
Shippuden Sex Stories

David_Anthony · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Hyuuga Affair

"Come in."


   Pushing aside the heavy oak door she walks into the Hokages office. Finding her sitting at her desk behind a pile of papers, not bothering to look up as her guest stops just short of reaching her. Tsunade continues working on the various reports, requests, and other paper scattered around forcing her to stand there awkwardly while she waits to learn why she was summoned. After several minutes of tense silence Tsunade looks up at her visitor, resignation written on her features.


   "Hinata. I have a mission for you."


   "Of course Hokage. I'll get it done."


   I know. That's part of the problem.


   "The Raikage is coming to the village to discuss the continued peace. You will be his escort for the entirety of his stay. You will see to his needs and follow his orders. And you will provide whatever he desires during his stay. No exceptions. Am I clear?"


   "Yes Hokage. But,"


   "But nothing. You have your orders. He will arrive tomorrow at 10 am. We have arranged lodging already. Shizune can give you the details. Meet him at the entrance and do your job. Dismissed.


   "Yes Hokage." She bows and turns to exit the the room but Tsunade had already returned to her paperwork. Poor girl. I hope she is ready for this. And that she doesn't hold it against me.








   At 9:50 the next morning Hinata is standing outside the massive gates leading to the village. She is taking shelter of the shade provided by the great trees lining the path in an attempt to escape the freak heat wave that is hitting the village. She was starting to regret not wearing her regular clothes, the light purple and white of her normal outfit would undoubtedly have been better suited to the unbearable heat. But in the interest of solidarity she chose to wear the uniform of the allied shinobi forces. A uniform worn by the entire world as they put aside all differences and struggles of rival nations to come together for the betterment and protection of all. What better way to greet the leader of Konohas largest rival for the peace talks.


   Or so she had thought. Now as sweat gathers on her brow and her heavy dark blue outfit sticks to her skin she is regretting her decision. Relief washes over her as the Raikage come into view, wearing nothing but his usual open shirt and pants with golden belt and wrist adornment. Showing off his impressive abs, Hinata often thought he was vain for always having them out in the open but now found herself envying him and his clothing choice.


   He was flanked by his entourage of shinobi, meant to ensure his protection and act as his body guards. She recognized them but only in passing, the dark skinned redhead had once beaten Naruto into the ground. And she had heard many comments of the busty blonde by some of the more perverted members of her village. The same comments that were have often be said about her once she started developing her womanly figure.


   Leaving her shelter in the shade as she marches for the to meet the group. Bowing in respect as she reaches them. She can feel her large breasts hanging down as the vest she is wearing fails to keep them contained, she is certain that they are all staring at them but refuses to look.


   "Greetings, Raikage-sama! I am Hinata Hyuga! The Hokage has appointed me to be your escort for the remainder of your stay!"


   Heat rises in her cheeks as she feels the stares. She knows they are looking at her breasts. Now more than ever she hates the fact that she was so well endowed.


   "Rise Hyuga."


   She does as told and for the first time comes face to face with the Raikage. Or more accurately face to chest, as he is well over a foot taller than her and she finds herself staring directly at the hardened muscle revealed by his open shirt. Looking up she sees the same thing she has often seen when men look at her and it fills her with trepidation. Lust. The Raikage wants her, and she will have to be with him almost entirely for the next week. Tsunade-sama. Why couldn't you have picked someone else?


   "Samui. Karui. Darui. Cee. You're all on leave until further notice. Consider this a paid vacation. Do what you will."


    They looked as surprised as Hinata felt at the order. They seemed about to object when the blonde simply walked off with a half wave over her shoulder and a "you're the boss." The rest following suit as she was left there alone with the Raikage. The lust in his eyes not gone but mixed with something she could not identify. That should have brought her comfort, but with his guards gone it was now just her with a man more powerful than her in every conceivable way and who she was ordered to obey and see to his every need. She prayed that she was wrong about him.


   "I trust quarters have been arranged for me?"


   Hinata nearly jumps out of her skin as she is jolted out of her thoughts by the very man who made her so anxious. "Yes. Lord Raikage. If you would follow me I will show you to your rooms."


    Turning on her heel she starts walking, not looking to see if he is following. And hoping that she is imagining that she can feel his eyes on her large jiggling rear.






    For what feels like the fiftieth time that day Hinata is cursing her own genes and body. A body that seemed to try and spite her at every turn. She spends her life trying to avoid attention and the gazes of others only for her to develop the largest pair of breasts in the village, their only rival is those of Tsunades legendary pair. She increases her training in hopes of burning away and losing the unwanted fat and somehow ends up with a large butt that she can feel jiggling with every step. She cracks down on her diet and even starts joining Lee on his workouts in an attempt to turn her misfortune around. And she does develop a lot of muscle and stamina, it just isn't visible underneath the layer of plush covering her body. That's not to say that she was fat because that couldn't be further from the truth. She simply had some additional curves that none of the other girls her age had.


    She was on her way to help her sensei with her child when she first heard a term she had come to hate, 'love handles'. A term she had never heard before but had become very familiar with over recent years, and with that familiarity came hatred.


   Especially now. After escorting the Raikage to his quarters she had spent the next several hours in his presence as  he refreshed and cleaned himself. Which of course led to him walking around in even less than he normally wore. And once she was almost flashed as he walked out of the bathroom completely naked after a shower. The rest of the day was spent in meetings between the two Kage as she stood there silently ignoring the stares the her charge sent her way at every opportunity. After hours of willfully ignoring the lust of the kage she escorted him to his chambers where she had hoped to leave him, she could protect him from outside just as well. Alas she wasn't so lucky. The Raikage had decided to shower again to wash off the sweat the heat had caused and had asked for her to get him dinner but all restaurants were closed at this hour so she was forced to cook it herself.


   Which is how she found herself cooking for a man who had been undressing her with his eyes all day as she felt herself jiggling with every movement while her was naked in the next room. She had been resisting the urge to remove any more clothes, while she would ease the heat she would also give the lecherous man more of a view and that was the last thing she wanted to do.


   She hears the bedroom door open behind her but stops herself from looking, focusing on plating the cooked food and leaving. She gathers the cooked food and carries it to the table, cautious when she sees that A is not at the table. Still she has a job, placing the food down she is about to go look for him when a hand delivers a painful smack on her voluptuous rear. Staying there and kneading the flesh as if testing it for quality.


   "Raikage!" In an attempt to get away from the hand molesting her she jumps forward, knocking over the table and all the food on it.


   "Look what you did. Ruined my meal. That's fine. But I'm still hungry." Chasing after her he wraps a hand around her throat as the other reaches up and grabs a breast. "Your people killed one of mine some years ago. Accused him of trying to kidnap you, actually. Did you know that? Your uncle died to appease my village. But I'm not satisfied."


   He releases her as she falls to her knees, gasping for air and ignoring the tingling she felt at his touch. As she gasps for air Hinata falls forward onto her hands and knees. Stopping mid heave as her head hits something.  Her heaves stop dead as she freezes. Not able to breath she steels herself as she tilts her head up, looking at what had just touched her.


   And as she feared the thing that meets her gave is a massive piece of flesh dangling beneath A like a third leg. Not even hard and almost reaching his knees as dangling right in front of her face, close enough that she can feel the heat radiating off of it, if she were to stick her tongue out she could touch it. She stays like that for several moments, too stunned to do anything. The pain in her lungs reminder her that she hasn't breathed in several moments and she takes a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent the large organ gave off, feeling a tingling sensation between her thighs as she does so.

It's that feeling that shocks her into action, her immediate response is to pull away and tries to do so but A is already planning on it. A strong hand in her hair not only keeps her from pulling away but pulls her forward, forcing her face to rub against the cock that easily covers most of it and inhale even more of its musk.


   "L-Lord Raikage. Please. This is. I can't. Haven't. AH!"


   The massive pillar had been twitching against her as her breath washed over it. Feeling the rod slowly hardening against her was doing things she refused to acknowledge. And was given the chance to as she was effectively silenced by a massive palm reaching over and smacking her large butt. She winces as she feels the flesh continuing to shake several moments later.


   "Listen here. You are to see to my wants. I want to feel your mouth around my cock. Now get to it. Consider it payback for the trouble you caused. Now. SUCK."


   Seeing no way out and hoping only for a quick end to this horrible situation she tentatively sticks her tongue out. Recoiling as much as she can after touching it, not at the taste but the knowledge of what she had just done.


   A was having none of that. Pulling back on her hair he thrusts his cock head into her open mouth, stopping the gasp before it can escape.


   "Take off your shirt. Show me those massive udders."


   Her jaw straining around the girth as the cock head rests on her tongue she rushes to comply. Doubting A would let her pull away to take it off she reigns herself to her fate. Pulling at the neck she tears the fabric, pulling it open and shoving it down her body, the cock hardening as her bra clad breasts come into view. Despite buying the largest bras she could find they never seemed to cover or contain them much. And as such most of them were visible and jiggling with every minuscule movement.


   "Oooh. Not bad. You put Samui to shame. Although why you bother with a bra on tits that big is beyond me. Remove it. And use your fucking tongue. I won't do all the work."


   Removing the garment, she would have sighed in relief were it not for the hard cock slowly pushing into her mouth. Placing one hand on his thigh and wrapping the other around his length, as much as she can, she does her best to relax knowing that being tense will only make it harder as she sinks forward. She stops almost immediately as she reaches her limit. Only moving at most a two inches down hi length and her mouth feels fit to burst, more full than she had ever felt.


   A didn't care.


   Using the leverage, he has on her head he pulls her forward. She screams around his length as he pushes into her throat, the vibrations only managing to encourage him as he continued, forcing her to take more and more of his length down her gullet.


   For several minutes this continues. Hinata struggling to pull away and breath while A forces her to take more and more of his mammoth cock. Her entire throat feels sore and raw in ways she hadn't known possible as it's violated. Thankfully, after an eternity her lips finally meet the base as she kisses his pelvis. She was sure she could feel him in her stomach as he simply rested there, relishing in the feeling of her throat as he kept her there.


   Maybe it was the lack of air. Or maybe it was simply morbid curiosity that motivated her she removed her hands from his thighs, there was no point in trying to get away anyway, to her throat. Reaching up she feels the massive rod protruding from her neck. It must have looked obscene, more cock than neck visible as it protruded through her skin.


   Tears well in her eyes as she starts to fear passing out from the lack of air. Just as her eyes start to drop she is ripped off of the cock in a single fast motion as he pulled on her hair. A however was not done with her. Still gripping her hair, her drags her gasping form behind him as he goes to the bedroom. Throwing her onto the bed, her head hanging over the side as his cock starts pushing back into her mouth.


   Not content to simply be in her throat he starts pulling back, before thrusting in. Fucking her face into the bed as he paws at her massive tits. She can feel the cock fucking her face as it stretches her throat, idly wondering if the damage would be permanent.


   Her head hanging, she could do little more than accept the abuse. Every thrust making his balls smack against her face as drool and spittle made a mess of her face. She winced and groaned as her grabbed her breasts for leverage, the painful grip causing her massive mounds to redden even as his hands sunk in. Her breasts too large even for a man of his size to fully grip.


   Hoping to help him along she reaches up and grabs her throat and tightens her grip as much as she dares. Hoping to apply pressure and tighten her throat as she grasps the massive bulge in her neck. And going by the uneven and jerky movements of the next few thrusts she succeeded.


   She can feel the hot cock twitching inside her. She thrashing from her position knowing what that signaled, Kurenai had told her that much, desperate to get away from the cock rearranging her inside before A peaked. Legs and hips kicking and thrashing as her hands beat on his arms, trying to get him to release his grip. Anything to get him away from her before he finished.


   She had no such luck.


   A hilted himself inside her gullet as the massive rod exploded. Cum being poured almost directly into her stomach, forcing her to swallow the hot fluid. She couldn't even take solace in the fact that she couldn't taste it, since she couldn't keep up with the flood the came and despite what she thought it wasn't deposited directly into her stomach. Spurt after spurt after spurt as he continued to cum, the tide never seeming to stop as she swallowed desperately to keep up. Her attempt was in vain, as the cum backed up, billowing in her already full mouth and dripping out the side and her nostrils, adding to the mess already covering her features.



    She couldn't even cough as she was still being choked on the massive cock bulging in her throat, the cum only adding to her troubles as she started to fear for her life. as the cock was pulled out along with a tide of her own saliva that covered her face. She mewls as the hands stop their massaging and return to her hair, pulling her onto the floor with a thud as A takes a seat on the bed, idly stroking himself as he looks on her prone form.


   Apparently trying to calm down he waited patiently as he masturbated above her, and to her. Somehow that fact made her feel worse than the fact that she had just been taking his cock down her throat. Knowing that a man was using her semi-nude for as a masturbatory aid only inches away from her. Either way she had a duty and her orders. Getting to her knees, she places her hands on her thighs and submissively bows her head as she waits to be told what to do. The large cock only inches from her face as she knelt between A's spread legs. She can feel the heat radiating off the massive cock, like having the sun shine on her face.


   "Wrap those fucking tits around my cock. It's about time you did some work."


   Shame filled her. Knowing that her breasts had been the cause for many of the lust filled comments and fantasies of many men. Two giant globes that sat on her chest, each easily over twice the size of her head, that she despised and loathed for drawing so much attention to her. And now she was going to use them the please a despicable man who had forced his cock down her throat and used her as a personal cum dump. And by the sounds of it she would be the one doing all work. It was a new form of humiliation, forcing her to not only participate in her own abuse but to actively use her own body to please this horrible man. To take her breasts and wrap them around that massive, hot, veiny, thick, slut tamer of a-


   NO! Shaking her head, she grabs her elbows with the opposite hand, hugging herself as she pressed her breasts together and up. Her forearms disappearing as they are smothered by the pliant flesh. Lifting up the massive mounds she scoots forward until they are directly above the gigantic fuck stick that was responsible for violating her. Letting gravity do the work, she loosens her grip slightly, letting her breasts fall and hoping that the pillar of manhood would be between them and force the mammaries apart as it took it' rightful place- place! Just place, nothing rightful about this abuse. She was not so lucky, wincing as the rod stabs at the underside of a sensitive breasts, precum smearing on her skin. Lifting the heavy bags, she tries again, and fails as she is once again stabbed in the tit. She tries again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


   "For fucks sake! Useless whore. Hold still."


   Grabbing her shoulders, A half stands as she leans back, breathing becoming difficult as the weight of her now pushed out breasts fell directly onto her chest. Lining up his cock with the underside of her breasts he thrusts harshly, sinking between her flesh as a large cockhead pops out, poking her in the cheek. Hinata was in awe, amazed that even her breasts weren't large enough to cover the massive fuck pillar that was currently burning into the inside of her breasts. A falls back onto the bed, dragging her with him as she collapses, the weight of her breasts dragging her forward. Wanting to get this over with she wastes no time, lifting the mounds before letting them fall, hoping that the feeling was pleasurable and that the space was tight enough to help him along. Continuing to use her breasts to jerk of the Raikage, all the while that massive cockhead was pointing right at her. An ever-present threat as far as she was concerned. A weapon at her throat, and hopefully not in it.


   "Use your mouth too. Stupid sow. Not even good enough for whoring. Useless girl."


   She quickly wraps her lips around the bulbous head, sucking on it like a candy. Willing to do whatever it took to end this humiliation. The cold air getting to her as a chill runs down her spine, causing her to shiver as she pleased A. It must have been the air. It didn't matter that she had a piping hot pillar of humanity in between her tits. It also didn't matter that every single shiver seemed to coincide with A's words. Or that her nipples were hard and her panties were undoubtedly ruined. She was simply feeling the effects of the weather. That was all.


   "-as a child. You likely wouldn't have survived. You are much more useful now, like this. As a fat titted whore sucking my cock. Get used to it, you'll be doing that a lot."


   She was shocked out of her thoughts at his words. Willfully ignoring the shiver that accompanies them, in a rush to end this she hums around the cockhead in her mouth, the vibrations reverberating throughout the cock she was pleasuring, and ignores the strain I her arms, speeding up her movements and hoping the added friction will be enough. She can feel the thing twitching as A starts thrusting up, effectively fucking her tits now, rather than simply having them used like a masturbatory aid by her.


   Cum floods her mouth, her cheeks bulging obscenely as her hole is flooded by the hot, sticky, and disgusting fluid. She tries to pull away, pulling off of the cock and pulling back she is about to let go of her breasts as her shoulders are grabbed by the stronger and larger man, holding her in place just as the next spurt comes. The cockhead, now aimed at her face and barely an inch away, twitches as cum explodes onto her face. And all she can see is white. Pleasure floods her system, unlike any she had ever felt before. Her entire body jerks against her will as she is painted white, barely having the presence of mind to keep her grip, she leans back slack jawed as yet more cum covers her features. Flowing into and out of her mouth and drowning her in the torrent as she swims in bliss, riding on cloud nine while her body is used as a cum rag.


   The first thing she feels when she rejoins her body is an uncomfortable wetness in her pants. She was not unaccustomed to wet panties, and has even had to replace a few pairs in the past. But this was nothing like that. From knee to waste, pussy to ass, her pants were soaked. Not a smooth fluid wetness that comes with water or even urine, but a sticky and all together more intimate wetness that caused the fabric to stick to her skin in not at all pleasant ways. And Hinata knew why. Even in her absent minded bliss she knew.


   She had just cum.


   And cum HARD.


   Hard enough that her own juices were pushed out of her and flooded her pants, unable to be contained in her pussy her pleasure had shot out violently and soaked her clothes. She hadn't even known that was something women could do, have their cum shoot out like a man's. But the evidence was all too present. And it had been A that had caused it. A treating her like a sack of meat as he choked her on his cock. A, who had forced her to degrade herself like those harlots in the red light district in town. A, who had marked her with his cum as he painted her face as white as her unnatural eyes. He might as well have branded her with how successfully he had laid claim to her body. This despicable man who saw her as nothing but a slut to use and discard.


   She hated herself for this.


   But she would do anything to have him make her feel like that again.


   Ripping fabric and cool air on her hot flesh return her to the present. She looks down, seeing A between her legs with his cock pointed directly at shimmering pussy lips. She knew what he wanted, but that just couldn't be done. It was like trying to shove an orange though a keyhole. It was too large, too unyielding.


   "Please. Please. Not there. It's too big. You can take my mouth again. Or my- AAAHHHH!"


   A strong hand came down on a thick inner thigh, the wetness making the pain a dozen times worse. The sensitive flesh reddening immediately as the pain lessens to a dull ache.


   "You don't make decisions sow. I'm going to take your pussy. Now, what should you be doing?"


   She whimpers, more of her wetness leaks out at the harsh words, and spreads her legs as far as she can. Closing her eyes, she lies back and waits for the inevitable penetration, praying that it doesn't break her. She jumps when hands come to rest on her thighs, strong fingers sinking into the plush flesh, making sure she wasn't going anywhere. She feels as the massive cockhead parts her outer folds, the heat radiating off of the large bulbous head a warning of what was to come.


   But it doesn't. He sits there. His cockhead pressed up against her entrance not moving. In fact, the only thing he does is move a hand from a plush thigh to her large breasts, tweaking the nipple in his large fingers as he draws whines of frustration from her. The pawing of her massive teat and the large cock head threatening to spear her as it rest on her over-sensitive flesh is too much. She needs… something. She needs him to do something. Just end this torturous limbo of unending arousal.




   It's spoken so softly that almost she doesn't hear it. Spoken from her lips before she is aware she has done so. The fingers on her nipple twist it painfully, before pulling it up, seeming to try and tear it off.


   "Please what whore?"


   "Please. Fuck me."


   The hand on her thigh leaves for a second before returning with a resounding SMACK. Blows falling onto the thick flesh of her sensitive inner thighs. Two, three, four. A dozen times he abuses the soft skin before harshly grabbing it.


   "Not good enough. Like you mean it slut."


   So that was his game. He wanted her to ask. For her to beg him to take that big meaty cock and use it rearrange her insides as he treated her like the lowest of whores on the streets. To pray to him like a good of manhood and sex as she degrades herself for this vile man who would violate her until done and discard her. She already wanted it, and he knew it. But voicing those desires was the final step. She would need to give voice and make her desires tangible. That she was nothing more than a lowly bitch put in her place by a big cock and dominating hand, and that she loved every moment of it. Doing so felt… wrong, as if doing so would make it true, forever. But he wouldn't fuck her until she did.


   So would she willingly become a slut? Discard her life and status as a kuniochi to be a street walking slut, selling her cunt for pennies. All so that she can have the bitch breaker of a cock permanently rearrange her pussy.


   You're god damned right she would.




   Her prayers are answered, but not with words. With a single thrust A buries half of his monstrous length inside the curvy girl. Her eyes snapping open at the overwhelming pleasure and sense of fullness. Her hymen was broken years ago from training but that didn't mean there was no pain. Muscles she had never used before were now being forced to stretch far further than they should by an unyielding cock. But the pain didn't hinder her pleasure, no, she found that she loved the painful stretch in her cunt as much as the pleasure, if not more.


   A twitching mess of a girl stares up at the ceiling as A works the rest of his length inside her. A sight she hadn't expected greets her. A big titted whore looks back at her, whose face was covered in cum as more leaks out of her mouth still, her dark blue hair was stained with streaks of white as well as her breasts. A look of pure unadulterated lust on her face even as an outline of a cock appears through her stomach. Was that really her? She didn't recognize herself. Seeing only an orgasming slut getting off from being treated like a sack of meat.


   She finds her voice as A bottoms out. The entirety of his mammoth cock now buried in her pussy, providing a series of sensations that was a pleasurable as it was painful. Her wall flutter around the cock splitting her open, forcing her body to give to his unyielding strength and lust. And then he starts thrusting.


   And he had no sympathy for her poor abused body. Lightning engulfing his body as he pulls mostly out before hammering back into her depths. His cock protruding through her stomach as he fucks her brains out. Her orgasmic screams are unending, as the cock absolutely ruins her. The lightning adding a sharp edge as it electrocutes her sensitive flesh. Causing her to twitch and jerk in what must be comical ways. She had no control of her own body. The vigorous thrusting into her pussy causing her breasts to jump, smacking her in the face over and over and over, smearing the cum that had yet to harden. She might as well had been a human sized doll, nothing but a pair of tits and holes for A to shove his bulging cock into. This is what she had been reduced to. And she had never been happier.


   Her orgasm takes her by surprise. Her screams intensifying as her walls clamp down on the magnificent invader, refusing to let go of the object making her feel so good. She is vaguely aware of A cursing as he slows down, but refuses to stop, as he should. His big titted slut should never dictate what he does.


   She is not sure how long her orgasm lasts, or even if it was only one. But she feels her legs pulled up as she is bent in half. Her feet less than an inch from her ears as she is forced to look at the strained face of A as he pounds into her. This position allowing him to reach even deeper within her, as a small orgasm tears through her. And then she feels it. The jerky movements, the twitches along the length, she can feel it in the hands she has over the protruding bulge in her stomach. He is about to cum. He is going to cum in her pussy.


    "Please. Please. Not. Not inside. Please. No."


   She pushes at the broad shoulders, trying to get him off of her. To get him out of her before he cums.


   He won't allow that.


   A presses down with his entire body, his cockhead pressed against the entrance of the cervix it had been battering for the past ten minutes as he blows his load into her.


    Her eyes roll back into her head as she is filled. The piping hot cum pouring into her in thick spurts, soothing the ache in her battered walls. If she had the presence of mind she could have looked down and seen every single spasm and jerk of the cock that had broken her. A puddle forms under her as cum leaks out her, struggling to get past the large rod plugging her up. A combination of their fluids, as her own squirted out and covered A's abs as she convulsed beneath him.


   But he wasn't done. He pulls out, allowing a flood of their combined juices to pour out of her. Hinata is manhandled, flipped onto her stomach she is put into the puddle face- first, reapplying her cum make-up. A takes his still hard cock, How is he still hard? HOW?!, and places it on her winking rear hole. Not letting her regain consciousness enough to object he thrust in, their combined cum acting as lube as he buries his cockhead past the tight ring of muscle. Luckily he doesn't push further than that. But as Hinata was about to learn that was only because he had much worse planned for her.


   Reaching under her legs, he wraps his arms around them before bringing his hands together behind her head. And then he is standing up, and bringing her with him. Her screams return as she is picked up, now in the air and helpless as she is brought down while A thrusts up. Forcing more and more of the hard, hot, and big cock up her ass.


    She had never been in so much pain. It was like someone was sticking a hot iron that had been in a fire up her ass. She writhed and struggled, but she could do nothing. She was stuck in the air, trapped by a larger and stronger man who wanted her to take it up the ass. And she was. She gives up, hanging limply as she cries and is given her first anal experience.


   Inch by inch. He forced his cock into her rear hole. Groaning and whispering insults into her ear as he sodomizes her.  And then she reaches the base. Her plush ass cheeks make contact with his hips as she is used as his personal cock sleeve.


   "Open your eyes, cunt."


   She hadn't realized they were closed. Looking forward she finds herself in front of another mirror. Being held in the air, legs wide open and by her head giving her an unobstructed view of her swollen and leaking pussy. But also the weapon sheathed in her colon. Her plush thighs were beaten a bright red, as were her breasts and what she could see of her ass, her face a mess of cum, tears, and spittle with glazed over eyes, drool falling from her gaping mouth onto her fat tits. All the while that damned cock could still be seen sticking through her gut. Even buried in my ass I can't escape its gaze.


   She really was a whore. She deserved this.


   "P. Puh. Pu. L. pl."


   She can't even speak. The cock wasn't moving but it knocked the air out of her just by being there. She wasn't even sure what she was going to ask for. For him to fuck her ass like the whore she is? Or for him to pull out before he breaks her for good? But she might as well have been broken already. She would never be the same. Not after this. She couldn't be.


   But like all things today, she didn't have a say in the matter. She is pulled up before being forced down with more strength than she has ever had. The sounds of her sore ass cheeks meeting A's hips as she is forced down on his cock over and over. The burning in her asshole worsening as she fucked. It was the worst thing she had ever experienced. And gods damn her, she LOVED it.


   She looks at her reflection. Seeing a mess of cum and spit being fucked up the ass by her betters. A whore loving being treated like property as she was too broken and worn out to even cry out. She is not sure how long it went on. How long her intestines spent being rearranged before the telltale signs of an oncoming orgasm were felt in her ass.


    With one final thrust she is brought down as A hilts himself in her ass. Flooding her colon with a tide of his potent seed. And that was the final straw. She flows him over the edge, as her juices squirt out of her pussy, spraying all over the mirror. Distorting her reflection as she is made into a whore. After all, that's what she is now. She couldn't go back to being a kunoichi now. Her body and mind were too broken too damaged. And this brutal treatment felt too good. In her last moment before blacking out she looks at herself and the cum leaking out of her ass from the cock bulging though her skin. A slut who was good for nothing than being fucked used. And she couldn't be happier.