
Fateful Encounter

Summer is about to end and one afternoon when the sun is about to set, Freon is about to cross the bridge when he noticed a crying little girl.

"Umm…Hey are you alright?" Freon asked the girl.

"I can't find my way home", said the girl.

He noticed the tiny wings at the back of the girl.

"Are you an angel?" he said.

"Yes", she exclaimed.

Freon accompanied her to the western part of the city, Phantasma, where angels live. The girl is Einjelle Silversnow, the Princess of the Arcadian angels. As they walked, they asked each other's names and talked to each other.

Before they part Einjelle said "Freon, you're eyes are so beautiful, it's like the moonlight, so dark yet so warm". Freon was shocked; he can't believe someone would appreciate what is feared by the most.

As Freon walks back home, he still thinks about that fateful encounter.

"I've finally talked to someone", he whispers to himself. "She was my first friend right? Then I must treasure her". He looked at the beautiful sunset as he crosses the bridge. For him, this sunset was different; it was more beautiful than any other sunsets he had seen.

On the other hand, Einjelle still thinks about him until the night as she looks at the stars from the window of her castle.

"He is such a strange boy. He must be so lonely living alone", she said to herself.

And that's how he met the angel who then became his childhood friend. Since that day Einjelle would sneak from her castle and would go to the forest to play and chat with Freon. She was so interested in Freon's life: hunting, fishing, farming, forging, dungeon clearing. She is very kind and cheerful bringing happiness to the sorrowful life of Freon. Until one day, it's time to say goodbye.