
show your fetish

A calm daily college story of a protagonist who can see a fetish

Arnnok · Fantasie
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10 Chs

〈Episode 8〉Jeong So-ra stretched out on the floor

- Then Hwan-i oppa, see you next time you go on vacation! Merry Christmas!

"… okay. Merry Christmas."

After finishing the phone call, Seo Ju-hwan lay in a daze for a long time. It was because he was disturbed by the memory of him that he had forgotten for a while. When about an hour had passed, he jumped up and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water .

"Uh. I'm coming to my senses now ."

Seo Joo-hwan wiped off his water and shook his head vigorously. There was nothing good about being buried in old memories like this . If it hurts, change it. He returned to the past, so what could he not do ?

" It's not something I can do right now anyway ."

There is still plenty of time left. There was no need to be depressed already .

"Let's see."

Seo Joo-hwan took out his cell phone and entered the green window. I had something to look for. Fat Admirer, Jung So-ra's fetish. I wondered if it was really literal.

[Fat Admirer: Also shortened to FA , it means a person who praises a fat body. In pornography, it is also classified as BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) or BBM (Big Beautiful Man).]

"oh… … ."

I didn't think it was possible, but I thought it was a word that really refers to obesity admirers . That Jeong So-ra's fetish is like this . The classification level was written as 下, but how much fat do you like ?

"This is so… Should I like it?"

I never thought that the day would come when I would appreciate my fat body. After solving that question, another question arises . What is the middle class fetish

marked with a question mark ?

" Couldn't it be something like masochism or sadism ?"

Masochism, also called masochism , refers to accepting abuse under certain circumstances as sexual pleasure. People with this tendency are called masochists. On the other hand, sadism is called sadism , and it means the opposite tendency to masochism . And surprisingly low intensity masochism and sadism are known to be relatively common fetishes that appear in both men and women .

"no way. no way."

For some reason, it felt like chicken meat was growing up on my arm .


Seo Joo-hwan read the web novel until the appointed time. It was a new feeling to come back to the past and see old works . After reading the web novel for such a long time, he came down from bed only after it got dark outside the window.

"Shall we go soon?"

It was time to go to work .


It was said that it was a grandiose work, but in fact , most of Seo Ju-hwan's plans were poor, relying on memories and luck before returning .

According to my memory, today Jeong So-ra went on a blind date with a man in the town of Yeongyang-gun . And I really don't understand , but the man on the blind date dumps Jung So-ra. Afterward, she goes into her restaurant alone and drinks a fair amount of alcohol. This was the future he knew .

The reason I knew this information was because Captain Park Gyeong-soo, the commander of the 3rd Company of the 1st Battalion , saw her here . Park Kyung-soo was the most famous person in the 1st Battalion who was known to be the most talkative, and since he saw it, naturally, rumors about Jeong So-ra spread throughout the 1st Battalion . It was quite interesting gossip that a beauty like Jeong So-ra was dumped in a place where only men were present .

'I'm sure you said it was a seafood restaurant, right ?'

Haesikdang is a restaurant specializing in Italian cuisine. It was a place where the price range was quite high, so it was not easy to enter because of Seo Ju-hwan's wallet circumstances . This was also the reason he came out late . Instead of entering the restaurant during the day , he planned to walk around the restaurant after dark to find Jeong So-ra drinking alone. 'At this time, I'm just going to be drinking at a restaurant ...' .'

The current time is just past 8:00. She said that around 9 o'clock she saw that she was drinking more than two bottles , so it was time for her to start drinking. Before she finished drinking, she had to find a restaurant where Jung So-ra was. 'Where are you?' Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the restaurant . I just guessed that it would be near the seafood restaurant .

"ha. Are you sure you can find this ?" Seo Joo-hwan, who had been wandering the streets

for a long time , sighed and scratched his head. It was because he realized how reckless he was . No matter how small the neighborhood is and there is some information , the probability of going to each restaurant and finding Jeong So-ra was very low.

In fact, even if you were looking for it, that would be a problem. Since she is openly announcing that she has moved out of the Wisu area, due to Jeong So-ra's tight personality, she might be punished . Of course , it would end with just one poem , but she couldn't help but feel scared. That was when she wandered around for about 30 minutes .

[Powerful luck on sex intervenes!]

as soon as the message pops up.

"Seo Joo-hwan?"

A familiar voice came from behind .



Jung So-ra stood there with a surprised face . Seo Joo-hwan was not happy even though he met her. I had to search for her desperately, but meeting her so suddenly was an unwanted development.

"It is you too. But why are you here ?" Saying

that , Jung So-ra's face immediately changed sharply . She said, looking at Seo Joo-hwan with her narrowed eyes.

" I heard you got a lodging in Uljin-eup?"

"That, that… "

"You jumped?"

"… … ."

"Huh. It's not anyone else, Seo Joo-hwan How are you ! I don't know about the other kids, but I believe in what you say without questioning it... ." "That, that 's not it… ."

"Is the company commander very disappointed?"

"… sorry."

Embarrassed, he couldn't even make a proper excuse and apologized. As I was about to lower my head like that , a message popped up once again .

[ Powerful luck on sex intervenes!]

A man with a sturdy physique, visible through the vision beyond the instant message . He is the person I saw on the base just a day ago . He involuntarily breathed in vain and spoke of the man's position.

"omg. 3rd company commander?"

"uh? what? Captain Park Kyung-soo?"

At those words, Jeong So-ra, rather than Seo Joo-hwan, looked back in embarrassment and returned so quickly that he wondered if his neck was broken . As much as she knows Park Kyung-soo's personality, she doesn't want to get involved too much . Seo Joo-hwan and Jeong So-ra made eye contact for a moment, then nodded. After making an agreement without a word of dialogue, the two quickly moved in the opposite direction to Park Kyung-soo. However, when she hadn't taken a few steps, Jeong So-ra had no choice but to stop her feet . "Oh, I didn't count… ." "You mean the calculation?" "I was eating

I just came out to get some fresh air . So the clothes and bags are all in the store ... ."

Jeong So-ra's face was quite red when she said that . She must have drunk quite a bit already, so the smell of her alcohol was strong.

' Isn't this an opportunity?'

Seo Joo-hwan felt that this situation was an irreplaceable opportunity. Didn't the message also say good luck ? It was obviously a clumsy plan, but the puzzle was being put together due to the effect of the dream demon's blessing .

"cadet. Of course, I went into the store where I was . I don't want to get involved with that person. Jeong So-ra walks around the place with

a troubled face, even though she has to go into the store . Be confident in its appearance. Seo Joo-hwan suddenly said with a determined look.

"Squadron commander. I will bring it."

"uh? Joo-hwan is you?"


"If you go in and get caught, you might lose your vacation ? You know that person is very old, right?" Maybe it's because I 'm

pretty drunk ? Jeong So-ra spoke in a lighter tone than usual . She looked just like a neighborhood sister. Seo Joo- hwan replied with a grin .

"Haven't you already been caught by the company commander ? Instead, if I bring it safely, the company commander will look after it... How is it?"

At the bold words , Jung So-ra said, Look at him? eyes and say

"Seo Joo-hwan, did you have a lot of time? Having a dildo with the company commander ."

But it didn't look that bad . What she immediately said with a smile was evidence.

"Okay, bring it safely. Then, of course, pretend you didn't see it, and I 'll shoot something delicious tonight ."

"All right. I won't disappoint you this time ."

After such a playful conversation, Seo Joo-hwan puts on his hat and goes to the store. headed inside It would be a big deal if Park Kyung-soo found out, but somehow I didn't think that he would be caught . [Powerful luck on sex intervenes!]

Today was the day to be.


Seo Joo-hwan safely escaped Park Kyung-soo's eyes and came out with Jung So-ra's luggage . Jeong So-ra, who was waiting outside, greeted him with a bright face.

"Thank you, Joo-hwan."

"haha. It was nothing. Then you watch the jump, right?"

"of course. And I'll shoot you a delicious dinner ."

"oh. Can I look forward to it?"

"huh. You can look forward to it!"

Jeong So-ra's voice was lively when she said that . Maybe because she drank, she seemed to be in a pretty good mood . But she soon lost her temper.

"What if I run into another person ? I am very anxious."

"… Could there be another one? Isn't it quite far from the battalion to here? The surrounding units are also quite far away."

Seo Joo-hwan persuaded Jeong So-ra as much as possible . He couldn't afford to lose his best chance . But he is not easy to convince . Jeong So-ra seemed to be worried about whether she was still anxious . She paused to think, then clapped her hands as if she had remembered her method.

"Juhwan-ah, let's go to your dorm ."


"You shouldn't have found a lodging here. right?"

"I got it, but… ?"

"Then, let's buy snacks and drinks and go there. Are you going to drink?"

"uh, ah. yes! great!"

Seo Ju-hwan, who was taken aback for a moment, immediately nodded vigorously. What kind of cake is this? It was such a sweet thing to be lucky that I have never experienced in my life. A smile formed on his lips that he couldn't hide.


Jeong So-ra, who said she would shoot something delicious , bought three bottles of sake at 50,000 won each , as well as various side dishes such as sashimi and sushi . He also bought two bottles of soju, saying that it might not be enough, so he seemed to have to stay up all night to drink all of it today .

As soon as Jeong So-ra entered the dorm, she set up a set of snacks and alcohol . But why does it look so uneasy? Seo Joo-hwan, who was worse off, took the alcohol and snacks and set them instead.

"Jungdam, did you drink a lot ?"

"Um~ A little?"

Jung So-ra speaks with her index finger and thumb slightly apart . It was pretty cute, but Seo Ju-hwan shook his head . As he entered the store, he saw two bottles of alcohol on the table. One bottle was neatly empty and the other was half empty. It may differ from person to person , but with a face already flushed, it was not an amount to say that it was a little bit. Jeong So-ra, who ate a piece of sashimi before she knew it, poured the sake . Seo Joo-hwan's glass was filled with alcohol, and she held out her glass and said, " You know the first drink is a one-shot, right?" "haha. All right."

"Now, Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!"

The two of them shouted Merry Christmas as a toast and poured alcohol after encountering paper cups . The two passed the time by talking about the old days. Since we spent time together in the military , the conversation was overflowing.

Jung So- ra refilled her glass and spoke in an excited voice. "Ahaha. ruler! It's a celebration of the war. I'll fill you up." "Are you celebrating your discharge already? uh huh It overflows!"

Seo Joo-hwan quickly sipped the glass that was about to overflow . Jeong So-ra, who emptied her glass, continued .

"Now or when are you going to drink and celebrate like this ? I ended up drinking it unintentionally , but I wanted to talk to you because Joo-hwan received a lot of help from you ." "… Was I helpful?" Seo Joo-hwan sipped his drink in a strange mood and asked again. Of course, in this training, he played an active part even in his own thoughts . But before that ... well? Wasn't he just an unlucky guy who was busy avoiding everyone ? In fact, one of the reasons for his low self-esteem before returning was his military service. However, Jeong So-ra nodded his head as if it were natural .

"then! How much help have you been?" " What, for

example ?"

"hmm. You were a private when I first arrived, right? I called you the most at the time ."

"Ah, I rolled a lot at that time. So I thought Jungdam hated me."

"what? no way! It's because you do the best job . At that time , the Sang and the sergeants were like that, weren't they?"

"iced coffee. I remember. Honestly, it was shit."

"Ahaha. that's right. So I made a lot of things for you .Honestly, even though you were a bit unlucky, you did what you were told to do . Thanks to you, I unintentionally suffered a lot."

As we talked, the past came to mind little by little . Certainly, at the time, all of the upper and lower sergeants of the 4th company were close to decommissioning . Because of this, Seo Joo-hwan and Lee Jung-hoon, who were only privates , took on almost all the work . In particular , in his case, he knew that he had no luck , so he worked harder to be recognized by others . 'admit… Why was it so obsessed with that?' I thought about it in my heart, but being acknowledged by him was a very 'special thing' . It was n't just during his military days, but even after he was discharged . He was even more so because he was unlucky and had to work several times harder than others to be recognized . and maybe

I didn't know if it would be different now . That's why Jeong So-ra's words must have caused a calm ripple in her heart .

Seo Joo-hwan gave a small smile and held out his glass .

"… Thank you, Jungdam."

"uh? Yes. I am truly grateful." At Seo Joo-hwan's

sudden change of mood, Jeong So-ra tilts her head and answers in a bewildered manner. So while

talking about the military, the alcohol went around several orders of magnitude. Didn't he say that there is no food as delicious as the military ? I never thought I 'd be talking about it with a woman . I didn't even know that it was Jung So-ra.

Suddenly, Jeong So-ra's face turned red. Her tongue had also begun to twitch a bit , which seemed to make her quite drunk.

"Jungdam, you seem drunk . Shouldn't you stop drinking ?"

"no. I'm not drunk. And what is the middle dam? I will be discharged soon anyway, so call me noona !"

I was very drunk when I saw you talking .

"How is that? We still have one month left to be discharged ."

"Huh? It's an order. Now, if you drink this , will you call me sister?"

The appearance of laughing hihi and imitating the lines of a certain drama is completely drunk.

Seo Joo-hwan laughed . Today, I see a lot of different images than usual . Before she returned, she was a woman who only looked cold, but I think she had this side as well . Personally, I liked this side because it was more human .

Seo Joo-hwan drank the drink she poured out and responded to her expectations .

"hmm. sister? can i call it like this ? It's very awkward."

"uh? Didn't I tell you to let go?"

"I'm sorry, company commander."

"Oh, just kidding. no fun."

"haha. So, do you speak?"

"Already done. Do whatever you want ~."

Jung So -ra smiles with a slightly twisted tongue . A closed eye smile is pretty. "I 'll go to the bathroom for a minute ."

"Oh, let's go."

Jeong So-ra stood up from her seat. He looked at her back as she entered the bathroom . She was wearing her H skirt with a blouse so her voluptuous figure caught her eye. She was so engrossed in closing the bathroom door As I looked up, the closed door burst open.

"Juhwan-ah, I have two toothbrushes , can I use one? I want to get some drinks ."

"Uh, uh. Write comfortably."

"thank you." After

a while , Jeong So-ra came out of the bathroom .

"Oh, I will live. Joo-hwan-ah, I'm sober. Let's drink more!"

It seemed that he was thinking of drinking all the remaining soju. Seo Joo-hwan laughed and got up from his seat.

"Before that , I need to go to the bathroom too."

It seemed that he would have a hard time drinking more if he did n't wake up. He had emptied almost two bottles of high-alcohol sake by himself , so he was quite drunk.

shoot it

Brushing my teeth as well as removing the accumulated water and washing my face with cold water made me feel a bit sober . One thought comes to my mind when I 'm so crazy . '… Can I just drink like this ? How do you set the mood?' Drinking more happily than I thought , I forgot her original purpose. It was her first time drinking alone with a woman, so she didn't even know what to do to create an atmosphere .

' Should I ask if you have a boyfriend?'

I honestly don't know. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't think of a good number . 'Anyway , let's bump into each other.' I came out with that thought in mind, "Koul… ." "uh… ?"

I could see Jeong So-ra already stretched out on the floor .