

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasie
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30 Chs


Eldar dodged the lunge and brought his sword down against the back of Flannings neck and effectively decapitated the man except for the skin on his throat holding it together. Eldar left him sprawled out on the ground as he sprinted towards camp.

He only had a few low-level spells left at that point. "Mortana!" and missiles went flying into Snakes back. He saw that Stiff was on the ground already as he became a big target for 2 archers to take down quickly once Eldar called out necromancer. Cook put the final strike on Snake and of the 12 'enemies' on the field 9 were standing.

Eldar yelled out, "If you were 'a stiff,' they were going to kill you! Protect yourselves but stay out of our way!"

Now the field had narrowed to 7 hopefully. He couldn't see too much of the battle on the other side of the camp. He got closer and selected a new target, "Mortana" and missiles went flying into his back and Skinner came up with a lethal strike and another fell. Eldar saw 2 arrows fly across the camp and another was injured.

He glanced over to Charlemagne as she dropped her opponent. He could not tell who it was but the field had narrowed. It looked like they were at 6 against 6, as the 2 observing combatants were still an unknown at this point. Eldar slid between 2 of the bound horses and flipped over the back of Flanning mount. At this point, Weasel and 2 of the forgettable ones were still standing.

Oh yes, Sir 'Slice' and Sir 'Dice'. The 'throat cutters' called out in the message. They had started at the rear but were now in the thick of battle and surrounded after Eldar's maneuver. Doc got one held and it was 'Slice' that fell to Charlemagne's rapiers.

Eldar moved his sword back to his left hand and went to disarm Sir Dice and while he went to knock the weapon out of his hand, Eldar ended up severing his hand from the arm, same results. He started screaming. Weasel threw down his weapons and surrendered.

Eldar moved over to Charlemagne, "The two Stiff's were brought along as expendable future zombies for that necromancer."

They turned white and Charlemagne told them, "Sheath those things before you hurt yourselves."

Doc was headed to Strong-arm who was hurt and on the ground. Charlemagne took charge, "Eldar grab a horse and pull that scumbags corpse over and don't leave anything behind but don't touch it either."

Hunter and Eagle-eye started lining up the close ones. Skinner searched their 2 guests and then helped to tie up the prisoners. Eagle-eye grabbed a couple of blankets and tossed anything of interest onto them. That gives Doc and Tranosa time to heal the more serious injuries with Cook's aid. Fireball started to look over what was mundane, what was magical, and separated it.

Charlemagne snapped, "When Eldar gets back I will have him help you."

Eldar rode Flannings horse out to his corpse.

He got to the corpse and already determined his armor and sword were magical and he carefully worked his sword onto the corpse's back using his own sword. He tied the feet of the corpse with the rope and started pulling it back to camp and noticed the head tore off from the rest of the body as he tried to pull him away. He left the guy's head behind but first, he checked that nothing magical was on his head. He carved into his forehead and left his head in the middle of the road.

He got back on the horse and went back to camp. Charlemagne looked back and asked, "Where is his head?"

Eldar looked into her eyes, "It came off from my last blow, mostly. When I started dragging it ripped what little remained off. I carved a little message on it and set it in the middle of the road until we are ready to burn the bodies. The message was 'thief' by the way. Might get any bandits coming from that direction pause before trying to take us on until we are ready. You know we will lose a day, right?"

Charlemagne shook her head "Alright, kid what did you hear?"

He pulled her off to the side and dismounted. He sighed, "First, I am much older than you so please stop calling me kid. We have had sex after all."

Charlie chuckled and nodded, "Alright, now what did you hear."

Eldar continued, "He was using some kind of communication crystal with a Lord Barimus. Said they destroyed 2 other caravans and 'the objective' they were looking for was not there. They thought we had the item or items and they intended to slaughter us in our sleep.

Our ruse about my skills paid off as he even called me out as another 'stiff' to the other man and then added all 3 women to the list and THEN Fireball as another. The fact Doc and Tranosa were both not in full-plate dictated he thought it was the best time to attack. He felt we were at our weakest point."


Charlie knew there were 2 other decoys sent and the losses would be unwelcomed news to Jarron and the rest of the team. She also knew Eldar's observation skills and reading the tactical situation of the battlefield was no fluke. She wanted him even more but now worried about how much trouble they were in.


She looked concerned, "We can talk about this later but you are definitely on the payroll."

She gave Eldar a wink and headed back into the fray. Charlemagne shouted out, "Any magical items from the 'Stiffs' for gods' sake give us some names you 2."

Oliver and Wendall introduce themselves. "What are you carrying that is magical and what does it do?"

Oliver was the only one with any magical gear and it was only minor stuff.

She gave him his two items back. "I will give you the same speech I gave Eldar when he jumped onto my wagon. No pay! Travel and food to our destination which is the next village only for you 2. I know these guys probably promised you a small fortune for this trip. Hate to break it to you, they lied.

All the gold and silver will get divided equally among my team. You will also receive an equal share of that money. As to any magic items. Once my guys have gone over it, if there is anything I feel should be up for grabs, I will bring it. Starting with Wendall seeing how he does not have a pot to piss in. Fair enough."

They both nodded. "Good, you will be on guard duty for a while with Hunter and Eagle-eye. We will relieve you when we are ready but we got a lot of work to do here and we got some injured to tend to! I do not know how long that will take. Please let Doc know if you have any injuries that need attention...NOW move!"

Everyone ran around and got stuff together Doc checked everyone out. Eldar walked up to Hunter. He looks to Eldar, "Sorry kid, thanks for leaving me with your bow but one those guys snapped it in half when I was forced to block with it. I got mine restrung in a hurry as soon as that guy was down but your bow is a lost cause. It did help to have it ready for that damned necromancer."

Eldar looked at it, picked it up, and pulled the bowstring off, and threw the 2 pieces in the fire. He chuckled, "Horsetrader noticed I left it in my bunk and thought me the fool for doing it. If something had to die on our side tonight, I am glad it was just one stupid bow."

Hunter was at least a good 60-100 years older than Eldar at least and did not mind him calling him 'kid' so much because of that.

Eldar gave him a grin and walked away to help in the stripping and sorting.

Hunter sat there and thought, "The Kids got skills and knew how to watch our backs. He would be a great recruit if we can get Jarron to convince him and his father does not fuck it up."

Eldar counted no less than twenty magic items on this lot; they were loaded for bear. Someone paid them big to come and die.

He turned to Charlemagne, "This is a lot of gear to take down a simple trading caravan. Something else is going on. Do you know who that lord is?"

She looks at him, "No, I have not heard that name and you are right there is more going on."

She kept her voice low and even. "Hop into the back of my wagon. We can talk more there."

She called out to Skinner and Cook, "Take a couple of hours and go into the brush over there and bang your wife until she is screaming. If she is not screaming you are not doing it right!"

Those two rushed off with a blanket. "Eagle-eye you still with Fireball?"

She looked at her feet, "Sort of, I've been dividing my time between Fireball and Doc and they know about my thing for casters."

Then she winked at Eldar.

Charlemagne saw this and was jealous for the first time since her husband died, "Eagle-eye keep your eyes off Eldar. I've just started breaking him in and he has some serious staying power. Take Fireball and Doc to the back of the third wagon and let off some steam. I want to hear you guys screaming. Tranosa, relieve Eagle-eye from guard duty now that you are standing and armored.

I'll be in my wagon with Eldar trying to out scream over all of you, and while we just finished a fight, I know he spars for hours at a time. He has the energy and stamina so the pressure is on."

She realized if any did not suspect those 2 were having sex, she just announced it. She realized Eldar had a hold on her heart and she could not deny that fact. Eldar still had a lot of questions but they could wait as he followed Charlie to the wagon.

As they entered, they began to hear Skinner scream out, "By the Gods your draining me dry we still have more time to spare."

Cook followed up with, "Don't worry! Now slide your tongue into my slit, you horny bastard!"

Eldar thought to himself, "Should I start counting? Screw it, I need to stay focused."

They climbed into the wagon. Eldar helped her get undressed and gently kissed her cuts as they went; thankfully there were few. Then she returns the favor and most of his were bruises thanks to his armor. They appear to be the only ones taking their time.

Fireball screamed out, "Sharia you have sucked out all the charges from my wand. Give me a minute to pray at the altar between your thighs while you work on rejuvenating Doc's staff."

Eagle-eye called out, "I'll do the same for Doc's staff just wish it did not take him so long to get out of his armor. He should have held off on putting it back on. I'll recharge it so he can visit that holy altar when you are done!"

Eldar whispered, "Charlemagne, how are you holding up are you really ready for this?"

She smirked, "Are you?"

Eldar fired back, "I'll make you a deal, if you bring me to 4 climaxes like the first time, I will scream that I love you on the last orgasm to the entire camp. While I am working with my stamina and energy you claim I have. You will count each orgasm I give you.

You will shout one for each of the 13 Elven deities with Seharina Moonbow being last. Beyond that, you shout and scream to everyone that you love me for every orgasm beyond that? You still up for it? I am gambling 14 to 4 and I will not be responsible if you cannot walk right away."

She looked at Eldar, "Alright, you cocky bastard. You are on. Let's see what you can do!"


Aerdrie Faenya smiled at the Lady of Dreams, "This is just too good to pass up. Your Grand Cleric?"

The Lady of Dreams smiled, "Yes, and yours as well I see this coming tonight."


That is when thet heard Doc screaming, "Your mouth is truly blessed, I look forward to visiting your alter."

Followed by Cook, "Oh by the GODS! Keep going now and fuck me you stud!"


Erevan Ilesere, chuckled at Rillifane Rallathil, "Cook carries both of our Grand Clerics now. I just had to make an infertility potion fail for them. She carries a set of twins."

Rallathil nodded, "Those 2 were a good choice, and will cause all kinds of speculation when they learn of it all."

Corellon nodded, "Eldar is the champion I need. I just want to see how things go with the Knight and how he deals with that revelation. I will decide when he is on his way back, and not before. Reverence to all the Gods is good and his heart belongs to Charlemagne. Annette will be interesting to watch. Another hurdle. There are still a few hurdles to deal with."

Hanali Celanil smiled, "I foresee Annette falling for him. That means getting back to plural marriages. Something you have hinted about being done. You did not direct it to be removed thousands of years ago, Grand Clerics and Royals acting without our direct Guidance. Given the decline in our population, Aerdrie would agree it is time for that to end. For what is ahead, it would be a good idea."

Corellon nodded, "We will see. Annette's fertility is an issue unless he is my champion and you allow the Lady of Dreams to fix it, Aerdrie Faenya."

Aerdria Faenya smiled, "I will let her fix it regardless as well as a couple of others to show my commitment to this. Plural marriages will be needed to arrest the decline. Annette would have talented children as well. We can fix the physical, not the emotional scars. Eldar has to do that without our interference. Have you taken Heliar off your list?"

Corellon nodded, "Yes, he is the diplomat and has not been the best of fathers. He is too focused on Elara and not all of the people or the coming threats. He is held in a trap by the Dragon Council's politics as well. He will get direction in due time. Still a good and loyal follower, it comes down to his 2 sons, and one is the eldest that I hope will be right to fill that position.

Eldar should do much better overall. Elios would be the same, but he does not bridge the divide across species we have as Eldar would. The ways Tallion did in the 5th Age across races. This Barrimus concerns me, we don't know who he is or what he is. I sense the Chromatic Dragons are likely involved, but we have no insight."


Eldar told her, "Why don't you get on your knees and give me my first. Just to give you a fair head-start?"

She looks at Eldar and chuckled, "This was your bet remember. If you want to give me the head-start in the count then I will take it."

She dropped to her knees and sucks him in knowing they had limited time to have a chance at doing what he talked about. They had already burned 15 minutes talking. She went for the quick kill to get the first one out of the way. Just so he would last longer.

She swirled her tongue over the end of his cock as she grabbed it and began jerking it at the same time. Then she did something new to him. She rotates her head sideways and started licking the side and slowly turned to upright. She continues her efforts going up the other side then back down to the center.

She painted a grin on his cock with the end of her tongue being the brush. Then she took him deep, sucked harder, and moving her free hand to his sack. She barely touched it with her palm as she grazed the skin and hair in almost a tickling sensation.

His sack raised and he screamed, "Oh by the fucking gods, you got a talented tongue Charlemagne....ahhhgg!"

Next, they heard Sharia shout instructions, "Doc, stop and pray at the altar while Fireball breaches the hells of my nether-hole. For once I want you both inside me now! That's it. That's it!"

Fireball fired back, "The gates are open and we are taking the slow road to our destination. OH, GODS, we have hit the end of the journey but now it is the time to investigate this level of hell while Doc fully explores your shrine."

Eagle-eye screamed, "Oh gods this is so tight I'm cumming, keep going I may come again!"


Aerdria Faenya smiled but looked shocked, "She has twins! I did not set her for twins. Something from Eldar I am sensing. He is driving fertility up in those he is meeting!"

Corellon nodded, "Well, that is telling. Let it go. I consider it a good thing and when he has to deal with the King and Queen, he will likely force a change with her, her fertility is rather low. She will carry my Grand Cleric and her future Ruler. Giving her a chance to save the Royal Family.

She has twins' I could get him to leverage it. Odds are, what the Lady of Dreams says at Silent Falls will help to drive them to action without directing Eldar to take action. I am almost convinced, but we still have a few hurdles to deal with yet."


That was followed by the combined screams of Cook and Skinner coming together in an intelligible scream.

He got Charlemagne onto her back and dropped between her thighs and started licking all around her slick pussy while he twisted and released her nipples. He pulled one hand back and gave her a mischievous grin.

Then he started kissing, sucking, and flicked her clit with his tongue until she popped off, "Oh thank Corellon the king of gods. OH, GODS, what are you doing ah, ah, thank Aerdriaaaaa..." She gasped for breath. "OH, my GODS you're not stopping are you...oh thank Fenmarel..."

He held her in place as she tried to pull back with one hand. He had one arm pressed between her thigh and stomach while holding one of her arms. He used the other to push her knees forward and held on to the opposite leg to keep her from getting away.

"Thank you Deeeeeeeeppp! Oh my, oh thank Hanallllliiii! Oh god, oh god, I don't know how much more I can takeeee thank Labbbbellassss! Oh yes, yes, no, no, oh thank Narrrralllisss! Oh, gods, breath. Breath ohhhh thank Rilifaneeee."

Her voice trails off at this point as he moved back and she pulled away.

She screamed, "That is cheating! You didn't let one finish before the next began!"

He told her, "That was not in the rules!"


Erevan Ilesere laughed loudly as the other Elven Gods just chuckled.


She asks, "How many was that?"

He shouted, "Eight so far. Let's see how far my stamina takes us!"

She pounced on him and pushes him onto his back. He lifted her to sit on his stomach and kiss her passionately while her honey flowed onto his stomach.

She slid back to push her sex against his cock and took his shaft between her legs. She slid it in and started pumping until he pulled her up and aimed at her nether-hole and whispered to her, "The next one is to Eravan, the god of mischief."


Erevan Ilesere started rolling in laughter.


She laughed then relaxed and slowly drew him in until his shaft disappeared. Just like their first night, she collects the honey off of his stomach and coated the shaft.

She repeats the process and was careful, slow, and loving hands held her gently. Until she was satisfied that she could continue and she started moaning and he groaned. She flexed her muscles and it felt like a battle on who would cum first. Finally, she spouted out, "Thank you mischievous Eravan, you ass fucking bastard!"

Which sent Eldar over the edge, "But you love getting lubed by me, you oversexed wench!"


Erevan Ilesere started laughing louder and screamed out, "NOW THAT IS A LOYAL FOLLOWER OF MINE!"

The other Gods all laughed and nodded.


She pulled herself off and moves over to her chamber pot quickly and emptied the contents from her bowels. She then grabbed a washcloth and started cleaning Eldar up, she asks "what is the count? Nine to two."

He nodded and told her, "I'll let you go again to catch your breath. She knelt over and trapped his leg as she straddled it. He could still feel her leaking onto his shin while she pulled him back into her mouth.

She was unrelenting in her lust. Again, she went for the quick kill as a woman on a mission. He noticed the camp was strangely quiet. But her talented tongue with the assistance of a finger into his nether-hole got him shooting off for my third time.

He looked at her "We both have talented tongues! Oh, gods, you are good at tha...that!"

Eldar smiled at her after she pulled back and he moved to pounce on her," My turn again."

Charlie sighed, "Oh Gods, can I really do this?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Well we are going to find out now aren't we."

He rolled her onto her back and returned his tongue to her waiting hole. He cleaned up around her thighs and massage her breasts, slid his hands down her side and then over her buttocks. He brought his left arm to push her knees back and his right arm to hug her thighs against him again.