
Wait for Me

I mount my bike and kick off the ground. Rain is pounding heavily on my face. The train leaves at three, I've got ten minutes. It's not far to the station, but I give it my all. I don't want to be late.

I dash through a puddle and muddy water splashes onto my legs. My whole body is soaking wet already. I don't care. I just want to get onto the train.

My boyfriend lives about an hour's drive away from me. We can't meet often, and when we do, it's in secrecy. His parents hate me and don't want him to love me. But I don't care. I just want to love the most awesome and most beautiful person in the world. We arranged a meeting today. I will take the train to him at three and return at six. Not much time, but better than nothing.

A thorned branch slices open my wrist and a single drop of blood runs down, washed away by the rain. I pedal faster. The rain has intensified and is now pounding onto my face like a horde of elephants. I love rain. But I can't enjoy it today. I must get to the train.

Finally, the station. I quickly dismount my bike and lock it next to the others, then run to the passageway. I take off my backpack, get out my facemask. I won't have time for doing so at the track.

Quick, up the stairs. Right side, train to berlin. Left side, empty. I see the muddy reflection of the train's lights disappearing through the rain. I drop my backpack. The train is gone. No meeting today. He said he won't be able to sneak out for the next two weeks. Two weeks of nothingness.

My wrist stings. I take out my mobile phone. A short message. I can't type well through my tears.

The way home feels like defeat. Luckily no one sees my tears. They are washed away in the rain. The cold, comforting, never ending rain.