relative ease, I'd say he's around level 40-45. Goto and Jinwoo sparred but it was stopped by their respective team members, much to my dismay, I really wanted to see some ass kicking!

Anyways, after the spar I just decided to leave, I needed to prepare for the raid and by prepare I mean by some form of armor. I walked around for a while until I found a decent armor shop, I looked through the shop and I found a large black cloak that I liked.

It was priced at 12 million won (10,000 USD), which almost made my eyes roll out of my head. I paid the clerk and immediately put it on. I was going to buy a sword as well but I don't know how to use one and I couldn't possibly learn how to in four days. Besides, the sword I wanted was like 65 million won (50,000 USD), I didn't have that in cash...

Maybe I should go to the bank and make an account and stop being an old man. Oh lord, I called myself old. I shook my head out of my mental ramblings and walked back to my tree, well, the tree I've been sleeping in for the past three days, so my tree. I decided to sleep for the remaining amount of days, because why the hell not?


[4 Days Later]

I was currently in a helicopter with the Korean raid team, it was safe to say if the Ant King didn't exist this raid would be easy, I can see why Jinwoo wouldn't join if he thought nothing was going to happen.

"Hunter Natae, are you sure you don't need to wear armor? I don't think that cloak is going to protect you much," Choi Jong-In said with a bit of concern, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. To be honest, I bought this cloak like four days ago, I usually raid dungeons without needing any armor anyway..." The eyes of the Korean team widened in shock, "Seriously?!" Yoonho yelled and I nodded.

All the armor I needed was with [Reinforcement], I only bought the cloak as a fail-safe, as I know I'll probably be fighting the Ant King alone, and would rather have something for him to go through.

They asked me a few questions but those stopped as we felt the large magical signature coming from the island. My smile widened, "Looks like the fun is starting!"