

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasie
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30 Chs

CHAPTER 20: Mind Fucked

<p>The next morning, they all packed up to leave. Bows at the ready with Charlemagne and Annette in the middle of the group. As they walked out, they saw the 2 dopes on a rope still in place. The bouncer smiled at them as they left in the early morning light.<br/><br/>They got to the wagons and Eldar looked at Hunter and Eagle-eye, "Can you two split the first days hunting by horseback? I will be driving the new lead wagon. Charlemagne and Annette need to have a heart-to-heart talk. All about us having to suddenly pull her out of home and town for protection and what plans can they make."<br/><br/>They both nodded.<br/><br/>He got Charlemagne alone for just a few seconds and whispered to her, "Does your sister know about the Knights, and will we be making that stop on the way back?"<br/><br/>She put her knuckles in her mouth, "No, and yes. This will be awkward."<br/><br/>He whispered again, "Any chance we can get her brought on as an operative at a business we have?"<br/><br/>She shrugged, "Possibly. Let us finish our talk today and I will know more."<br/><br/>He gave her a passionate kiss, "I love you and I will be thinking about you. Is Annette good with any weapons? We got the spare light crossbow plus anything she might have."<br/><br/>She nodded, "I'll ask if she has and what she can use. I don't know if she can use the crossbow, but will make sure she is armed just in case."<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Charlie looked at her sister as they pulled out, "Any weapon skills?"<br/><br/>She sighed, "Dagger or shortsword I could use."<br/><br/>Charlie sighed, "There is a light crossbow under the seat, we will see if you can handle that as well. Good to have weapons out here."<br/><br/>Annette nodded, "I remember, it has just been years since I left."<br/><br/>Charlie could see she was going to have to pull for answers, "Your thoughts on Eldar?"<br/><br/>Annette sighed, "I already approved of him for you. As to me. I will see how it goes on this trip before committing. His actions in the city to protect us and not kill those other 2 men have me liking him. Plus his lovemaking, if you will, was gentle and genuine. He is different from others in the village.<br/><br/>He did work to protect us and he ensured we were both taken care of. Even though his shirt was ripped up from being attacked he looked at our welfare first. I do find that heartwarming. I will stay with you. To hell with it, we will give it a try but you have to be ready for the gossip and looks of disapproval when they figure out what is going on."<br/><br/>Charlie sighed and nodded, "We can face that together if it comes about. Regardless, I am glad to see you say yes to the idea. Now if I could only get him over having bastard children."<br/><br/>Annette rolled her eyes, "I am not even certain I could have children after what happened to me. I don't cycle. At least not normally. I may be infertile. Something we can check on IF we decide to go that route. For now. We leave it alone."<br/><br/>Charlie rubbed her sister's arm in a hug, "I did not know. You had not mentioned that before. At some point, we are going to have to talk with him about what happened."<br/><br/>Annette sighed, "Let me decide when that will happen. It is my past and you don't know everything from that time. You were working on falling in love with your husband and on the road home when that occurred. Your husband could never look me in the eye when he returned. That is why I had issues with him."<br/><br/>Charlie remembered back and her husband's reaction. He had an antiquated view on the matter and wondered what Annette did to get this man's attention. He never directly blamed Annette but she could tell he wondered if she did something to bring it upon herself. Why had she been out alone? She had a better idea now of why she left the village.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>They could not seem to buy any luck. A few hours out of town and Hunter fired arrows off the left-hand side of the road. He wheeled his horse around and went flying toward the group.<br/><br/>He yelled, "Tiger!"<br/><br/>Eldar readied his sword and pulled the wagon to the left side of the road as Hunter flew down the right with a tiger and two arrows in it. It was 50 yards behind him. Elder did not have a great angle for a bow shot and He feared for the horses. He put on the brake to the wagon and fired off, "Mortana."<br/><br/>The missiles went flying into the cat while his sword came to the ready. He jumped down and moved between the horses and the cat and started his blade song. Hunter had begun his return with Eagle-eye on the back of his horse. Eldar decided being bait was the option and got a mirror image going before the cat got to attack.<br/><br/>It tried to pounce and hit one of two images he had. Eldar slashed it across the front haunches as he turned the cat for the incoming archers, Hunter pulled up. Eagle-eye and Hunter both landed killing shots into the side of the cat. The horses were a bit spooked but Eldar calmed them as he stabbed the cat in the throat just for good measure.<br/><br/>He looked at Hunter, "I see you found dinner for tonight. Thought it was supposed to be dead BEFORE you brought it back to the wagon?"<br/><br/>Hunter and Eagle-eye laughed. Hunter smiled, "It isn't back to the last wagon yet!"<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head at him and waited for them to tie off the kill and drag it out of the way.<br/><br/>He thought it was Charlemagne coming up behind him but it was Annette, she looked at the cat and then at Eldar, "You saved the horses from getting hurt." Eldar nodded as she continued. "I am staying with Charlemagne and you going forward. Both of you. Is it alright, if I ride with you for a while?"<br/><br/>He gave her a kiss on the cheek, "You can ride with me. Does Charlemagne know of your decision?"<br/><br/>She nodded with a smile. He saw she was not carrying a weapon yet. He told her, "Grab the light crossbow and some of the bolts from the second wagon." He gave her his boot dagger, "Out here you have to be armed and the dagger is enchanted."<br/><br/>She smiled, "I will be right back and you can show me how to drive."<br/><br/>He straightened the wagon out and waited for her to arrive then helped her up. He got them started again.<br/><br/>Hunter went shooting by and shouted, "Now I am going to start hunting wood and hope that one doesn't have a friend."<br/><br/>Eldar shouted back at Hunter, "If it does, we will eat well tonight!"<br/><br/>The rest of the day went by and they made camp.<br/><br/>Eldar grabbed Hunter and Eagle-eye, "We will return to the 3 of us pulling scouting tomorrow, I will begin the day in the first Wagon, Hunter will come and replace me and I will return to the second wagon with Charlemagne when Eagle-eye pulls scouting. Annette is the weakest in combat and new to driving a team, Hunter and I will teach her as we go along; splitting that duty."<br/><br/>They both nodded. Hunter smiled, "Sounds like the right thing to do, never want 2 people trying to teach someone at the same time. Instruction should be one-on-one."<br/><br/>Eldar got Skinner, "You got a little free time? Do you think you can work in some target practice with Annette on the light crossbow each night until she has the hang of it? Then I will talk to Charlemagne about hand to hand with daggers."<br/><br/>Skinner volunteered, "I can work both of those into a training program with her to help improve her skills, right now she is helping Cook with getting the meal going. The extra hands help save time in the evening as well."<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "Thanks for your help. There is no path forward in the first wagon to get to the reigns. I want Annette's in Wagon two with Charlemagne and me at night. No change in guard rotations as we will keep Annette sidelined. She will not likely be with us full time, but we want her to be able to handle her own."<br/><br/>Eldar found Annette, "Skinner is going to handle weapons training with you after dinner and in the morning if needed. We will have you bunk in with Charlemagne and me as you have no path to the front of the first wagon based on how we loaded it in a hurry."<br/><br/>Annette smiled at him, "Clever thinking!" with a slight smirk.<br/><br/>He talked with Charlemagne, "I am going to sleep right after the evening meal. I can get in the time to regain lost spells before we go on at mid-shift. When I do, I want to talk to Annette and you in private in the wagon to discuss our sleeping arrangement in the wagon so everyone is comfortable. Agreed?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne looked at Eldar, "Has anyone told you that you are getting bossy?"<br/><br/>She smiled at him and Eldar whispered to Charlemagne, "Annette and you did not have a problem with me 'being bossy' yesterday afternoon in bed."<br/><br/>She turned red, "True and I truly thank you for that. I think it went a long way in convincing her to stay with us."<br/><br/>Eldar kissed her, "I hoped it would make you both happy going forward. Hopefully, there are no more hurdles between us."<br/><br/>She buries her head under his chin. They hugged for several minutes when they heard Annette yelp as her light crossbow bolt went into the target for the first time. Everyone chuckled at her. They remembered the first time they hit a target. After the evening meal, they headed into the wagon for a short discussion.<br/><br/>He looked at both of them as they smiled at him, "First thing for tonight I will sleep toward the back by the cargo Annette in the middle, Charlemagne on the outside. Both Charlemagne and I sleep in our light armor in case there are issues. We won't be getting undressed very often unless we have a room at an inn..."<br/><br/>They both looked a little disappointed. "It would also seem odd to have moaning and groaning going on with the 3 of us in the wagon unless you are ready to scream out our odd relationship to the entire group?"<br/><br/>They both shook their heads rapidly, "Abstinence. With cuddling. That is what we will have. After tonight I will always be by the entrance to the wagon, you two can rotate cuddle positions. Charlemagne and I have mid-watch so the first period is dedicated to sleep, in case we have an issue and get interrupted. That gives the second half of our sleep for some petting and cuddling. This also gives some clits time to heal."<br/><br/>Eldar got them both to nod in agreement with that statement. He smiled, "Tomorrow Annette will not be driving. She will be reading my journal. That way you can understand me better. The day after I will be talking with you about what you read and asking you some personal questions. I want to get to know you better. Does that work for you, Annette?"<br/><br/>She sighed, "Somethings will be hard to talk about."<br/><br/>Eldar sighed back at her, "One of the things Charlemagne and I had to get to was being completely honest with each other as she was hiding some things from me, At the same time she had read my journal and had everything on me."<br/><br/>Annette nodded, "I will try, but it may take time."<br/><br/>He kissed her and held her for a second, "When I add a journal entry dealing with you it will be about how you have come with us after we pulled you out of a dangerous city. The fact you have agreed to help us. Both with your nieces we are going to have and the business we will start.<br/><br/>Nothing about your past other than maybe a mention that you had a rough time growing up. Very vague no details of what you tell me. I will sit with you as I write that entry. We can ensure you are happy with the words."<br/><br/>Annette kissed his cheek, "Thank you for being so kind to me."<br/><br/>Eldar sighed, "Trust me, we wanted to talk with you about coming with us. I was not looking for a major altercation to force you out of your life. I feel responsible for you being in danger and I am doing everything I can to protect all 4 of you. Speaking of which did you never get tested for skills as a kid, to see what you had an aptitude for?"<br/><br/>She was hesitant but she decided he asked and it was time for this, "I found out I was not a mage or sorceress but I have psionic talents. I made part of my living with the exchange of information from what I have read from other people. I was a spy for hire, gathering information and selling it. I never got asked where or how I got the information."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Charlemagne, "Did you know about this?"<br/><br/>She shook her head. "What have you learned about us and have you shared it with anyone?"<br/><br/>Annette looks at Eldar, "I have shared nothing about any of Charlemagne's team or the Saatorixx Knights."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Charlemagne, "Thoughts?"<br/><br/>She scratched her head, "We are obligated to talk with Jarron about this and I hope we can simply get some rules on her. A moral code to only aid us and only read a member when directed to...she could be a very valuable asset."<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "I agree and it plays well into some of the plans I have been thinking about for our business. If we can set up where I would like too it would be a perfect opportunity to expand our influence. You alright with being a dedicated agent?"<br/><br/>Annette smiled at Eldar, "It would be nice to have some acceptance. I could follow rules. I know they are there to protect me."<br/><br/>Eldar kissed her again, "Can you read my mind if I think something to you? Can you think back? Can you hear multiple people like the 3 of us?"<br/><br/>She smirks at him, "I've never tried to connect multiple minds but I have sent messages before, a long time ago."<br/><br/>He smiled, "Send me a message that you are ready and I will send some ideas back, alright?"<br/><br/>She nodded.<br/><br/>Annette, "Eldar, can you hear this?"<br/><br/>Eldar, "Yes, I do."<br/><br/>Annette, "What did you want to ask?"<br/><br/>Eldar, "Can you find talents in others?"<br/><br/>Annette, "I have but they are unpredictable. You never know what talent you will get."<br/><br/>Eldar, "I may want to try at some point. I would rather have something in the arsenal if it is hidden."<br/><br/>Annette, "Alright, I can understand that."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Can you imbue psionic items?"<br/><br/>Annette, "Some items...why?"<br/><br/>Eldar, "You can read about it in my journal. I faced someone who every time an offensive spell was cast at them it would charge a crystal or gem on a pendant giving the owner the power to reuse the talent they had.<br/><br/>She had one that slowed time for just a second or two but enough to anticipate her opponent's attack. She is a Blade Singer. She had it done when she was in her 7th year of training."<br/><br/>Annette, "I have made something like that but it requires a special item, usually expensive."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Like the pendant I wear with the sapphires?"<br/><br/>Annette, "Yes that might work for an item like that. Where did you get it?"<br/><br/>Eldar, "From a 400-pound grizzly that crushed me."<br/><br/>Annette, "Oh the first night..."<br/><br/>Eldar cut her off, "Yes, the first night Charlemagne made love to my broken and bruised body. Can you feel emotions or their sense of touch through this connection?"<br/><br/>Annette, "I have sensed emotions in people. I have never tried with touch."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Let's start with how I am feeling now."<br/><br/>Annette, "You are in awe of what I can do."<br/><br/>He reached out and brushed her face.<br/><br/>Annette, "Oh by the gods, that feels good I can feel how that makes you feel excited, aroused, soft, and electric as I feel it from both sides."<br/><br/>He reached out and cradled Charlemagne's face with his hands.<br/><br/>Annette, "Oh by the gods, the love and warmth, the softness of her face, and I feel her pressing back against your hands."<br/><br/>Eldar, "You know what we just discovered?"<br/><br/>Annette, "What?"<br/><br/>He ran his hand across his crotch. She starts blushing and sighed.<br/><br/>Eldar, "We Just found a way for you to enjoy sex from both giving and receiving. Now you try to kiss your sister passionately and see if you project those feelings to me."<br/><br/>Annette reaches over and kisses her sister long and hard.<br/><br/>He sighed, "Tender, loving, wanting desire, tongues slowly dancing, wet electric, and gods you are talented."<br/><br/>Annette, "Thank you."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Now kiss me passionately." She kisses him passionately. He sucked her tongue with more power and suction as he could muster.<br/><br/>Eldar commented, "From what you sent me. I sense hesitation, acceptance, passion, lust, love, being engulfed, and breath being taken away."<br/><br/>Annette, "What you sent is really throwing me for a loop. I sensed consuming passion, being sucked in, overwhelming sexual desire, and longing to rip my clothes off. Oh, gods, this is fun I am dripping and I have not even touched myself!"<br/><br/>Eldar, "Did you enjoy it when I put my fist in you?"<br/><br/>Annette, "It was shocking, embarrassing, so full, and the twisting on my internal points of arousal at once. It was a flood of passion and lust."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Something you want to do again then in the future, maybe slower."<br/><br/>Annette, "That would be wonderful and thank you for asking."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Now see if you can tie Charlemagne into our conversation."<br/><br/>Annette, "Can you hear sister?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne, "Wow, some warning next time!"<br/><br/>Eldar, "You think you will be up for the next time?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne, "I can hear you too it is different but I sense the other voice."<br/><br/>Eldar, "Take off the top of your armor we are trying an experiment whatever you do not scream out loud."<br/><br/>She removes the top of her armor and he slid forward toward Annette.<br/><br/>Eldar, "This will probably be shocking to the senses to all three of us. You two share a passionate kiss to hold back any shouts. Annette, you count us down."<br/><br/>Annette, "alright 1, 2, 3."<br/><br/>Annette and Charlemagne kissed each other. He ran his crotch against her knee while running a hand over Charlemagne's breast the other over Annette's thinly covered crotch. The flood of senses has him coming in his armor. Charlemagne screamed into Annette's mouth, as Annette squirted in her pants, and in a flash, she lost concentration on the connection.<br/><br/>He looked at the two of them and smiled, "What do you think of that?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne was the first to respond, "I went from mildly aroused to climaxing what did you do?"<br/><br/>Annette laughed and Eldar chimed in, "She has telepathy and empathy you just felt what all three of us felt. When I rubbed my crotch on her knee while running my hand over her crotch, I massaged your breast, and the two of you were kissing.<br/><br/>That was a good idea to keep the noise down. Could you imagine if she was strong enough to maintain the connection how many multiple orgasms we could all potentially have without touching your clits at all?"<br/></p>