
Silent Resolve

In the once-respected hero's fall from grace, he stumbles upon the injured vampire in a moment of self-doubt and isolation. Despite the disdain of those he once called friends and allies, he chooses to extend a helping hand to the creature of the night, leading to a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As they confront their inner demons and face external threats, the unlikely duo must navigate a world that has turned against them, forging an unbreakable bond in the shadows of their past mistakes. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just wanted to say a few things. First of all, as this is my first book, i accept all kinds of criticism. That helps me become a better writer and it is welcomed but i don't want any hate. If you don't like my book, drop it and don't hate on me. Anyway thanks for giving this book a chance.

FugiTee · Fantasie
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25 Chs


We packed up our equipment and left for the next town over, it seemed like we would arrive in a few more days. We would have made it there earlier had Richard not been tagging along, however it is my responsibility to heal him. He has a hatred for me that he does not conceal and he displays it.

My mind had been distant today and I felt vulnerable. I would often find myself gazing at the moon or just in the distance and that made me susceptible to attack. I voiced my concern to Carmilla and she started walking beside me instead of behind me. We ended up reaching the farm of an old beastman who was working hard in his fields. We approached him for information and he told us about the town that we were making our way to. 

From the man, we learned that the town's name is Rathalu, it is a small town and so, has not received the attention of the higher-ups thus remaining with a name in Qaharim. It is a checkpoint for travellers as the costs of inns are not too high. We also asked about the archmage residing in it and we learned that she healed using dark magic, meaning that a sacrifice was necessary. The man was kinder than we thought despite talking to a human, a member of the race that interrupted his continent's peace.

We bid farewell before once again setting up camp for the night. I once again found a tree to rest under, which is something I never used to do. I once again stared at the sky as the sun set revealing the brilliance of the moon and the million little stars. Something peculiar though was that the moon seemed different. I observed it for a bit before slowly widening my eyes as I realized what it was. 


"Milly, Richard, look up to the moon!" As I yelled, they curiously looked at the moon before cocking their heads to the side in confusion. What they saw was a full moon and these are about as scarce as retrieving items from a dragon's lair. In Alara, the moon is quite big but only has 3 cycles with the rare emergence of the fourth full moon. The first three are a quarter moon, a crescent moon and a new moon. The full moon is thought to be a legend by many and it is worshipped by the elf and druid races. This phenomenon brought rise to commotion across the world, especially with elf slaves as they suddenly received a burst of power and fought against their captors.

I suddenly felt a gush of power going through the very fibre of my being. The locket hidden in my clothes suddenly let out a glow before it transformed into a large assortment of weapons and trinkets alike before settling down in my hand as a grey hexagonal rubiks cube-like item. At that same time, my hair suddenly grew to my waist from my originally neck-long hair and white streaks coloured it beautifully. My eyes turned white as though I was blind and my ears extended to look like that of an elf before I shot my eyes into a certain shadow where I saw a pair of eyes staring me down before they retracted.

The cube rotated its pieces at a rapid pace as it transformed into a hairpin that flew and lodged itself into my graceful white hair. I slowly looked towards my companions. I inspected my body and felt a large amount of power surging through my veins before I said to Carmilla with my usual yet melodious voice, as though an angel was speaking:

"Block my attack as much as you can, I need to test something quickly." She looked at me confused before she obliged and entered a defensive stance. I closed my eyes before breathing out a breath of cold air that dropped the temperature severely before my hair changed into its iconic silver lustre. I didn't bother to open my eyes as I shot forward with imperceptible speeds, even for Carmilla. I neared her body before stopping abruptly with silver thorn-like weapons merely a centimetre away from her neck. (Yor Forger-type weapons)

She stared at my face with trickles of sweat descending her face despite the temperature. She slowly backed away from me while Richard was staring where I was a moment ago with a trembling body, not from the cold, but from fear. I slowly put my weapon down before my hair turned back to its brown with white colour and my weapon transformed back into a hairpin that I put back into my hair with graceful movements. I looked up with my eyes closed before whispering:

"Thank you, Mom."

Nah I'm tired. Its 1:38 am. I'm going to sleep

Thanks for reading. Ciao

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