
Sign In And Become Rich

Jimmy_Young12 · Urban
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15 Chs

The Return Of Richard McGregor

The crowd surrounding the parking lot at Westlake College was growing by the minute, drawn by the sight of the crimson red Lamborghini Aventador parked near the entrance. Richard McGregor had just stepped out of the car, his sharp suit and sunglasses completing the look of someone who belonged in such an exotic vehicle. The silence that had fallen over the area was punctuated by the sound of cameras clicking and students whispering among themselves.

No one seemed to recognize Richard at first; it was as if the car had overshadowed him entirely. He took a moment to survey the crowd, his expression calm and composed, even as he sensed the shock and curiosity swirling around him. It wasn't until a voice from the back called out that the whispers turned into murmurs of recognition.

"Isn't that Esther's ex-boyfriend?" someone asked. "Yeah, that's him. She dumped him, remember?"

Richard's eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses. So that's the story Esther had been spreading—she dumped him? It wasn't quite true, but he wasn't surprised. Esther was known for her dramatic flair and her ability to manipulate the narrative. They'd broken up just before the Sign-In system had turned his life upside down. Now, it seemed she was capitalizing on the breakup to boost her own reputation.

He sneered, thinking about how quickly stories could change in college. One week you're nobody, and the next you're driving a half-million-dollar sports car onto campus. He didn't need to justify himself to anyone, least of all to Esther and her circle of friends. Let them talk. He had bigger things to focus on now.

The crowd continued to buzz with speculation, questions flying about how he could afford such a car. "That's a Lamborghini Aventador," one student said. "That thing costs over $500,000! How did he get it?"

Richard ignored the questions, keeping his expression neutral. He knew that anything he said would only fuel the rumors. Instead, he closed the scissor door of the Aventador with a satisfying thud, then turned and headed toward the main building. He had a class to get to, and he wasn't going to let a crowd of gawkers delay him.

As he walked through the campus, he noticed the lingering stares and the whispers that followed him. Some people were discreet, pretending not to look while sneaking glances at him from behind their phones. Others were more blatant, pointing and talking openly about the Lamborghini. Richard kept his pace steady, not wanting to give the impression that he was trying to impress anyone. In reality, he was enjoying the attention, but he knew that showing it would only invite more questions.

He passed by a group of students who were known for their social status on campus. They were the trendsetters, the ones who always had the latest fashion and the coolest parties. They watched him as he walked by, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. Richard could almost hear their thoughts: "Who is this guy? Where did he come from? How did he get that car?"

But Richard had no intention of engaging with them. He had never been part of their social circle, and he had no interest in joining now. The system had given him more than enough to occupy his time, and he wasn't about to waste it on shallow conversations with people who'd never given him a second glance before.

He continued through the corridors of the main building, the crowd thinning out as he got closer to his classroom. He could still hear murmurs behind him, but they grew fainter with each step. The college was a bustling place, with students rushing to their classes and professors hurrying to their lectures. It was a familiar scene, but everything felt different to him now.

As he reached the door to his classroom, he took a deep breath and adjusted his backpack. He knew that stepping inside would bring more stares and whispers, but he was ready for it. This was his life now—one filled with luxury, power, and influence. He wasn't the same Richard McGregor who'd been dumped by Esther; he was someone new, someone who had the resources to shape his own destiny.

He opened the door and stepped inside, feeling the eyes of his classmates on him. The whispers were instant, but Richard didn't care. He walked to his seat, ignoring the looks and the quiet conversations that erupted as he passed. He was here to learn, to grow, and to make the most of the opportunities that had come his way. Let them talk, he thought. He had his own path to follow, and he wasn't going to let anyone distract him from it.

Power Stones Please

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