
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Can Lucian be Trusted

Shinya went off with Guren for work. Lucian sighed and went to his room and lays down. Guren looks at Shinya. "So the first mission you send him on is one where he could have died," Guren said. Shinya nods. "Wanted to see if he could do it," Shinya said. "He also looked scared for the humans and pissed off due to what was going on," Guren said. Shinya nods. "Him also being a prisoner, he can understand what the people feel like," Shinya said and grinned. Guren laughs. "Your evil," he said. "He had been locked up for two years and starved for five months, so sending him back to see others in a similar situation, he would, of course, be on our side," Shinya said. Guren walks off. Lucian was hungry, but he could only get blood from Shinya. He went fo find him. Guren stops him. "He will be out in a second. He told me fo give this to you," he said, handing him blood. Lucian takes it. "Thank you," he said, drinking it. "How many tattoos do you have," Guren said. Lucian looks. "My neck, chest, and arms are covered in ink," he said. Guren nods. "You just look proud of yourself," Guren said. Lucian laughed. "Oh, I am," he said. Guren laughs and walks off. Shinya walked out and saw him. "Good, let's go," he said. Lucian walks with them. "You get to kill vampires today," Shinya said. Lucian smirks and puts his gloves on, and a red wire appears. "Good," he said. Lucian ran ahead and killed them all. When Shinya came up, Lucian was licking blood from his hand and breathing heavily. His eyes were glowing. He saw one, and his wire cut the vampire's head off. Shinya walks over. "Nice job," he said. Lucian was breathing and licking blood from his hand still. Shinya walks closer. "Lucian," he said, touching his shoulder. Lucian pinned him against the wall and breathed him in. "Blood," he whispered. "I will collar you again. Put me down," Shinya ordered. Lucian shook his head and put him down. Shinya fixed his uniform and walked off. Lucian follows him. "What happened," Shinya asks. "I got caught in blood lust. I am sorry, sir," he said. "Well, you snapped out of it when I threatened you with the collar so" he said. Lucian swallows and nods and followed him back.