
shota demon Prince

a guy gets reincarnated into another world and ends up in a good situation. reborn in a good family with a powerful background and great potential for further growth in his future. he will conquer, he will rule and embrace all of his greatest desires in the world and give into his passions. name omen Ars Goetia harem Minerva Ars Goetia- mother Olivia Ars Goetia- sister twin Octavia Ars Goetia-sister twin Leviathan- envy deadly sin baphomet- sloth deadly sin Beelzebub- gluttony deadly sin osmodeus- lust deadly sin Lucifer- pride deadly sin Victoria Ars Goetia-wrath descendant Lori Ars Goetia-greed descendant (maids) Mary Stone Milly Stone Eleanor Gray gets stronger faster when embracing his desire and braking a taboo.

onin_vandella · Fantasie
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1 Chs

chapter 1 born

I floated there in darkness while in the background the sound of a rhythmic heart beating coming from my chest. The warmth of the liquid that enveloped my body and gave me the sensation of living again drove me almost mad.

I stayed there until one day something changed and I was slowly let out of the thing that helped me for so long.

The flower that acting like an incubation pod and seem to have grown my current body on occupying. It's meaty pedals slowly opened up as a liquid was reabsorbed quickly back into itself and leaving me bear to the world.

The first thing I felt out in the open was the coldness of the air taking away the excessive heat and quickly chilling with liquid left on my body.

(I'm alive, I've been reborn)

I'm mentally exclaimed to myself as I begin pondering over my second chance at life.

My thoughts slowly fell into turmoil as I stared at my surroundings and trying to get an assessment of my current situation.

Well it was difficult to understand my status and the benefits as well as negatives.

"Oh my Precious gem, how long have you been waiting for me to come get you"

A sweet and beautiful voice appeared out of nowhere, clearing away my chaotic thoughts.

Shifting my body so I was facing The voice, I froze in all at her appearance and allowed myself to be memorized by it.

She was so very beautiful and had a motherly Aura that was directed towards me for some reason. Her violet eyes stared into my arm that she gently picked me up from the ground and held me firmly in her arms.

"Don't worry my gem, Mama's here"

She spoke again declaring that I was her offspring and showing me affection.

Her words allowed me to gain some control over my almost hypnotized thoughts and started to look at my own appearance.

I ended up starting to compare my appearance with hers and notice some striking similarities.

From the necklace she had I noticed my eyes were violent with a purple tint in them and my hair was white like her's.

I took notice of another feature that I didn't notice before and stared at her horns on her head. Curved like that of ram horns but smaller and look more natural to her body sat upon both sides of her head.

Reaching up slightly I felt too little naps on the sides of my head where her horns were and allowing me to see more similarities.

I now knew I was definitely her child or related to her in some way, I felt a connection between parent and child between us.

Before I knew it she was walking down different corridors and in a direction I had no idea where we were going.

All I know is that we were moving further away from the flower that I was born out of and deeper into this Gothic Castle.

That is what I assumed it was due to its size and the little I could see from the windows we passed by.

Suddenly she stopped and moved towards her right opening a door before moving in.

As we entered the room, I noticed another pot similar to mine opening up and displaying a pair of twins.

"Fufufufufu I got twins and a boy I'm so lucky"my mother spoke softly to herself.

I overheard her words and look curiously at my supposed siblings who unlike me or unconscious. But seemed fine and we're breathing perfectly normal.

With a little bit of adjusting our mother was able to pick both of them up and move from the room we had just entered. Now we we're going down the corridors again and sadly I still did not know where we were going next.

My head got dizzy at all the always and the countless doors that we passed on the way to another area. It honestly was starting to feel like a maze at this point and I was amazed that she can easily navigate this place.

After a while seemingly answering my quiet prayers and consoling me for the constant headaches. she finally ended up in front of a door and quickly opened it before entering inside.

She closed the door unlike before, she then locked it before walking over to the bed and gently lying down still holding us.

She let out sigh of relief and allowed herself to relax in our presence. She held us a little bit tighter and gently kissed our foreheads before laying her head back down.

"Welcome to the Ars Goetia my gems"

She whispering softly to us as she lied there upon her bed and held Us in her embrace.

My mind immediately began racing, as countless thoughts quickly begin shifting throughout my mind and coming up with new answers based on her words.

The Ars Goetia are nobles of demons who rule over hell and have different hierarchies.

Even some of the deadly sins are part of Ars Goetia and have many connections to other noble demons.

If I was indeed a part of the Ars Goetia, then my future held great potential and many enemies for the future. I already immediately started to think about the possible futures I can encounter and different possibilities.

Due to the constant thinking and my young age my eyes slowly begin to close on their own. I felt unconsciousness slowly start affecting my body and drawing me into Dreamland.

All of a sudden I heard my mother's sweet melodies as she begin humming songs and gently rocking us in her arms. My eyes or slowly starting to flutter shut and my mind was getting slower.

Looking over I noticed my twin sisters have fell asleep already and I was the only child still away. I tried desperately to resist our mothers beautiful song and the countless melodies.

At last sadly I eventually gave in as my eyes completely fluttered shut and my mind gave into unconsciousness.