
Show me how to self-destruct

There is someone else in my body. Someone evil, someone who wants to destroy me and everyone around me.

DeceasedCucumber · Horror
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2 Chs

Show me how to self-destruct

I can see blood all over my hands. What is this? Where the hell am I? River of questions floods my head as I slowly pick myself up from my knees. Smell of rust, iron and dust lingers in the air. Only sound I hear is my heart. Like a drum it's starting to beat louder and louder as I look around me. There is a soft light flickering above me driving away darkness that surrounds me in intervals of my heartbeats. I look at my bloodstained hands. There is still warm red liquid dripping from my fingers on the dust covered floor. My hands begin to shake and as I manically try to wipe them of my shirt they are only stained further from all the blood that is on it. I look around once more, slowly moving my legs from the flickering light to the darkness. As I try to find my way, horrible rotting smell hits me like a hurricane. I barely hold myself from throwing up. In that moment my legs get caught on something and I fall to the ground. Feeling around the dust on the floor trying to get up my hands feel something. "Phone!" My voice finally breaks eerie silence. Somehow I manage to unlock it. "Thank God it works." I turn the flash on and slowly pick myself up once again. Slowly pointing the light from my phone in front of me, I freeze for what feels like eternity then once again I fall to my knees but this time I can't stop myself from throwing up. Before me there is ocean of blood. Dismembered bodies floating around it like islands. Hands, legs, guts, heads, eyes are all around me. And on the wall, written in blood and God knows what, a familiar line that says:

"In the end

We are all just corpses dancing with shadows.

And the music never stops."