
Shredder Boyfriend Scenarios

A who would have thought that a coldhearted man could fall in love again? those who dare to cross his path are intimidated by his stare alone, but fear will soon take over by his presence. are you able to help him learn to love again?

MidnightMoon8888 · TV
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7 Chs

When You Meet

You're walking home from work at night. No one's around, no cars driving by, just how you like it. You're also glad your work isn't far from your home. But this night is going to be something that you'll never forget.

As you walk home, you think you hear something weird. Like, weird robot sounds, to be exact. Turning around, you don't see anything. It must have been a microwave or something that somebody threw out in one of the alleyways. You just keep walking, minding your own business, until a minute later you hear it again.

But when you turn around, you see two bizarre-looking men and a robot the same height as them but has an ugly pink thing in the middle. They have guns and they point them at you as one of them instructs you to come with them.

As you are frozen in fear, you are unable even to scream. This can not be it for you.


Y/n: Fuck off!


As they come closer and just as you were about to run, you hear metal being slashed. In less than a few seconds, they all had their torsos sliced in half, causing the upper parts of their bodies to collapse.

Standing behind them is a man in some kind of metal armor, but not like a knight's armor.


???: Go home.


He says this and the next thing you know; he disappears within a blink of an eye, literally. You take his advice and run back home. As soon as you enter your apartment, you lock the door and breathe a sigh of relief.

What the hell was that? You almost got kidnapped and someone saves you. Someone you've never seen before and he took them down in seconds. You don't know who that man was, but thinking about this whole thing now, you should have thanked him. But he disappeared before you could say anything.

Who was that man? Maybe you'll never know. But if you see him again, you'll thank him.

Standing from one of the rooftops across the street from your building. Staying in the shadows, the same man who saved you is staring through your living room window and he sees you sitting on the couch taking a few breaths before watching tv.

He just silently continues to stare at you for a bit before going back into the shadows.