
SI! Reversed Sexual Morality In Multicross AU World!

Reversed Sexual Morality Crossover AU World

Nisiris · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


So, to not make some people angry that they read something they don't like, I announce to you an AU high school universe with Reversed Sexuality Morality and Multicross, as I will take characters from other works, universes and some hentai works to there.

From RWBY, Fate, Edgerunners, Arcane, LOL, and more animes, with an addition of multiple Hentai works, either NTR or Vanilla.

The MC will not be NTRed, so do not worry, but there will be sharing.

On the other hand, as this World will somehow mix Hentai, Porn, and the Normal world, the characters could act differently, even if I try to stay the most real to their character.

The primary tags are as follows Harem, Smut, Traps, Incest, Romance, and World Building.

Yep, these and plus the SI MC is BI, his anus will stay virgin, but because I like Traps, there will be Traps in Harem, plus some sharing, in Harem, but that would be more explained in a way that Trap could fuck woman, and MC fucks Trap.

So those who do not like this either don't read or read, and I will try to put a warning on each chapter with this, or not, as there would be a lot of sex, as this is Smut fic, so that sex will be all around...

Again, please, if you read this, by Open minded, ok?

Otherwise, those who stay.

Enjoy my hopefully long fic.

(PS, I'm using premium Grammarly, so if you find mistakes, you will surely find it's because I'm just that bad at English, so please stay away from comments about how bad I'm at English writing.)

(PPS: Lucy and David forever! But Becca is free! )

Rey POV:

Walking through the bustling streets of Sakura city, I couldn't shed the feeling of not.

Belonging, which was an understatement, as where I looked, more and more things that shouldn't exist jumped at me.

It didn't help that my own memories were now my enemy, or at least foreign to me, as I had two sets of memories in my mind, merged with whatever feelings they left behind...

Creating a mess of feelings, experiences, and thoughts.

It helped that I, from the other world, as I was from another world, from what I could see and remember from the other part of memories, was always a more calm person who went with the flow, and from the memories, I merged with, even Rey from this world was like me...

So it helped that our personalities matched, well, as much matched as they could, with me being raised in a society with men mostly leading, a Patriarchy, and Rey...

Rey's memories were of Matriarchy, of a society where women were the leading figures, and with men who were to stay at home to cook, clean, and take care of children.

It would be absurd if Rey's world weren't already in an advanced stage, and tests and experiments were made, learning that the reason for this was because the women had much denser bodies and skeletons, making them much stronger than men...

And with such facts and generations of women who were stronger than men, it became normal for men to be the weaker gender...

In short, Rey's worlds and my own were opposite to each other, at least when it came to gender roles in society.

But that wasn't all...

"Buy this now, and you will get another free!" I looked at the male who was clothed in a rather sissy maid costume, showing a lot of skin and yet hiding most vital parts, just like if a woman from my previous life wore it...

As he showed an advertisement board, with...

Another bunch of men, in the same provocative clothes, from teacher, nurses, and maids, and reading it, I could see it being a cleaning service...

It didn't help that the man looked so...

Girlishly, Sissy, or Effimitive, that it made me very confused, as I never was on men...

At least not in my previous life. I liked Traps, but the thing was, Traps, at least those on Screen, didn't exist in the real world, at least not so perfect ones...

So, I didn't sleep with any male...

But in this world...

Looking into Rey's, or well, now my memories, I could see plenty of definitive looking or almost sissy boys and men, and traps, a really a lot of traps, as men in this world took greater care of their looks...

Where the females were...



Looking at the gathering of girlishly-looking men, I read their slogan and almost blanched...

Manimist? Like Feminist?

Just turned around?


Quickly walking away and I saw females and males gather around, looking at the protests.


I didn't exactly need to know this existed even in there. I just turned around, with men now seeking equal treatment, even if I knew from both memories that they already had it...

But the entire topic was like a never-ending hole, and I didn't want to get dragged into it, especially not now that I was still gathering my own witts about this situation I found myself...

Walking through the familiar urban area, from Rey's memories, I was assaulted with one after another memory of Rey's younger days when he played with his friends and siblings.

There on the swing, I could remember being pushed by my mother...


No way...

I stopped as I knew the woman who was this body's mother, the realization hitting me like a train, equally strong...

Arturia Pendragon was my mother...

And with that realization, other sets of memories and faces rushed into my mind as if an entire dam was broken.

Mordred, my brutish older sister, who went into more than one fight with me, just to be one day taken by police after she beat another girl who grabbed my ass...

Astolfo, my younger brother by two years, and the most spoiled thing in our family who has us wrapped all around his little and delicate finger...

And with more and more faces from the works I believed until now being just fiction...

This place wasn't just turned around with its gender roles, but the entire place was a mess...

Fuck, my own School I'm going to now is having a contest for the more popular running student council president, between Sone Sitri and Weiss Schnee...


"Ugh." I caught my head in my hands as pain assaulted my mind.

"Rey?! Rey! What is wrong? What happened?! REY!" I could feel one pair of powerful arms around my body as I slumped into someone. The last thing I could see was a familiar pair of lilac eyes and an enormous mane of blonde hair...

Lilac's eyes, I could feel, looked at me in so much panic and worry...

That was my last sigh as I was claimed by the blissful nothingness...

Arturia POV:

"Thank you for bringing him in, Yang." She looked at the clearly worried girl. Yang always behaved so brashly, especially when in the presence of her daughter Mordred, alas, when it came to her son, Rey, not Astolfo.

Yang always mellowed. Maybe it is because of the fact that they were childhood friends and now go to the same school...

Or the fact that Yang held feelings for her little Rey...


Arturia didn't want to let Yang bury her fangs into her precious boy, who now rested on the couch, covered in his favorite fluffy blanket, as his chest calmly moved with each breath he took.

Arturia would be more worried and even call an ambulance if not for the fact that her boy had stayed too late last night to learn for his upcoming tests, so now he was clearly too exhausted, an unfortunate but not rare occurrence, as her boy spent too much time in speaking about girls with his friends, than to learn, always putting learning on the last day...

Arturia would be angry, but she just couldn't, not when she loved her little boy so much...

"T-Think nothing of it, Aunty! I- Couldn't leave Rey like this, could I?!" Yang nervously laughed, but when Artoria's eyes met hers, she evaded them...

Making Arturia sigh...


Just why she was so carefree and impulsive...

At least, Yang herself realized her fault, not that Arturia could really fault the girl. She was, after all, a healthy and sexy young woman. For her to fool around wasn't a surprise, she herself did the same at her age...

Just like any female, really, just males are very more conservative, not fooling around as females did...

But that was it, wasn't it...

The problem was that it happened to her little Rey whose heart, well, wasn't shattered, but well...

Arturia knew that he liked Yang, at least, until he saw her kiss or, more, another guy, making him sulk...

So, normally Arturia wouldn't mind, it was normal for girls to experiment more than boys, but it was her boy who was hurt, and so, as his mother, it was Arturia's duty not to let the girl hurt him too close to him, at least not right now.

Who was she kidding? Arturia would be happier if not even one girl came close to her boys. Rey and Astolfo were too good for any girl!

"I see. Well, thank you again, but I think it would be better if we let Rey rest." Arturia didn't throw her out, but it was implied, and Yang understood as she nodded her head and flinched.


"I- Yea, I will go, just... C-Can you tell Rey that, that I would like to speak to him?" Yang asked, but Arturia could hear the desperation in her voice...

Really, if she liked her boy so much, did she really need to fool around, especially somewhere where he could see her?

"Do not worry, I will," Arturia said, and she would, just because she knew if she hid that fact from her boy, he would be angry at her, and that was the last thing Arturia wanted...

She never could bear her son's anger. At least Astolfo never showed such emotion. In that way, Rey was too similar to his sister Mordred...

"T-Thank you... A-and goodbye, aunt." Yang half said and whispered as she got up and walked away, with her home being next to theirs...

"That girl..." Arturia shook her head. She loved Yang. She practically raised her, as her family, the Summer-Branwen family, lived there as long as their own, making their children play with each other from a young age...

She herself was a good friend to Summer and Raven, always taking care of little Ruby or Yang when they needed it, and vice versa when she needed babysitting...


"Teenegers..." Arturia shook her head.

"Sleep well, my little boy," Arturia whispered to her beautiful son as she fixed his raven black hair on his head...

Even if very different, he was her boy, and she loved him...