
Short Stories of Everyday Life

Follows the lives of several people,animals across the world in their silly day to day lives.

Pavle_Klecin · Urban
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40 Chs

Feathers and Muscle

I do not understand my environment. Everything happens randomly. This is no place for a majestic feline such as myself. The human regularly gives me food, though I never see what prey he catches. That silly human is such a scavenger! But the flightless birds always annoy me, bobbing their heads all day and making noise. Their chicks are bothersome as well, though there's one chick that's odd. I lick my whiskers and stare at it. It's round as a ball, and I see it with a toy. It's lifting weights! Another animal imitating a human.This chick is pure feathers and muscle.Smelling like a tofu sandwich.Tempted to take a bite, but those feathers and muscles are too much trouble. Well, so goes my dessert . Now, I'll have to tear away some of the grass to clench the strong meat I have eaten.