
Shinobi Time

He knew that his life was going to sleep with just hard work and a serious lifestyle. No girlfriend! No friends! Some workmates for drinking! And a lousy life that he had created to bury this lifetime. That was all there is to it! Nothing more or nothing less. But after reincarnation he got a system, he got a patient mind, which can endure hard work. As he becomes a genius shinobi when born from the commoner, whose real identity and mystery behind his family started to dig deeper than he thought. The novel will have a clear depiction of the power level and darkness within the leaf village. Although there might be many mistakes, and if there are some please contact me through message, and I will recorrect them. Also, the original timeline will take place after much time, so there is not much hurry in my novel. ...................................................................... This image is not mine it was uploaded by Йоанна Недялкова with a Pinterest link: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/35958497016166304/

shubhamgosai · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs



"This year's students are going to be really fierce. Given! We have a genius Uchiha brat among them, you know."

"What can be done, after all, he is the last descended of the Uchiha clan."

"No, that is also a fact, but it says there is another Uchiha outside the village. Does anyone know about it, although it came as a rumor and nothing more to me?"

An overconfident guy boosted himself when a boy with yellow-blonde hair walked inside the academy gate. He looked a little sick and had slightly malnourished looks on his face.


"Look, how cute that kid is."

Especially among the ladies, his blond hair and little pale face made him an attractive kid, who drew much attention. 'System!' a Blond guy thought inside his mind when a screen panel appeared in front of him.

[ <2/3> ]

'Quest: Get admitted in the Shinobi class, with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and other leading figures of anime adaptation... Complete.'

'The reward will be sent into the system space.'

'Reward awarded, are as follows: Training set manual + 10 unassigned points.'


[ End... ]

'Hmm! I need to assign some point to vitality first, or else, I might end up collapsing during the start of the classes.' The boy's name was Kamura.

He was a reincarnated person, with a cheat-like ability with him.

But the cheat itself was lame, it did not provide him any bloodline or anything, what it provide him was just some lame status point and training material.

Although, he had the bloodline of 3 different clans within him. He can awaken through a blood-awakening syrup, which can cost 1000 system points.

Yes! The assigned point can be used for increasing the physique or buying things from the system shop, on the third panel of the system.

But the cost of those things was way too far, and he could only watch and drool over it. Although! Due to this habit of his, Kamura was able to memorize almost all of those goods from the system, within the range of 100 to 1000.

Still, he believe that it was not even around a single percent of the thing inside the system, and there are still many things. He has not seen or heard about it till this moment.

[ <1/3> ]

Name: Kamura Hirashi

Level: 1 (Non-combatant), Level: 3 (Shinobi.), Level: 2 (Flowers-caretaker).

Talent: Bloodline limit (Uchiha's. Hyuga's. Namikaze's.)

Strength: 3 + 2

Agility: 4

Vitality: 1 + 4

Physical.Energy: 4 (Vitality deficiency.)

Mental.Energy: 1

Chakra: 1

Ability: Shuriken-Jutsu (Basic Level 1) Kenjutsu (Basic Level 1)

Unassigned Points: 106.

(Allocating points 4 to vitality. and 2 for strength.)

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Physical.Energy: 4 (Vitality deficiency being removed...)

Mental.Energy: 1

Chakra: 1

Unassigned Points: 100.

'Congratulation Host for removing Vitality Deficiency. The system reward host with 50 unassigned points, and a 90% discount over the system shop products.'

90% discount was the reason, that Kamura has been waiting for the last year in a weak sickly body and did not use any points to improve his vitality.

'Huh!' Taking a deep breath, he looked behind and saw his mother and father, nodding at him.

'Good luck.' That was written all over their face. Kamura nodded and smiled, as he looked inside his mind by closing his eyes, and bought blood awakening syrup which only cost him 100 points, and for the rest.

He was thinking of using them to improve his chakra.

'Chakra recovery syrup... Can increase chakra by 1 point each second, and recover all of which can last for half an hour recovery state.'

'10 Points.'

Unlike Strength, Vitality, and Agility. Chakra's point was not something that can be increased by simply putting the point on it.

Also one has to be sure, that his Shinobi level is up to the status level, or else, the point cannot be distributed to strength and other status points.

Currently, Kamura's level was 3 and he was able to assign, almost 5 points to each. Or else, he could have increased his vitality to at least 10 points. Releasing the potent chakra inside him, which was drawn to him, due to his talent.

Kamura's talent draws out the Physical energy present in the outside world. Where what makes the Uchiha clan, so strong is Mental energy, which makes their chakra flow look so enticing. But Physical Energy is Hyuga's specialty.

'Hmm! With the latent talent, I will open Uchiha's first. It will provide me a boost in mental energy, and my physical energy will be used to make more chakra.'

Where the system of Kamura was good at one thing at least, which can help him inside the battle, and that is the ability to make chakra.

As long as he can recover the ME. and PE.

He can use them to recover all of his Chakra back. Without doing anything, and just letting the system do it for him.

(// Here ME is mental energy. And PE is physical energy.//)

(// I will continue to use ME and PE for the next upcoming chapters, I hope to clear these doubts which might arise in every new chapter. Also, this novel will be very slow to pass, compare to all the Naruto fanfiction. So, those who are here for quick Strength gathering and all. This novel might be boring stuff for you guys.//)

"Now that everyone is here and will aim to become the shinobi, who will carry the flame of the will for another generation."

With Sarutobi's speech, a round of applause rang through the whole ground.

Kamura also give a round of applause for such a long and lousy speech, which almost drove him to sleep during the assembly.

As all of them walked toward with their teacher, to another assigned class, where Kamura found that he was not part of Naruto or another important character's class.

"Kamura! Sorry, but your class number got mixed up. So, you have to join that class and hurry and go before they leave the assembly ground." Kamura who was waiting for their line to go was suddenly asked by the teacher. At which, Kamura dashed toward the other row, when another boy with blond hair was running toward the same line.

"Huh! Ha! You got late too, Huh!" The boy was grasping in the air, and Kamura who was late due to the teacher's mistake was stared at by the other member of the class. In the same light as Naruto.

"Hmm! I just got to join the line. My name is Kamura." Kamura looked at Naruto and nodded, at which, Naruto smiled with a bright grin and shook his hand. "Hahaha! My name is Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet Ya! Kazuma..."

Kamura smiled forcefully as he repeated. "My name is Kamura, not Kazuma..." Naruto scratched his head, at which, Kamura just shook his head and told Naruto to call whatever he like. After all, the guy in front of him was a total nutshell, to begin with.

"Hmm! Look that kid looked so cute, but why is he talking with that kid? That boy is a total trouble creator for all of us." Kamura who was very sharp when it come to things like this, noticed, how everyone was talking about Naruto.

But inside his mind, he recall how much of a hero, Naruto would become at the latter stage. So, he could only snicker at their simple-minded thought process.

"Being influenced by the words of Danzo has created, disliking the kid who had nothing to do with being Jinchuriki, but was forced to become one." All of the action was something that Kamura hated, from deep within his bone, after all, he was hated in the same pattern in his last life.

'Hmph! Being Otaku. Being Junchiriki.'

Walking inside the class, along with Naruto. Karuma took his seat, at which, Naruto joined him with a bout of laughter and joy. After all, for naruto, it was the first time, that another kid of his age was talking with him.