
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The last battle

As Shinya's older brother landed, he smirked as a huge metal container got lifted. "Glad you are here, brother," he said, and metal chains started to kill everything in sight, and one was heading right for the kid. Lucian ran and stopped it with his body. He coughed up blood and held on to it so it wouldn't go deeper to hit him. "Fuck" he mumbles. Three more chains go threw his body, and he slowly dies. Shinya wanted to do something. The boy walks out, his black hair turns white, two giant wolves come to his side, and his eyes are red. "That was my dad," he yells and runs at him. He soon killed him, rushed to Lucian, pulled the chains out, and looked at his body. Shinya rushes over with Guren. The boy was claiming down, his hair returned to brown, and the wolves disappeared. He bits his wrist and put his blood on Lucian's open wounds, and they slowly started to heal. Lucian shot up.

"Okay, I am going home. I have died twice today fuck this," he said. He looks at the child and hugs him. "Thanks, kid," he said. "What is your name," he asks. The child smiles. "Mother named me Dante," he said. Lucian laughs at hearing the name. "Of course she did," he said. "it's nice to meet you, Dante. I am Lucian, and these are my husbands, Shinya and Guren," he said. Shinya smiles and waves. Guren sighs and waves. Lucian lay down. "So much I want to say but can't due to a child," he said. Shinya sighed and sat there. "Can't believe it's over," he said and sighed. " I am going to sleep. I am so done," Lucian said. Dante looks at Shenya. Lucian was asleep soundly. Dante sighs, about to slap him awake. Guren stops him. "He has been threw enough. Let him rest," he said. Dante nodded and sat there and yawned. "See, you tired too. Maybe you should nap," Guren said and stole Lucian's last smoke. Soon they were back at base, and Dante was napping. Lucian woke up. "SON" he almost shouted. Shinya covers his mouth. "Shh, he finally went down for a nap," he whispers. Lucian nods and kisses Shinya. Shinya kisses back.