
Show Nerves

*PLEASE NOTE* the genre is fantasy romance, but its only because there was no realistic fiction option Brynn is just a normal 17 year old girl to most people. It figures, as she rarely talks about her hobbies. She's a professional equestrian, one of the best in her state. After she gets to more top competitions, people become burtaly honest with her, telling her because shes Indian and has daker skin she won't make it into her dream, the Olympics. They tell her this is not a broke person sport, and that she can't ride properly because she doesn't look like them. Can Brynn get through the comments, the school drama, the upcoming Hampton Classic Horse show, her new horse and show nerves?

flyy_fall · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

Brynn didn't give Colton a tour. Instead she took him to the other side of the barn to yell at him.

"Can't you leave me alone for like 6 hours, you're like a clingy little needy baby!" Brynn exclaimed.

"Sorry, Brynn." Colton apologized. "I heard you were, like, sick so I rushed over to see you, no cap I'm telling you the truth."

Brynn was irritated. Before she could say anything Colton leaned a bit closer to her. Not too much that it was weird.

"I don't trust Greyson with you." He mumbled. Brynn was scared where this was going.

"W-why, and get off me!" Brynn whisper-yelled with resentment.

Brynn shuddered. Who was this and what did he do to her Colton? Her Colton wouldn't care who she went out with, what she did, however stupid it was. In fact, her Colton would do all the stupid things with her. This was not the young man she used to know.

She shoved him off and told him to call her later to explain himself.

She jogged over to Solten's stall.

"You okay, baby boy?" She asked her sweet little gelding. He got up shakily. The vet Amanda was just finishing up packing her items.

"He will be completely fine in 5 months, giver or take, but he will be a bit green after that. I know you're an amateur and all, but be careful.

Brynn wanted to tell her she was more professional than amateur, but didn't want to get in an argument with a lady that could easily cause her bankruptcy at the age of 17.

"Will he be ready before jumping nations?" Brynn dared to ask.

"Jumping Nations?" Amanda exclaimed. Brynn knew she messed up.

"Yeah, will he be ready at lest 3 months before then?" Brynn hoped she wasn't crossing a line.

"Yes… but do you think you will get in?" Amanda asked. Brynn was a little taken back and didn't know what she meant by that.


"Do you think they'll accept you?" Amana tried again. "You look…" Amanda looked Brynn in the eye, and knew not to finish what she was saying.

Instead of being mad at Amanda for thinking Brynn wouldn't get into Jumping Nations because her skin tone was different, Brynn just smiled.

"You may take your leave now if you're finished packing up." The vet stared at her for a good 29 seconds.

"Uh, yeah." Amanda mumbled.

Brynn walked away. She walked slowly to the arena, head full of thoughts.

'What was I thinking, trying to be more professional than I really am?' She thought.

'Maybe Amanda was right, maybe I really am too different.' All these thoughts were a blizzard, but when she walked into the arena and saw Greyson and Confident, she wasn't all too worried. She knew the two of them would at least always be there, so she walked over to the mounting block and took Confident for a try.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, she finished testing out Confident for Hampton over 2ft-4ft jumps and some canter poles then decided to go home afterwards.

Greyson dropped her off after convincing her to let him pay 50/50 for Stolen's vet fees. She felt so bad, but eventually agreed.

"I'm home!" She yelled, taking off her boots. She placed them in the shoe closet. She put her helmet on the table near the 2 massive front doors. She finally let her hair down after putting it up all day. Her hair was down to her hips, brown and wavy. She walked upstairs. Her sister was in her bedroom.

'What are you doing Annalise?" Brynn asked.

"I'm trying to beat this level." Annalise said, without looking up from the screen of her pink Nintendo. For an 8 year old, she was strangely addicted to video games. Her bedroom was covered in pink and blue.

Brynn let her be in her room.

"Valeno get over here!" Her two brothers screeched. She speed-walked downstairs to see her brothers Trystan and Ankur chasing their German Shepherd Valeno. Trystan and Ankur were twins, both 11. The dog seemed to have a toy in its mouth, but when Brynn looked closer she saw it was a rainbow sock.

Brynn whistled to the dog, and he came running over.

"Give it here boy." The dog dropped it. "Where is Sanjaya?" Brynn asked the boys, referring to their 13 year old sister.

"She's out in her math club meeting thingy," Trystan said. Sanjaya was the favorite daughter of her mom. She always was studying and doing math or engineering related projects.

"Okay, thanks." She dismissed the twins. They continued to chase the dog. Brynn walked around the house a bit more to find her parents and the rest of the pets. Her house was a massive marble mansion consisting of mainly the color white. She walked into the living room which had roof to ground windows and skylights that overlooked the fading sunset. Her 19 year old brother, Andrew, was sitting on the sofa and appeared to be on a call with someone. Facetime.

"Hey Andrew." Brynn said, sitting down on the other side of the gray, soft, |_| shaped sofa.

"Where were you? I didn't see you after the game." Andrew asked, putting his phone on mute.

"Stolen Wishes got injured, Greyson and I had to leave."

"Yeah, sure." Andrew said not even listening.

"Okay…? Do you know where Mom is?" Brynn asked.

"In Caleb's room." He blankly answered. Brynn got up. Her brother was pretty strange at times. She walked back up the stairs to Caleb's room. Caleb was her 4 month old brother. 3 of her cats, Jasmine, Autumn, and Blueberry were running around the lounge upstairs. The lounge had a sofa and a massive T.V. along with a mini bar and an attached movie room. The cats loved to sleep in the dark movie room. Her other cat Marshmello was in Brynn's room sleeping. He was a little white, Siberian kitten. She walked across the indoor balcony overlooking the living room.

She saw Trysten and Ankur chasing Valeno and their Husky, Mya. They had one more dog, Toast who was a little brown pomeranian belonging to Sanjaya. She walked into Caleb's room to find her mom just trying to put him down for a nap. It was semi-effective. Brynn gave a thumbs up, a signal for her to come find Brynn when she was finished with Caleb.

Brynn went on the search for her dad next. Tracking down all of her family in such a big house was exhausting, but at least Brynn got a workout doing so. She went to the basement first. He was usually watching sports when he got home from work. He was a Radiologist. Her mom was a Pediatric Dentist but was working 2 days a week to care for Caleb. When Brynn's mom was to go back to work, her dad would work from home and they'd do this on and off for 1 ½ years until Caleb was 2 and could go to daycare.

As Brynn walked downstairs she passed the massive wall of a fish tank built into the house. Ankur's turtle was downstairs as well.

"Hey dad, are you there?" She asked.

"Yeah, come over here!" Her dad replied. Brynn walked closer to find that her dad was watching cricket on the t.v. Her mum loved cricket, but her dad just watched it to watch a sport.

"Alright, have you had dinner?" Brynn asked.

"Yeah, about an hour ago. You can ask the maid to make something, though." Her dad said.

"Sure." Brynn ran back upstairs to see if Athena the maid was still here, or if she left to her extension of their house.

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sorry about the late chapter! I've been busy with lots of exams lol. Comment any ideas or mistakes you have/found.

have a lovley weekend!


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