
From Farm To City [2]

Yuuta was amazed by the flying cars that were above him. He gawked at the automatic trashcans running to pick up garbage getting thrown on the ground.

"Woah, I knew leaving the farm would be good for me." Yuuta was amazed by anything that flew by him. He looked at his small piece of paper that were directions to meet a landlady whose name was Kokoro Tsunade.

"Ahh!!! Watch out!!" A young girl yelled riding a floating vehicle. Many people rushed out the way cursing at her. Yuuta tripped back barely missing getting him.

"Ow! Watch where you're going you no good brat!" He screamed wiping the dirt off his clothes. "Now where's my-" He realized the little paper with the directions wasn't in his hands anymore. "Oh crap, oh crap!" Yuuta took a deep breath. He walked over towards a lone young teen girl that looked about his age.

"Excuse me," He tapped her shoulder gently. The girl turned around to face Yuuta. She had dead faded blue eyes, long light pink hair that reached her back, and a nice slender figure. 'Woah she's hot!' Yuuta thought to himself.

"Um . . . What seems to be the problem?" The girl asked with a silky smooth voice. She nervously pushed her long hair behind her left ear. Yuuta's heart was rapidly beating.

"A - ah, well - you see-" Yuuta choked on his words. The girl was just too beautiful for him to not get flustered.

"Minako what seems to be the problem?" A man asked grabbing her hand. The girl flinched for a second but went back to her blank state.

"Nothing, Master Rei. This human male here wanted to ask me something. Go on." Minako egged Yuuta on. She was quite curious what a scary looking man like him wanted with her.

"Wait- 'Master?'" Yuuta questioned causing Rei to chuckle darkly.

"Are you a foreigner?" He questioned laughing at Yuuta's ignorance. "Minako here is a custom made Repair Android that cost more then you can imagine, she doesn't need someone like you fawning over her." He said coldly. "You shouldn't have even entertain someone like this, Minako." He glared at her coldly causing her to shudder.

"Forgive me Master." She bowed her head like a dog. Rei laughed but gave her a small pat. He began walking off grabbing her to follow leaving Yuuta lost and confused.

"If you're lost scary foreign man use one of those communication poles!" Minako yelled but still came out soft and gentle. She was pointing to a pole that had a large screen on it.

"Minako don't talk to trash like that!"

"Ah - I'm sorry Master!"