
Shiver (Tommy and Charlie #Book1)

Two weeks shy of her 17th birthday, Charlene Ludlow accidentally met with the gorgeous blue eyed country boy named Thomas Raven who was going to turn her unadventurous, well planned upper class life, upside down. Even though her father, who was soon to be Mayor had chosen a suitable future boyfriend for her, she was already fallen head over heels for the boy, who was said to have slept on the beds of half the girls in town. Tom had never been attached to anything in his life before. When he met Charlene, he felt something that he didn't recognize, he wanted her all to himself, nothing more and nothing less. Despite how much they wanted to be with each other, they faced many challenges of circumstances, from other people and even between themselves. How are they going to stay together in the very little time they have before they go on their separate ways for the pursuit of a better future? ********** This is a romantic teenage love story, set in a small town called Bluebridge. The story is set in the year of 1996. The story contain adult subject matter readers discretion is advised. This story is completed, however it is still in the process of editing. I will be posting three chapters at a time and a sequel is also in the making. I hope you enjoy my first try on the romance genre, positive feedbacks are welcome, hit the star button and leave your comments when you feel like it. Thank you for reading.

Gegimei · Urban
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34 Chs

Thirty Two: Prom

There's nothing more important to a 17 year old senior in high school than Prom Night. Even though she had to attend the event without a date, she was excited nevertheless.

Kayla and her boyfriend, Brandon was going to pick her up. They asked Brandon's best friend, Dylan, to drive. Dylan had had a crush on Charlene since 10th grade, it was going to be a night he will never forget.

She looked incredibly stunning in her pink champagne flower embroidered dress. The sleeveless transparent top fitted the outlines of her body, her medium cup sized breasts were enveloped under the flowers, almost naked in the corner of everyone's eyes. The wide cloaked skirt draped all the way to her ankle, right above her high heels shoes with a matching color.

She made her hair into big wavy curls, and let them fall over her shoulders. She turned everyone's heads that night and almost made Dylan's heart stopped when he had the privilege to escort her into the venue.

No other girl looked better than her that night, they would all be talking about her dress at least until graduation day. She looked so beautiful that everyone wanted to look at her just to admire.

Not having an official date did not stop her for having the best night. She danced and laughed, enjoyed the school band performances with her friends, and never seen without someone to talk to all through the night. She was having a blast.

Her father gave her a curfew to be home at 12 midnight the latest, and she wasn't allowed to drink because Landon was not with her. Nonetheless, she had enough time to enjoy her prom to the fullest, unlike poor Dylan who seemed to be too nervous to enjoy the night in any way. He was busy 'watching' Charlene from a corner, too shy to dance with her even though she had asked him a few times.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us at the after party? Everyone's going to Evelyn Nash's house after this," Brandon asked.

Kayla nudged him with her elbow, with her father's curfew, it was out of the question. "I wish I could come ... but no ... don't want to get Dylan into trouble here," she said and looped her arm around Dylan's. He blushed.

"Maybe we can talk your dad out of it, we'll just stop by at your house and ask him to let you go to the after party," Brandon tried, he really wanted his buddy to have the best night of his life.

Charlene laughed, "That'll never work ... look guys, I had a really nice time tonight, but no after parties for me ... okay? I'll see you guys at school on Monday," she said when they finally arrived in front of the gate of her house.

"Alright ... I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!" Kayla said as Charlene was getting out of the car.

"Okay ... you guys have fun," she told them. "Dylan ... aren't you gonna walk me to the door?" she asked Dylan who nervously got out of the car, not realizing he was suppose to do that.

Charlene waved at Kayla and Brandon who immediately made out in the backseat. She took Dylan's hand and walked through the gate and along the pavement into her yard. She wanted to treat Dylan as her prom date because he was. She was not one to ask a guy to drive her around and treat him like a driver.

"I want you to know I had a really nice time, Dylan, it's very nice of you to be my date tonight ... I really appreciate it," she said while walking in slow pace.

"It was my pleasure ... I'm sorry I couldn't be a better date though, I'm not much of a dancer," he said awkwardly.

She smiled, "That's alright, not everyone loves to dance ... I think you're more of a poet than a dancer," she encouraged him. Dylan was very fond of poetry, it was flattering that she took notice of it.

"Maybe we can discuss about books and poetry some day ... I love reading too, not so much poetry but I'd love to hear your favorites," she continues.

"I'd love that too."

When they finally arrived at her doorstep, she took his wrist and looked at the time on his watch, "Five minutes to twelve ... my dad will be thrilled," she laughed lightly. Her laugh under the light of her porch light was mesmerizing, it took his breath away.

"Charlene ... " he hesitated, "Do you have a boyfriend?" his heart was shooting like a machine gun. She smiled and sighed, she touched his cheek with one hand, "You're my prom date tonight, so technically ... you're my boyfriend tonight ... but tomorrow is another day, so let's end today with a notion that it's been a lovely night, and let tomorrow take care of itself," she was babbling to avoid admitting to herself that she did have a boyfriend, but it wasn't the one she really wanted.

She leaned forward and kissed him, "Thank you, Dylan ... good night." He was left speechless, his mouth was still half opened when he finally answered, "Good night, Charlene."

She went inside and closed the door behind her, leaving him in a daze after the best night of his life. He was not going to wash his face for days after that kiss. He stumbled on his way back to the car, drove away, still couldn't believe his luck, and not caring for the smooches from the backseat.

It was Prom night, and she was dateless ... I thought she could use a friend, so there's Dylan.

The kiss was appropriate and harmless.

She didn't really have a boyfriend, or did she?

I didn't think so, she didn't think so, I let you decide.

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