

Shiva a teen his life changes when he learns about his parents and his grandpa is actually the king of a mithical worlds. He is not a human but a blooder who protects the other worlds from capturing from gods, devils ,etc...., A mystrious shadow teaches him to become strong. The worlds which is like a fariytale and the story of why Shiva was hidden by his grandfather for past twenty years? how he will make gods and devils tremble just by hearing his name.

Sanjay_K_L · Fantasie
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28 Chs


While the battle is going on Shiva and general Balder is started their attack towards the lower level cocki demons even though he can't cut through the lower level cocki demons easily due to his bloodlust level is low.

He is in 3rd stage of middle level its low but enough to cut them even through it will be hard to cut them he killed every low level cocki demon with the help of general Balder when I defeated the high-level demon named Lackey,

I left my guard down another two high ranking demons named Teresa and Kanda showed up and trapped me in their trap when they came to finish me off general Balder helped me and broke the trap and freed Advara.

Advara and Balder were able to fight the three monsters but in the meantime, Lackey also recovered and started to fight with them.

he demons started to overwhelm us because they were outnumbered them Advara was injured by the demon Lackey when it came to give the finishing blow,

Advara suddenly stopped explaining Gilbert asks him to talk about the remaining story Advara drinks water and tells them about what happened.

Due to battle started to heat up Balder came here to support Advara Shiva and the soldiers are facing the low level cocki demons when the Lackey came to finish the final blow,

A spear came and price through the heart of demon Lackey when they turned back with a shocked face Shiva was the one who throwed the spear with an accurate aim .

Shiva killed every low level cocki demons and throwed the spear aimed correctly at the wound caused by Advara

during the fight the demon lackey dies when the demons Teresa and Kanda attacked Shiva with full strength Shiva managed to evaded the attack and counter attacked them using his dual blade

but his attack didn't even scratched their tough skin due to his low level bloodlust but fortunately the sun raised demons weakness is sun light those two demons were turned to ashes .

Shiva removed his death spear and summoned the three demons that attacked them and enquires them and stopped their plan to pass through to the 3rd dimension where humans live.

After hearing about how did Shiva managed to protect the village from the demons everyone is shocked and inspired.

General Advara with a smile on his face he says "What makes Shiva is a most dangerous man to have has an enemy?"

Nithya answers it was Shiva's battle insists what makes him the most dangerous man on the battle field. Sani says Shiva's composure in the most difficult situation is makes him the most dangerous one when he fights against us.

Advara tells them they were half right Advara tells to Nithya and Sani "I also thought Shiva only has that quality but he learns everything faster and he can master things that is difficult to master and has a courage, empathy and knowledge of an undefeated king."

After the death of crown prince Sakthi and his wife Diya I our king left our country to protect his grandchild I was thought our blooders will begin to fall to the others races and not able to prevent the balance in the dimensions and worlds and vast galaxy.

Even when Advara saw his crown prince Shiva he didn't have much expectation for him because Shiva didn't even know the basic about our world.

so Shiva needs to works hard to catch up to others

but Shiva was different the sisters who fights regularly are taking care of him without having a single fight among them the queen Kaveri who is so strict even with her granddaughter was changed by the arrival of Shiva

even our king Karin Galan also changed from a king who is very imposing to others was treating Shiva as a cute little child and celebrates everything Shiva does and ardours Shiva.

Shiva manged to learn things as fast as a anyone who is a true genius now,

I can see Shiva is a true genius who will suppress his ancestors.

Advara will do anything to protect Shiva,

Advara believes Shiva is the hope of blooders.

On next day two guards rushed to Gilbert and tells him the news of a someone stole the core of the red fire which is used for creating a sturdy weapon like hammers it can be easily misused because of its heat

and blasting nature will hurt normal citizen can be easily will lost their hands or legs even their lives.

Advara tells Gilbert let's ask the help of the crown prince Shiva but Gilbert is not sure because the fire is very dangerous.