
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The first mission

This story occurs before Guren becomes a lieutenant and Shinya becomes a general. Guren didn't want to go with Shinya. He was waiting. Shinya walks up. "Ready to kill some vampires," he asks. "Of course just wanted to do it alone," Guren said. Shinya smiles. "Oh, come on, I am not that bad," he said. As they arrive at the subway entrance, Shinya smiles and walks down with him. Lucian was on guard. He smelled them. "Hey, they are here," he said. The others got together and pushed past him. Lucian fixed his coat and hair. "What I am; I fuck" he mumbles. Guren and Shinya made fast work of them. Lucain was walking and stopped when Guren pointed his blade at his face. "Hello," he said and cocks his head. "I see you killed everyone," he said. Shinya had his gun pointed at him. Lucian looks at them. "I kinda don't want to die, so I surrender," he says and smiles guren puts cuffs on him and mouth guard. He grabs him. Lucain was following Shinya and pushed Lucains glasses up. Lucian nods, saying thank you. Guren tossed him in a cell and took the cuffs off, and took the mouth guard off. Lucian sat down and yawned. "You hungry" Shinya asks. "Nah, not at the moment, handsome," he said. Shinya walks off. Seishirō was told to get information from him no matter the cost. Lucian was bleeding badly. Seishirō was walking out, cleaning off his blade when Shinya saw it. He walks over. "You couldn't just talk to him," he said. Seishirō looks at him. "He is a vampire. He has no rights here," he said and left. Shinya cleans his cuts. They were not healing. Shinya sighed and opened the blood bag he had brought, and poured it into Lucain's mouth. He was swallowing slowly. He grabbed Shinya's wrist and drank until the bag was gone. He was breathing his cuts healed. He sighs. "My clothes are fucked" he mumbles. "What did Seishirō want," he asks. "Information about the queen and the vampires," he said and took his coat and shirt off and reached into the back pocket, and lighted a skinny cigar. "Did you tell him?" Shinya asks. "Yeah, I hate the queen. She is a bitch, and my brother isn't any better, but he didn't have to hurt me," he said as he took a hit from his cigar. Shinya stood up and nodded, and left. Guren saw blood on Shinya. "You okay," he asks. Shinya looks. "Oh yeah, it's not mine. It's Lucian's; Seishirō tortured him for information," he said. Guren nods. "Yeah, he will have two choices join us or die," he said and walked. Shinya sighs. "Guessing if he joins us, he will have a restraint collar on," he asks. Guren nods. "Yep." he said.