A self insert story using CYOA (create your own character) template for the Witcher Series. If Geralt is a generalist Witcher then SI is wizard version. This Amazing Fanfiction belongs to massgamer please support him! https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/signs-of-destiny-the-witcher-si.817754/#post-64152479 again this fic is not mine I'm sharing it hear because of the better reading mode and to share one of the best witcher fics out there. again please support the author
Maglet sat on a chair in his hut, shaking like an alcoholic going through the DTs. His children had all woken up by this point, and were quietly weeping in shock and terror on the bed. Dogmeat had jumped up on the bed with them, and was trying to sooth them by licking their faces, but it didn't seem to be accomplishing all that much.
I really hope this event wouldn't scar them for life or anything, as it is I just hope they had few nightmares and the family can move past all this.
"While summoning the demon in the first place was as stupid as hell, at least you were smart enough to have it's true name handy in case you needed to banish it." I said idly after coming back up from the basement and destroying everything dangerous inside. While it wasn't nightmare inducing I certainly wanted to destroy the summoning circle and anything on demonology that I could find.
Maglet's voice was shaky when he answered. "Y-y-you can't-t-t-t summon th-th-them without-t-t-t it." He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. His eyes were brimming with tears. "I was so… so scared of the soldiers. If they came here, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to protect my children. It was supposed to help protect them." His lip trembled. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry. I thought I was on my guard, but it was so persuasive. And before I knew it, I had broken the circle, and… and…"
"Demons are experts in convincing others and finding loopholes in even the tightest of deals. While doing it in the first place was massively stupid smarter people than you have fallen to their words plenty of times before and likely many more in the future. Doesn't excuse what you did and the damage it might have done… but thankfully you had a Witcher on hand to prevent worse things from happening other than it taking over your body." I said equal parts harshly and reassuredly.
He shuddered. "It was horrible. I could see everything it was doing and saying, but I couldn't do anything. And the whole time, it was taunting me, telling me how it was going to kill everyone and everything I loved…" Tears began to run down his cheeks. He bent in on himself, murmuring over and over again "I'm sorry… it all seemed harmless…" Ivar sat on the bed next to him and gingerly patted the broken man on the back, trying to comfort him.
"It always does at first. Thankfully Ivar here was on top of things. I think it goes without saying that if you ever do something like this again I doubt it will end nearly as well. So don't even think about conversing with demons."
Maglet shook his head violently. "Never, Master Witcher. Never. Here," he gestured towards some papers on a nearby table, "I don't have much coin to pay you for your services, however I did recently come across some ancient notes that I could not translate. I'm sure it would be worth a great deal to the right buyer."
Ivar, who had been thinking to himself, finally piped up, "If it's all right to ask, where did you find these things? Demonology notes, that journal - it's not something you just find anywhere. Knowledge of such is rightly forbidden after all, with it being destroyed whenever possible."
Maglet shuddered again. "I was in Vergen buying supplies last month. When I was having my dinner in the Cauldron, I met a merchant who was passing through, and mentioned my worries about the armies. He offered to sell me the means to 'protect all of my treasures', but warned me that it would come at a price. I was willing to do anything to keep my children safe, and told him that I wouldn't hesitate to pay whatever it was. He sold them to me for a pittance. I wonder now if he knew this would happen?" The shaking began to still, but he was still trembling somewhat.
"That just raises the question of how a merchant came across them. Was he a mage selling his wares or something of that sort?" Ivar asked. "We met one sorceress like that back in Oxenfurt - she sold books and magical supplies."
"I asked him that too. He responded that he just came across odds and ends during his travels, and that he mainly sold mirrors." I started as he said that as a terrible thought came to mind. "He was very plain-looking, didn't seem like a mage at all." He gestured self-deprecatingly at himself and his bearded, berobed form.
The world's most intense chill ran down my spine. I didn't want to believe it, but it would make way too much sense in his sick twisted mind to freely offer poisoned hope like that.
Gaunter O'Dimm, Master Mirror, the Man of Glass, and the closest this world had to the Devil himself as far as I knew.
"Did he say where he was going?" I asked as calmly as I could. I really did want to know - that way I could make tracks in the exact opposite direction.
"Not… specifically. I think he mentioned going south towards Nilfgaard and how the Nilgaardians loved their mirrors. Something about them valuing their looks too much or some such." Maglet shrugged in confusion.
Well… not my problem at least. Hopefully he won't bear a grudge against me for foiling this game of his. I hope the demon we banished was too prideful or fearful to mention anything if they talked.
"These notes were among the pile he sold to me. Something about how they were useless to him but maybe someone else would be interested. I suppose he was right if you will take them." Maglet said and left me feeling torn.
On the one hand I did want the notes so as to possibly meet the Operator, but on the other I feel like Gaunter left them because he knew any who tried to follow the treasure map would likely get killed in the process if they didn't know what they were doing. Thankfully I did and Ivar took the decision out of my hands as he picked up notes and read them, his eyes widening as he realized what he was holding.
"These are Vran writings! They speak of a concealed location of great importance that is protected by a magical sentry! One which will not allow passage unless a specific password is said. Nanna Kanpa Zi Uddu-ya Ia Ia Gat Exa Nanna Zi Uddu-Zi Gat Kanpa Nibbit." Ivar said with a smile.
"Bless you." I said with a straight face.
"Ribbit?" came a small voice from the bed. I started a bit - I'd almost forgotten the kids were there and listening. Kids can be oddly quiet during serious situations. Kinda like velociraptors.
Ivar just kept going as if he didn't hear either of us.
"'Nanna Kanpa' means 'forge ahead.' While 'Nanna Zi' means 'backtrack.' In summary, should you encounter a sentry who reacts to this scroll, you must first answer with the words that follow 'Nanna Kanpa,' in their given sequence, then omit 'Nanna Zi,' and conclude with all the words that follow this phrase, but in reverse order. It is quite ingenious really. It also speaks that this passage would only open to a 'Chosen One' and they would be met by the 'Operator' who will aid them on their journey, and it is located in Loc Muinne which used to be a Vran city! This could be the find of the century!" Ivar said while seeming barely to contain himself and looked as if he wanted to head to said city at that very second and damn the army in his way.
"Well, going off my companion's excitement I'm pretty sure if I didn't accept this payment for my services he would try to kill me, so consider any debt with me paid for in full." I said to Maglet who seemed relieved to have repaid me and gotten rid of the last bit of Gaunter's 'gift'. "However, I can't in good conscience not take things a step further in ensuring your safety. No offense, but your home is not exactly protected by soldiers on either side of this conflict which could see you as an easier target to rob or…" I turned my head towards his girls with a frown, "worse."
"What would you have us do then?" Maglet asked, the worried tone back in full force.
"Let us take you all back to Vergen and stay there until at least the conflict is over. Better tall dwarven built walls than wooden ones and the Commander of the Aedirnians is Seltkirk of Gulet himself. His reputation as a shining example of knighthood is well earned and I'm currently under his employ. I assure you that no harm will come to your family there." I offered.
"We can't! Mavrick will worry!" one of the girls suddenly spoke up, all three children looking like they were getting some of their nerves back.
"Mavrick?" I asked despite knowing the answer.
"My eldest, he's in the army… the Kaedweni army." Maglet admitted with a dark look.
"Hmm, you can leave a note here for him. Also don't mention that fact in Vergen itself. Hopefully you can see him after everything is said and done, but I'm sure he would want you to be safe." I said.
"Yes… yes that would be best." Maglet said before turning to his kids. "Moira, Marissa, Murron. Gather a bag of your things each and leave everything else. Don't worry, we'll come home later and Mavrick will be waiting for us." he reassured them, and though they looked doubtful they nodded their heads and got to work.
"I'm sure you can make some coin helping wounded within the walls if needed and there is likely still room in the local inns if you look. Better than being sleeping in between two opposing forces at least." I said.
"Anything will be better after today." Maglet said gruffly.
I couldn't disagree with him there.
"And now here we are." I finished my story to Seltkirk within his room in the Cauldron who wore a face that was filled with equal parts terror and righteous anger.
We had carried the family back to Vergen by attaching their hand cart to the horses and though it wasn't the most comfortable fit it worked well enough for the trip back. We got no trouble getting past the gate due to Seltkirk's seal and we helped get the four settled. Heck, once we got here as I thought Maglet's folk healer knowledge was welcomed by the troops and would even be paid a decent amount for services.
Of course, Seltkirk was curious about what the trip was about given everything else at risk and so I did him courtesy of telling him the truth, no matter how he took it.
Seltkirk had been standing by the fireplace in his room, his hands crossed behind his back, but as I relayed my tale to him he grew pale and ended up sitting heavily in one of the room's chairs. "So. The Devil is real, and he has the initials GOD. Truly a perverse sense of humor that only his black heart could think up. He ensnares people in bargains promising to better than lives only to drive them to madness and damnation, a living Hell of their own making." He stared at me. "And he was HERE?!? Below my room!?!"
Oh. Crap. I forgot that Seltkirk was in the town at the same time Gaunter was.
"Most likely, sorry. He really does blend in easily. Though whether he noticed or cared about you specifically I could not say. I can say that he isn't omniscient, he can be surprised and tricked after all. Not sure if that makes you feel any better though." I tried to reassure him.
He calmed down somewhat. "While the thought of having been in the same town, let alone the same building or room as him, chills my blood, I am somewhat reassured that by your account he has left. I do not know if he is limited by our own modes of transportation, but you did say that he can be tricked." He muttered something that sounded like a prayer.
"It also helps that he almost never acts directly, either due to limitations or his own personality. He only really acts through agents or when collecting debts owed to him. He sees what he does as one big game and to have any fun in it there needs to be the possibility of him losing. It's hard, but it's possible."
Seltkirk pursed his lips. "I thank you for bringing this threat to my attention. While it would only be a distraction at this time, I'll need to put some thought into how to respond to the threat he poses." He stood back to his feet and offered me his hand.
"If you want my personal advice, don't seek him out. Your best defense is to just ignore him since he has no power if people don't play his game. As for those that do… all you can really do is clean up the mess as best you can. Of course, knowing you, you will likely bet your own soul if it means saving the life of an innocent person." I said as I took his hand back. He shook it firmly.
"I would not, for my soul is not my own, but belongs to the One who redeemed it by His blood. For the same reason, I hold no fear of Gaunter for my own sake, for his danger is limited to my flesh, not my soul. Furthermore, I want to thank you. At great risk to yourself, you saved the soul of a man who was guilty of nothing more than fear and ignorance." He drew me into a back-breaking embrace. "Thank you, Markus. No greater love has a man then this, that he would risk his life for another."
Yeahhhh, this was awkward. Like, I get he's being sincere and all, but still. I tried not to look like I was pulling away too quickly.
"Well, since there's nothing else we can do about him let's focus on the now. Have you talked with your people and know what you want to do? Have you thought about my ideas to 'enhance' your odds of beating Vandergrift?" I asked curiously.
"I have, on both accounts. While my options for controlling the battlefield are obviously limited, there are certain measures I can take to ensure that Vandergrift does not have the ability to cut me off from the rest of my men entirely or easily. As you suggested, a dozen dwarves will accompany my personal guard into battle. Furthermore, Tybalt of Vengerberg has agreed to escort me from a distance; even if I am separated from my men, he will provide covering fire with his bow and support me against Vandergrift. He is the best archer in Aedirn, and should have no trouble striking any man from afar."
"What about the backdoor into Henselt's camp? Personal preparation is all well and good but if you can affect the wider battle as well that would be even better." I asked.
Seltkirk frowned at me. "I appreciate your concern, Witcher, but I suspect that I have been fighting longer than you have been alive."
"Touché." I acknowledged the point.
"But to answer your question, I have a handful of Special Forces on loan from Lyria and Rivia. The Prince-Consort was kind enough to send two squads of Supercommandos to help with reconnaissance and battlefield preparation. They, along with several of my best scouts and a half-dozen dwarves will infiltrate the camp once the battle ensues and set fire to it. With luck, once Henselt sees his camp burning he will order a withdrawal rather than risk pushing forward with his lines of communication and logistics under risk." Seltkirk explained.
Well that goo- wait what? Prince-Consort? Supercommandos? I mean… I didn't pay as much attention to Lyria and Rivia lore and they don't mention much after Thronebreaker. I suppose just one of those things that the game just never dived into. I wonder if Meve and Reynard got together and made their relationship official.
Questions for later. I had other ones now.
"And my thoughts on using Hanged Man's Venom on your blade and having a few bombs on your person?" I asked about the sticky point.
Seltkirk chuckled. "Tell me, Witcher. In your former life, how much did you study about the Crusades? I understand it was a great deal after my own age, but surely it could not have been forgotten as easily as I was."
"Not much to be honest, other than the fact there was a great deal of… mixed opinions about it. Religious diversity is a big thing by my age and as long as it wasn't hurting anyone else people could worship what they wanted." I explained.
He shook his head. "The stories I could tell you… But that is neither here nor now. Understand, Witcher: we were almost always outnumbered, in a climate that did not favor our traditional protection. And yet, we were victorious more often than not. Do you know how we managed it?"
"How?" I asked, honestly curious.
Seltkirk grinned. "We improvised. While we were always outnumbered, we had a decided advantage in both technology and doctrine. And we never turned down something that would give us an edge. So, while I have never used bombs in combat before, I'm not yet so old that I cannot learn a new trick or two. And this won't be my first time using poison on my blade, although this one is rather more potent than what I had access to back home. So, if your offer is still open, let us meet at the training grounds in an hour. I need as much time as is available to learn how to use these new tools."
"Will do. Ivar is busy going over the notes we got from Maglet anyway and Dogmeat is with him so I don't have any plans. Will get something to eat beforehand and meet you there." I agreed. "Be forewarned that I am likely not nearly as good with a blade as you, most of my skill being basic at best and me cheating with my mutated body, magic, and other tools. I still hope that it helps nevertheless."
"I will take all that I can at this point, for to do otherwise is to fail more than just myself." Seltkirk said with grim determination.