

Alex was a good son, at least he thought so. He had the best grades in his year, and he tried to be kind to everyone, unlike his sister who enjoyed the agony of others, he stayed out of trouble, and he loved his family, he just wasn't sure his family loved him.

Alex always got the short end of the stick when it came to his family,

his sister was always put first no matter what happened to him. His family didn't celebrate his birthday or buy him presents on Christmas, and he had to do all the tasks around the house, he could have left but he still wanted his parent's approval even though he knew he wasn't going to get it. Then his parents went too far, his father was drunk that night and his sister thought it would be funny to blame him for breaking the new T.V.

He could smell the liquor on his father's breath, he could remember every word his father said "I'm sick of you little brat" his father was full of spite, it felt like he truly hated him "your just a freeloading brat, you ruin everything you touch!" his father raised his hand, he was filled with fear. A sudden pain overtook his senses he felt like his face was on fire. Again, his father slapped him, his father grabbed his head and slammed it on the coffee table. He felt his awareness fade he heard it.