
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The war had started

Lucian was getting dressed in street clothes and put his glasses on, and sighed and kissed Shinya. Shinya kisses back. Shinya met up with Guren and the rest of the squad while Lucian fought Crowley. Chess saw him. "The trader is here, Sir," she said. Crowley smirks. "This is interesting. Well, hello again, Lucian," he said. Lucian kicked him. Chess attacked. She got caught in the wire and lost her head. Lucian smirks and fights Crowley. "You got married. Wow, good for you," Crowley says. "Shut up," he said, wrapped the wire around his neck, stood on his back, and pushed and killed him. He was licking his blood from his hand. "So good; who is next," he said, standing up and walking out, seeing Guren cutting down members. Lucian looks, seeing choppers. "Blood," he says and jumps. "We have to stop him soon," Shinya said. Lucian killed all the vampires. As they fall, Mika shoves his sword into Lucian, and Luckan lands on his back. He coughs up blood. Mika pulls his sword out and looks. You ran. "Lucian," he said. Guren stopped him. Shinya went and pulled Lucian to them. "Mika, they are my family," Yu said. Mika walks over. "He left his people," Mika said about Lucian. "Lucian gets up," Shinya cried. "He isn't healing," he said. "Of course not, Our weapons got covered in poison so that he couldn't heal," Mika said. Shinya held him. He cut his wrist and tried to get him to wake up. Lucian tasted his blood and latched onto his wrist, and drank. He took a breath "Shinya, youre blood," he said. Shinya slaps him. "I was so worried," he says and hugs him. Guren looks at Mika. "What was that about poison," he said. Lucian slowly stood up. "Boy, where is Ferid," he said. Mika looked at him. "he is on the next drop-off at the airfield," he said. "Guren gives me," Lucian said. Guren cut his wrist and held it out. He drank, and his eyes flashed. "Be back," he said and left. "He is crazy," Mika said. "Let's move to the airfield for pick up. Hopefully, Lucian will be finished by the time we get there," he said. Mika was so confused "he can't kill Ferid," Mika said. Shinya looks, wrapping up his wrist. "Yes, he can, and he will for what he has done," he said. When Lucian got to the airfield, he saw Ferid, a small child with brown hair and bright red eyes. "Ferid, we changing children," he said, pulling out his wire. "it's just not just any child. You remember when you and queen tried to have a kid," he said, gripping the boy's shoulder hard. The child cries out in pain. "Feird, I swear to the holy lord above, if you don't let him go, I will peel your dick like a banana," he said. Ferid laughs and shoves the child to the ground. They fought, and they were still fighting when Shinya and Guren arrived. The boy was crying and bleeding badly. Shinya saw him and went and picked him up, and rushed back. "Why is a child here," he said and looked for the wound and saw his shoulder. Lucian grabs Ferid by the neck and pulls him close "rest easy, brother," he whispers in his ear and slowly rips his head off. "Can I nap know?" he said and yawned.