
SI! Reversed Sexual Morality In Multicross AU World!

Reversed Sexual Morality Crossover AU World

Nisiris · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


Ruby POV

Her mood while she walked to the school was wonderful.

She finally got that blasted special edition figurine of DOOMGIRL she had always wished for from the moment it came out.

And all she needed to do for it was to spend five hours every day for past weak training to beat Gasper in the Mortal Combat finally!

Now that she thinks of it, Ruby still doesn't know where Gasper got that figurine, there are just a hundred of them in the entire world, and they couldn't be won by money, but in the game tournaments, and from what she knew.

Gasper never practiced in one or was so good as to win when he lost against her.

Now that she thought about it.

Ruby felt terrible for her second male friend.

Yep, a friend. Even if she sometimes fantasizes about him, Ruby's affection is targeted at another.

Plus, Gasper was gay, or that was at least what Ruby and the rest of the Gaming club thought.

It was funny how all girls almost fought each other when the news of a new male member of their nerdy club came out, after all.

A guy who had such hobbies as them and didn't feel ashamed in accepting them and joining the club was so rare!

But then, nothing came out of it. If there was one thing they learned about Gasper, it was that he is super shy, even more than Ruby when she is supposed to speak with her crush.

"Nope, not thinking of that!" Ruby quickly shook her head as the memories of her stuttering and nervous shaking near him was brought to her mind.

It wasn't her fault that puberty hit her like a high-speed train!

Every girl wanted to have a boyfriend, and Ruby wasn't any different.

Well, more girls just wanted a good fuck, something Ruby didn't understand, yes.

She is still a virgin, something she felt almost ashamed of, but the idea of doing it with a different person that she fancied was just out of her mind!

Mom always taught her that feelings are much better than any post-sex ecstasy!

Well, in truth, Ruby thought that her mom projected something when she taught her that, after all.

Ruby wasn't blind or deaf. She heard how her mom spoke about her father, a lying two-timer.

Saying that the sole good thing that came out of meeting him was Ruby herself and Yang.

Ruby's step-sister and daughter of the woman who her father two-timed her mom with.

Raven was.

Alright, Ruby liked her second mom?

She did grow up with her. It was just that.

Raven was a very private person.

In other words.

She was a little cold.

But Ruby supposed that was probably why Raven and her mom got along so well, with her mom being the more energetic and Raven being able to keep her on the ground with cold and harsh logical arguments.

The reason Ruby kept thinking of all this was that she really didn't want to think about another thing that kept her heart beating.

And that was her childhood friend, a boy who grew up with them, as their houses were next to each other.

Their families were on such good terms that there wasn't even any fence between their now combined garden, as they were practically raised as one big family.

"Blasted!" Ruby cursed as her mind wandered to the topic she tried to evade.

And that was her crush, who was almost like her older brother.

Rey Pendragon.

A guy who was always so kind to her!

Never laughing at her hobbies, always there when she just babbled about one thing or another, just listening to her with that goofy stupid smile of his!

Ruby doesn't know when exactly her feelings started to evolve from loving Rey as her older brother figure to her romantic point of interest.

Maybe it was her hormones, but then, shouldn't she feel something even for Astolfo?

Rey's brother and another male she was raised with?

"Nope, nothing," Ruby mumbled. She didn't feel any romantic or erotic thoughts about Astolfo, even shuddering little, as it came to her as wrong to think about him in such a way. It was like if she thought about Yang or mom, it was just BLEH!

So why exactly, Rey? A guy who saw her just as a little sibling?

Ruby once again cursed her petite body.

Ruby knew that, or at least read on the internet, what guys liked most, were breasts, hips, and toned muscles.

Breast for breastfeeding their offspring, hips for breathing the child, and muscles for a sense of protection.

And even if Ruby was aware that her thighs were one of the best parts of her body, they still didn't balance for things she lacked!

Not like Yang!

"Grrrr such unfairness," Ruby grumbled.

Where Yang had everything any male desired in his future companion, Ruby lacked a lot of things.

When Ruby finally arrived at the school, she made a beeline to the club she was a part of.

Mainly because she wanted to return the DOOMGIRL figurine to Gasper. The feeling of guilt just tripled in her stomach.

So what if she won it fair and square, Gasper was one of the few friends she had, and she didn't know what he did to get it.

But surely it wasn't easy for him as it was for her, as all she needed to do was to beat him in the game.

What she didn't expect was the presence of her crush.

"R-Rey?!" She almost shouted, and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as Rey looked at her with his smile.

"Ruby? Are you part of the club too? Why didn't you tell me?" Rey asked in that silky voice of his.

Why?! Why is he there?

She didn't tell him because she didn't wish to try and cross the line between a nerdy and super nerd!

She wanted to look cool even for a moment!

Crap in the basket!

"H-Hey Rey!" Ruby quickly schooled her emotions with months of practice as she beamingly smiled at Rey, even if her mouth twitched.

"Hi." A new voice, one that finally made her look at Rey, made Ruby stop as she looked at Taylor.

She wasn't exactly best friends with Taylor, as even if they were part of the same club, their reasons were different.

Taylor was more bookish. Even if she sometimes joined them in games or gave a few tips on manga and anime, she mostly stayed burrowed in her books.

Which was a reason why they never spoke so much.

As Ruby joined because she was both gamer and otaku, but also a gun nerd.

But when she finally took Taylor's appearance into her mind, her silver eyes darkened.

"What happened to you?" Ruby simply asked.

Being raised next to Yang and Mordred made Ruby a little assertive when she didn't come to speak with Rey.

She wasn't exactly the most outgoing person, but she knew something was wrong. It was just.

Ruby had her own problems looking into others, so even if she heard rumors, she couldn't do anything for Taylor.

That said, she just thought it was just verbal harassment and not this!

At Ruby's question, Taylor looked to the side.

"No-nothing." Taylor mumbled, and Ruby wanted to say more, but then Rey stopped her.

"Don't worry, Taylor is alright." Something about the way Rey said it made Ruby shiver a little.

She never remembered him having such a look.

"But to more happy things! Why didn't you tell me about this club? I would join, or rather I will join now that I know even you are coming there!"

Rey jovially said, blasting away all negativity there was just a moment ago.

And sending Ruby spiraling from the stairs as the realization hit her.


Rey and Her, all the time in the same club.

And as Ruby's cheeks darkened, all she could scream in her head was why god was punishing and rewarding her so much simultaneously.