
Sign In Ice Teigu At The Beginning (Dropped)

Ling Bai traveled through the pirates, came to Impel down Eternal Hell, and signed to Ice Teigu! There are still two weeks left before Summit War! ______________________________________ This Fanfic is not mine. I just edited the MTL of this Fanfic with A.I's help (most part). So, some words are bound to be inconsistent and maybe feels kinda robotic. You can find this MTL Fanfic on MTLnation with the same title.

StaringCat · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 16: Defiance and Desperation

"Sengoku, do I need to go?"

Akainu rose from his seat, a flicker of fury igniting in his eyes despite his outwardly placid expression. The call between Kizaru and Sengoku had ignited a fire within him.

An unwavering advocate for absolute justice, Akainu couldn't tolerate pirates running rampant, especially one like Ling Bai who dared to capture Celestial Dragons and mock the World Government's authority. The very thought was unforgivable, intolerable!

"Sakazuki, let's move!" Said Tsuru. "Borsalino might struggle against two Admiral-level opponents, not to mention Shiryu of the Rain, whose strength rivals an Admiral's!"

"Struggle?" Akainu scoffed, his voice laced with barely contained rage. "Borsalino and I are more than enough for that rabble! Don't even think about causing chaos in the Sabaody Archipelago, you filthy pirates!"

Finally, the dam broke. Akainu's anger boiled over, evident in his scathing tone.

"Regardless, Sakazuki, this is a critical juncture in the war against the Whitebeard Pirates. Be cautious!"

"I know what I'm doing, Sengoku." Akainu replied curtly, his resolve unwavering.


"Is this guy a monster?!" Kid, locked in combat with a Pacifist alongside Law just moments ago, stared in utter shock at Ling Bai crushing the Bartholomew Kuma machine.

Ling Bai's strength was beyond imagination, far surpassing anything Kid could have ever conceived. He couldn't stomach the fact that this obviously younger pirate was not only stronger but also holding back significantly against Kuma.

"Monster!" Law echoed Kid's sentiment, his own surprise eclipsing even the redhead's.

"People like him, Bullet and the others... what kind of chaos will they bring upon this world?" Rayleigh muttered, a deep frown etching his face. Concern flickered in his eyes as he stole a glance at Ling Bai, silently preparing to take Luffy away from the unfolding scene.

"What about the Celestial Dragons?" Sentomaru, positioned behind Kizaru, voiced his worry. As the commander of the Pacifista, his duty revolved around protecting the Celestial Dragons, a power bestowed upon him by their very authority. A similar pressure weighed upon the other Marines, the chilling possibility of being branded incompetent and enslaved by the Celestial Dragons a terrifying prospect.

"Ling Bai, what's the meaning of this? Capturing Celestial Dragons?!" A hint of his usual carefree demeanor seemed to have vanished from Kizaru. The Celestial Dragons themselves, despite their injuries, remained silent, their eyes transmitting a clear message: Kizaru was expected to secure their release. After all, protecting the Celestial Dragons was paramount for any Admiral.

"Just kill these trash for me already! Or I'll have the Five Elders tear you apart and thrown in Impel Down!" Charlos, the most injured and visibly arrogant of the Celestial Dragons, roared, emboldened by Kizaru's presence.


The moment Charlos finished his tirade, Ling Bai's foot connected with his stomach. The force wasn't overwhelming, but enough to send a surge of nausea through the Celestial Dragon. Tears welled up in Charlos' eyes as he let out a choked scream.

"Attacking a Celestial Dragon in front of an Admiral?!" Reporters hidden amongst the crowd gulped, frantically snapping photos. This was a story for the ages, a scene that shattered their worldviews and forced them to confront a reality – there were those in the world audacious enough to defy the Celestial Dragons.

Ling Bai, a wry smile gracing his lips, turned to face Kizaru, fear a concept utterly absent from his expression.

Bullet and his crew on the sidelines mirrored Ling Bai's grin, a ferocious echo that spoke of shared ideals. Their meeting felt like destiny, a perfect storm brewing.

"Such audacity" Kizaru sputtered, momentarily speechless.

"Release the Celestial Dragons, or face immediate execution!" Sentomaru, ever the loyal guardian, wasn't one for idle threats.

Undeterred, Ling Bai crouched low. His right hand brushed the ground for a fleeting moment, unleashing the immense power of the Ice Emperor.

A thunderous boom echoed as a colossal wave of ice erupted from the ground, a thick layer spreading outward for hundreds of meters. The sudden assault caught Kizaru and the Marines completely off guard.

"Let's get this party started!" Ling Bai declared, turning and striding away with resolute purpose. Meanwhile, Crocodile skillfully wielded his sand-manipulating abilities, forming a whip to drag the Celestial Dragons like terrified prisoners.

A knowing glint flickered in the eyes of several onlookers – they understood Ling Bai's plan. What was about to unfold would be a spectacle unlike any other, a testament to both his ingenuity and utter madness. Admiration, tinged with a hint of awe, swirled through the crowd.

"Hold them off while I handle some... business," Ling Bai called back, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

The captured Celestial Dragons were already whimpering, the terrifying reality of their situation dawning on them. Charlos, pale with fear, shrieked, "Let me go! I can give you unimaginable wealth!"

Tears streamed down Saint Rosward's face as he echoed his pleas, his arrogance replaced by desperate groveling. "Anything! Please, I'll do anything!"

The remaining Celestial Dragons crumbled, their pleas for mercy echoing through the air. Gone was the arrogance they'd worn like a second skin since birth. Now, their posture was even more pathetic than a groveling dog.

Ling Bai remained unmoved, his gaze cold and indifferent. To him, these Celestial Dragons weren't human; they were mere pawns in his grand scheme.

"This is become more interesting by the moment," Shiryu of the Rain cackled, a malevolent glint in his eyes. Hatred for the World Government burned within him, and Ling Bai's actions fueled a dark anticipation for what was to come.