

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 8of8 The Launch

Kourtney finished doing her makeover by Katherine Kan, she does the finest makeup to all known celebrities, it wasn't heavy but looked magnificent, her hair was done by Austin Myles, it was an hairpiece leaving two curly strains of hair on the sides," Kourtney your dress is here." Cassy brought her the dress, it was sealed in the bag, Cassy helped her take it out and gave it to her, Kourtney took it and went to put it on in the dressing room, it was a long golden color with small stones of diamonds from her breast to the waist line, it was so beautiful and looked very expensive and the diamonds were real, it must have cost millions to make this dress, Kourtney wondered why Stuart had to go to all this trouble and spent such an amount of money, Kourtney took one last look in the mirror, she looked like a royal queen so gorgeous, she wore her leather gold high heels before going out, Cassy's mouth dropped, her eyes were sparkling with tears," are those tears in your eyes?." Kourtney asks worriedly," Tears of joy, you just look so beautiful Kourt, gorgeous." Cassy smiles pulling her in a hug," you should get ready yourself, wait a moment." Kourtney went to the wardrobe and brought out a sexy red dress," I bought you this dress, hope you like it." She handed it to her," Awwr you didn't have to, it's so pretty, let me get into it I'm so excited." Cassy said happily going to her room, it was 9pm when Stuart arrived back home, he was already dressed up in a fine black suit, like always he was wearing all black, Kourtney descended the stairs looking all stunning, the corner of his mouth lifts up being impressed with her look, Kourtney could feel his eyes on her, burning her like fire but in a good way, Stuart forwards his hand for her to take, Kourtney took it and he pulls her into his arms," Looking stunning Mrs Levant." He whispers close to her ear, Kourtney bits her lower lip in a seductive way," and you look charming as always Mr Levant." She smiles," OMG Kourtney! She heard a teenage girl's excitement voice, she looked behind Stuart and saw her standing there , she ran towards them and gave Kourtney a hug," I am your number 1 fan, I follow all your pages around the internet, I love you so much." She said with exclamation," Humm hello." Kourtney could only say," where are my manners, hi I'm Rory Kiel Levant." Rory introduces herself," Rory Kiel?." Kourtney repeats, the last name sounding so familiar," She's Tyler's daughter, my little niece." Stuart gave a slight smile, Kourtney was surprised, she knows Rory is Kate's daughter, she has seen her photos in the magazines and The Levant's Blog, but she never knew she was Tyler's daughter as well, not to many people knows who Rory's father is and she was one of those people who did not know and now she does, she wants to ask so many questions but she couldn't ask them in front of Rory plus this wasn't the right time," Well it's nice to meet in person Rory." Kourtney gave her a wide smile," by the way I like your hair makes your eyes pop out." She adds," well thank you even though mother doesn't approve of it, says it's not classy enough." Rory giggles," enough chitchat and get to the hotel." Stuart says leading them outside to the car," William will drop Cassy and Christine to the hotel." Stuart says getting into the driver's seat and drove off, within 30minutes they arrived at the grand hotel in the city, the press stood there waiting for their arrival, Stuart got out of the car opening the door for Kourtney and Rory, the cameras flashed towards them," Kourtney a word please." A reporter asks, Kourtney nods kindly but security didn't allow them to get near them," today is your launching of the most biggest company known in the fashion industry, how do you feel?." She asks," Well I feel great, you know how my supportive fans love and care, it's all because of them that I am to where I am now, and I also thank Mr Levant for being a caring husband and supportive, not all husbands support their wives with such a career." Kourtney gave a slight smile," Mr Levant! How do you feel about your wife being on the spotlight? Are you in anyway ever get bothered with her clothing on the spotlight?." Another reporter asks," my wife's career is more important, excuse us." He led them inside, the inside was grand and fancy," OMG! this is so amazing." Rory widens her smile looking around, Kourtney's pictures were everywhere in the hall, she looked beautiful and sexy, so hot , Rory brought out her phone going Live," Hey there Rory here and I am Live at the grand opening of the Hot girl Summer in New York City at the Grand Hotel, standing beside me is my Uncle Stuart Levant and his beloved wife Kourtney Grenade Levant, keep you posted, love yeah." Rory ends the Live video smiling at both Stuart and Kourtney," are your videos necessary?." Stuart raises his brow at her," it's for my Blog so of course it's necessary." She answers simply," Kourtney!." Kourtney looks straight ahead and saw Miss Jacks approaching them," just in time for the opening " She smiles turning to Stuart," Mr Levant." She greets Stuart," please this way." She leads them to the VIP Section," May I have your attention Ladies and Gentlemen." Nate approaches the Mic," thank you, today we launch the Cover of the Hot girl summer, and we are more than happy to have Miss Kourtney as the face of this cover, and we would also like to thank our endorser Mr Stuart Levant, please a hand of applause." The crowd put their hands together, Nate and Miss jacks officially released the Cover and magazines for everyone and what follows was celebration, Stuart introduced Kourtney to his business partners and important business people, they wouldn't stop pressing Kourtney of her beauty and how magnificent she looks tonight, after introducing her to everyone, he led her to the table to have something to drink and eat, a waitress brought them white wine for Stuart and Kourtney and apple juice for Rory," Uncle Stuart I'm 18 now, can I not have a cocktail at least?." Rory asks sadly," those things contain alcohol." Stuart refuses to buy her sad expression," please, just this once pretty please." Rory begs," Just this once, only because it's a special occasion." Rory heard a familiar beautiful voice speak behind her, she looked back and saw Tyler approaching their table looking all handsome as always," Dad." Rory stood up enveloping him in a hug," How is my little princess?." Tyler robs her hair," upset, the fact that you didn't pick me up at the airport." Rory gave a frown face," Dad was wrapped up with a lot of work today, but I promise to make it up to you." Tyler gave her his word," Scott's Honor?." Rory asks," Scott's Honor." Tyler lifts his three fingers in the air," great I'll take that cocktail to go please." She calls out to the waitress, Cassy and Christine joins them at the table, Christine didn't wear all fancy, she wore a gray suit with a pure white shirt inside with black leather high heels, her blonde hair tied up into a ponytail, always ready to get to work it seemed, the party went on for the night, Kourtney felt exhausted and decided to go to the restroom to freshen up and fix her makeup, when she was about to enter the lady's room, a strong hand covered her mouth and held her hands firmly getting her into the next room, Kourtney's heart was racing, her eyes widened and watery, she was so scared and wondered who was after her life this time around, those memories from that dreadful night came flashing inside her head," I won't hurt you, I only want to talk to you," She heard him say," I will let go of you now, please don't scream." The man adds, his voice sounds so familiar to her ears, the man slowly removes his hand from her lips and releases her arms, Kourtney hurried looking back and saw that it was Mike, her heart skipped a beat, she never thought she will see the man who took everything away from her and ruined her life and reputation, her dignity and morals, she had mixed feelings of both pain, regret and betrayal," Kourtney I - .." before he could even finish his words, Kourtney raised her hand and slapped him across the face hard, Mike didn't react, he understood her pain, he knows what he did to her was wrong, when he found out that Kourtney was now married to Stuart he knew his secret and wrong doing won't stay hidden for long, so he decided to come to New York City and confess everything to Kourtney, but the slap she just gave him tells him already that she already knows the truth," how dare you show your face to me? If I were you I would run, run far away and never show my face, but even if you run into hiding, I would find you." Kourtney said with grit teeth," Kourtney that's why I am here to apologize to you."

" apologize to me!? No apology will fix what you did to me Mike! You ruined my life, I gave you everything wasn't that enough, we talked about getting married that's when I will give myself to you but no, you couldn't wait, your lust was bigger than your love for me, did you even love me Mike?." Kourtney asks tears building in her eyes," of course I loved you and I still do that's why I am here Kourt." Mike tried to touch her face but Kourtney took a step back," No! If you loved me you would not have raped me and throw me to your dogs to have, you're here because you're afraid of what might happen to you, only Stuart knows what will happen to you, and I can't do anything about it, you will pay for your sins Mike, remember I built you, and I can also break you leaving you with nothing." Kourtney threatens about to leave when Mike grabs her wrist," Kourtney wait."

" let go of me."

" not till you forgive me."

" I said let me go!." She shouts out, Mike pulls her into his arms and kissed her lips, Kourtney widens her eyes pulling back and gave him a hard slap, she tried to run away but he still held her wrist, Kourtney was starting to panic, fear was written all over her face and she could not do anything but pray for a miracle to get her out of this situation," Let go of her or I will shoot." A woman's voice echoed in the dim light, both Mike and Kourtney looked forward, Kourtney was relieved to see Christine, Mike didn't know the woman that was pointing a gun at him, but he figured she must be one of Stuart's pets," I said LET GO OF HER!." Christine said firmly, her voice dead serious and emotionless, Mike finally let go of Kourtney's wrist, Kourtney ran towards Christine," Are you okay Mrs Levant? Did he hurt you?." She asked her," I.. I'm fine." Kourtney replies, her voice shaking and terrified," Let's get you back." Christine led her away , When Kourtney saw Stuart standing there talking to one of his business partners, she could only run to him wrapping her arms around his waist bursting into tears, Stuart held the back of her head worriedly," Kourtney! What happened?." He asks her worriedly," Mike, Mike touched me."

" I'll Kill him." Stuart was about to leave but Kourtney stopped him hugging him tightly," no please, please don't go don't leave me ." Kourtney cried even harder, Stuart could only hold her tight in his arms," Let's get you home." He took her away and into the car driving off, by the time they got home Kourtney was already fast asleep, Stuart gathered her in his arms taking her inside up to their room, he took her shoes off and changed her dress into her night dress and covers her with the sheets, he took out his phone and dialed a number, the call was answered immediately," take care of him." Stuart said calmly," Yes Sir." A woman's voice said from the other end before hanging up, Stuart ran his fingers through his soft silky smooth black hair before standing up and went to the bathroom, he freshened up and changed into gray sweats pants without a shirt on and switched off the lights going to bed.

The next morning, Kourtney's eyes were wide awake but she just stayed in bed, she didn't feel like getting up or doing anything this morning, Stuart got out of the bathroom drying his wet hair with a small towel wrapped around his waist exposing his perfect body," You're awake? Good morning?." He greets her sitting on the edge of the bed but Kourtney did not answer him back, Stuart stared at her face and she looked as though she was thinking about something, Stuart touched her cheek with the back of his finger, the coldness made her come back to reality," are you okay?." Stuart asked her in the most gentle voice he could master, Kourtney sat up leaning to the bed board," you're leaving for work?." She asks in a soft tender voice," you don't look to good, are you okay?." Stuart asks," I'm alright, I was just thinking about home, my parents, I miss them that's all." She tells him, indeed she did miss her parents, but that wasn't what she was thinking about, she was thinking about the last night's event that happened," are you sure that's all?." Stuart asks, Kourtney nods with a slight smile," I have a shoot today, I should get ready." She gets up and went to the bathroom to shower, Stuart was already dressed up when she was done with her bath, she moistures her skin and got dressed, a tight leather brown skirt that reached her thighs and a white long sleeve shirt with brown leather high heels, she tied her hair into a ponytail, fixed her makeup and went downstairs to meet Stuart for breakfast, Stuart was having breakfast with Rory and Cassy," Good morning everyone?."

" Good morning." Rory smiles back," Good morning." Cassy greets back, Kourtney sat on the opposite side next to Stuart, after breakfast, William drove Kourtney and Cassy off to the studio while on road, Kourtney could see her face all around the city on billboards and magazines, she was the face of the city, after dropping them off, Kourtney said her goodbyes to Stuart," I will pick you up for lunch, take care of yourself." Stuart tells her, Kourtney nods proceeding inside, Kourtney did her photo shoot advertising different products in different outfits, by the time she finished with her work she was tired and hungry, she decided to go wait for Stuart in the packing lot before her next shoot starts, a white car arrived and packed, a tall dark handsome man got out of the car and Kourtney was surprised to see Jonathan, Jonathan approaches Kourtney with a smile which Kourtney was not expecting, she was expecting to see the angry Jonathan after what she did to him," Jonathan! Wha..what are you doing here? When did you come to New York City?." Kourtney asks," a simple hug will be a good welcoming." He says, Kourtney smiles giving him a hug," how have you been?." Kourtney asks," you mean after you left me standing on the alter?." He teasing her," I'm sorry, I should've at least let you know before embarrassing you in front of everyone like that." Kourtney apologizes," well, I will only forgive you if, you go out to have lunch me."

" Sure just let me know when." Kourtney agrees," What do you mean when? Today of course." Jonathan tells her," Wait what! Now?." Kourtney widens her eyes," I have already made a reservation for us."

" but I-

" No buts, come on i promise you won't be bored." Jonathan smiles," oh alright, let's go." Kourtney could only accept his invite, they went to the restaurant downtown, they ordered food and wine," by the way congratulations on your wedding, since I wasn't invited and did not know your house, I couldn't deliver your wedding gift, So....here it is." Jonathan took out a small velvet box opening it and took out a pretty necklace with butterflies on it," may I?." Kourtney nods, Jonathan stood up getting behind her and wore the necklace around her neck before going back to his seat," it's so pretty." Kourtney smiles," I know how much you love butterflies so I figured you will love it." Jonathan said," thank you." She thanks him," how did you get together with him? I mean if I remember correctly you just broke up with you know who, and I know you would never cheat, so how come you got to be with a man such as Stuart Levant? Where you seeing him behind Mike or what?." Jonathan asks, he was so confused and couldn't put the dots together, it just didn't make a lot of sense, Kourtney didn't know how to explain to him and make it sensible and believable," Well, I met Stuart a year back in London when I went for my Beauty photoshoot, he was one of the investors in that company and he was the main guest, we got to talking about work and we met up a couple of times outside my work place, and we took it from there, I went back home and didn't know how to tell Mike it was over, surprisingly he was the first to break up with me, and that incident happened, Stuart saved me, he took away the shame by making me his wife, and now we're happy, happily married." Kourtney lied the first part but Jonathan bought it," fascinating, so how does it feel being the wife of Stuart Levant himself?." He asks with a naughty grin on his face, Kourtney chuckles softly," Well, apart from everyone trying to take pictures of you and know what goes on in your personal life and my marriage, I only feel normal when I'm home." She tells him," enough about me, tell me when did you arrive Here?."

" two days ago, I have some meetings with some few companies here, thought to see you before I become really busy." Jonathan shrugged his shoulders," and my parents? How are they?." Kourtney asks in a low tone," they were pissed when they found out you ran away, but that's because they thought you wouldn't find a good man that will marry, now you have found someone, I am pretty sure they are happy for you to know that you have settled down." Jonathan comforts her, which made her ease, the two of them stayed in the restaurant and talked catching up, Kourtney's phone rang, it was Stuart calling, she swiped the screen picking up," yes."

" Something came up, I won't be able to have lunch with you, I will be home late tonight don't wait up." He told her before hanging up, Kourtney was both relived and disappointed , relived that she didn't have to disappoint Stuart and have a free mind spending time with Jonathan, and sad that disappointed with the fact that if she didn't meet Jonathan Stuart would have disappointed her anyway," are you okay?." Jonathan asks seeing her down face," of course, just thinking of what to order for desert." Kourtney smiles, after finishing their desert, Jonathan drops her off to her work place," thank you for lunch and your company, hope to see you soon." Kourtney says," I'll see you around Mrs Levant." He smiles, Kourtney giggles going inside the building.

Stuart was in the conference room, there were ten men in the room including Stuart who was sitting boredom on his seat with Christine standing besides him," Mr Levant with all do respect, the company was handed to you at a very young age, that's because your father Mr Levant trusted that you will very well handle the company, I have worked with your father before you were born, we started this company together, he trusted me and I will not seat back and watch the company crumble down." An old man said," Mr Levant" A young man spoke "the board of directors are complaining and the fact that you married a woman such as Miss Grenade they -

When Stuart heard him mention Kourtney, Stuart shot him a hard glare that stopped his words mid-way," apologizes I didn't mean to be rude." He apologizes staring down, Stuart sat up straight looking at all of them," Mr Harry you have worked alongside my father for years that's why I respect you, but this company no longer runs by my father but me, I have been running this business ever since I was eighteen, now you tell me Mr Harry have I ever let this company down?."

" No." Mr Harry answers," and as for the board, they do not have to worry, I can take care of my own company, but I do not ever want to hear my wife's name come out of yours or any of their mouths or I will not hesitate cutting your tongues out, this meeting is over." Stuart stood up and walked out with Christine strolling behind him, Stuart went back to his office when his phone rang, a frown settled on his face before picking up," thought you would not pick up my call, brother." A voice spoke from the other end," why such a frown on your face? Ain't I allowed to call my dearest brother when I miss him so much?." The man kept on talking even when Stuart said nothing, he knew how much he annoys Stuart and how Stuart always puts on a frown whenever he sees or talks to him," you know I heard about your little your marriage, of all women you chose a simple Model, no doubt she's doing great for herself, she's damn gorgeous, hot and sexy, no wonder those people did what they did cause she is such a temptation." Stuart clenched his phone anger building up inside of him," you really have a thing for simple and naive girls don't you Stuart, first it was Luciana that poor girl may her soul Rest In Peace wherever she is, now Kourtney, though she looks quite smart," he chuckles," tell me Stuart did you give up on trying to find Luciana? Was is so easy for you to forget her? Did she mean nothing to you? Answer me Damn it." The man said with grit teeth but Stuart kept calm and quiet," if you have given up on her just say the words and I will take over of her search, then I will make her mine, if you make up your mind I'm one call away." He said before hanging up, Stuart ran his fingers through his hair sitting down," do you have the papers ready?." Stuart spoke after a long silence," Yes Sir." Christine hands him a black file, he went through it step by step," let's go." He stood up and left the company with Christine.

In a unknown place hidden facility, Damian went to see the same woman, she was in her room sitting on her bed, he approaches her sitting on the sofa with one leg folded on the other," why do you keep punishing yourself huh? I try so hard to make you happy, I make love to you every night but you don't seem happy about it, it's like speaking to a ghost, you seem unbothered " he stood up sitting besides her and removed some strains of hair on her face," it's okay though, as long as I get to hear your sweet sound of your moans whenever I make love to you is enough for me my darling Luciana, not even Stuart can pleasure you the way I do." Damian gave a naughty grin," Well I will be leaving for New York City in a weeks time, and this one week before I leave, I will make sure to have you day and night sweetie." He smells her hair before leaving her room, Luciana drops tears but no sound of crying was heard, she remembered the last time she saw Stuart in that ship, when he got shot trying to save another girl and how she also got shot in the process of trying to save him and fell ashore in the cold water, Luciana tried so many times to escape this hospital but failed many times, they kept a close eye on her under strict supervision, they gave her different injections and medicine that made her weak and numb for over ten years now that she stopped trying to escape and accepted defeat, she was only waiting for death but even death isn't ready to accept her, Luciana could only curl herself into a heap in bed closing her eyes.

Kourtney finished all her work for the day, it was 6:20pm and figured it was still early to go home," I can really use a drink." She said to Cassy," there is a fancy bar nearby, we can go there." Cassy suggests. Kourtney and Cassy arrived at the bar, the bartender led them to a private booth," what drink would you like to order Ladies?." He asks kindly," we will have a Belgravia Gin." Kourtney says handing him her black card," right away." He took the card and went to get the drinks, after a few seconds he came back with the drinks and her card, after having a few drinks they sat there chatting, just a few inches away there was a tall man sitting in a far corner, his hazel green eyes staring right at Kourtney," you've been wanting to meet her ever since you arrived at the airport yesterday, why not approach her now?." A man next to him asks," I don't want to do anything stupid, or Stuart will surely have my head for it." He charmingly handsome man said," we should leave now." He adds standing up and used the back door to leave.

Stuart and Christine arrived at an abandoned warehouse, dead bodies laying everywhere, Christine shot everyone dead that tried to stop them from proceeding inside, Stuart stopped in front of a man who was bleeding to death on the floor," Who are you working for? And where is this medicine going?." He spoke coldly but the man wasn't even able to open his mouth to speak, he lifts his middle finger at Stuart, Stuart stretches out his hand at Christine, she hands him the gun and he pulls the trigger right through his brain and he died on the spot," take this medicine to Tyler for testing." He tells her walking away, Christine took a small package and left the warehouse.

" what do you mean my men are dead?." Damian got a call from one of his men," we reached the warehouse to find all of them dead, the cars that were supposed to transport the drugs is burnt down." The man said, Damian clings onto his phone almost breaking it," change of plans I will come to New York City in three days time." He said cutting the call," you've done it this time Stuart, I can't wait to see you, brother." He gave a sly smile.

Kourtney arrived back home and went straight upstairs, she switched on the lights and was startled when she saw Stuart sitting on the small sofa in a corner of their room," goodness you scared the hell out of me," Kourtney holds her chest," what are you doing sitting in the dark? I thought you'll be home late tonight." She asks," my work finished earlier than I expected." He tells her standing up, he approached her slowly inhaling her scent, Kourtney stared into his dark shining eyes like the dark night filled with stars," you're scared." He whispers," anxious." She corrects him," why?."

" I don't know." Kourtney whispers staring at his lips, Stuart pushes her back against the wall and grabs her neck, Kourtney pushes him to the side and throws him on the bed, she grabs his arms and slowly sit on him, she leans in and whispers in his ear," now let's begin." She bits on her lip grabbing a sealed condom but Stuart stops her," I want to have you bare." He kisses her lips, Kourtney was so driven into his taste that she didn't think about anything, she took off his shirt and pants kissing and tasting each part of him, Stuart striped off her clothes kissing, biting and teasing her body, Kourtney moaned softly taking charge, she was on top of him and decided to ride on him like riding a horse," Damn." Stuart groans holding her hips, Kourtney continued doing the dance on him, Stuart pinned her down changing positions, he added pressure stroking in and out enjoying her warm ness inside, they continued this act for half an hour, Kourtney was left breathless, she enjoyed it so much, they went to the bathroom to take a shower and went straight to bed after.