
Shinobi Time

He knew that his life was going to sleep with just hard work and a serious lifestyle. No girlfriend! No friends! Some workmates for drinking! And a lousy life that he had created to bury this lifetime. That was all there is to it! Nothing more or nothing less. But after reincarnation he got a system, he got a patient mind, which can endure hard work. As he becomes a genius shinobi when born from the commoner, whose real identity and mystery behind his family started to dig deeper than he thought. The novel will have a clear depiction of the power level and darkness within the leaf village. Although there might be many mistakes, and if there are some please contact me through message, and I will recorrect them. Also, the original timeline will take place after much time, so there is not much hurry in my novel. ...................................................................... This image is not mine it was uploaded by Йоанна Недялкова with a Pinterest link: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/35958497016166304/

shubhamgosai · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Academy PE.

Hirashi moved on.

Naruto follow suit, as they talked about yesterday's practice in which, both of them raced around the ground for a long period of time.

Naruto was surprised that Kamura who looked so sick all the time was able to keep up with him, for all that time, not to say Naruto was the one who got tired first.

"You are going to train today too right, I am also coming will that be fine, right... Training alone is very boring."

Hearing Naruto Kamura welcomed him, after all, he also thinks so, as he enjoys training and competing with others during the training period.

Entering the academy gate, Kamura looked at the things that he had bought yesterday. One of them was used, for the awakening of his bloodline limits.

The second item which actually cost 400 points, but Kamura got it for 40 points was [Lightning Affinity Strengthening Syrup].

Kamura was planning to drink it after that he had learned some Lightning Based Ninjutsu.

Kamura who had tested the affinity this morning released lightning, fire, and even wind affinity potential.

Arata was very happy about it, and his mother was really glad that he had awakened the wind affinity along with lightning and fire art.

Lightning + Wind - Magneto style.

Fire + Wind - Scorch style.

Having a concept inside his mind, Kamura was first interested in the Magneto style. That is if he is able to train Lightning and Wind art to certain limits.

Not to say, there is no jutsu related to the magneto style in Konoha's library.

Even lightning art was very scarce and hard to find, and for that, he had already requested his father. But the old man was being stingy with him, and told him, to focus on chakra control first.

"You look very troubled, Kamura!" Shikamaru who came inside asked kamura, which was a surprise for Naruto and Kamura. But both of them still replied with a nod.

"Yeah! I just tested the affinity of my chakra and it turned out to be a lightning one. So, I was thinking if there was any lightning-based ninjutsu in Konoha or not."

"Ahh! That is rather a good thing to think about, right now. Though you might be right, there aren't many lightning styles in Konoha arsenal..."

Shikamaru lazily nodded and sat behind them while putting his head down on the table.

"Class is about to start!" Iruka entered the class, and he looked around to see Naruto sitting with Kamura, and Shikamaru talking with both of them.

It was the most unusual sight for him, but he also noticed Hinata who was a shy type, looking at them from time to time.

'What the hell? All the weirdos of the class is gathering in a single place. This is going to be the first semester, and I am already feeling that something is about to happen.'

Kamura unknown of either of the fact, finally concentrated in the class, where naruto also tried to keep up with him and Shikamaru, as he found that he was the idiot one among them.

Not wanting to be left by his friends, he also started to study diligently.

Academy was divided into the junior academy and the Higher academy. And at the end of each year of the Higher academy, a student can take the exam for genin.

Junior Academy has 3 years and the Higher Academy section has 3 years.

Due to this revelation, Kamura was able to make a guess, as to why naruto who tried at least 3 times and failed, is in the same age group as other kids.

After all, he tried to pass the exam due to his hate for studying at the end of the Junior Academy but failed.

Then he must have tried the same for 1st year of Higher Academy, and 2nd year of Higher Academy.

Where in all 3 years of the Higher Academy, they will be taught Basic ninja Conditions and Outer experience. History, geography, and many more.

Those which can increase the survivability of the shinobi passing through this academy.

"Okay! After this, we will have a P.E. class, so everyone gets ready to move out."

Iruka walked out of the class, where girls walked out toward changing room and boys took out their P.E. clothes for some change.

Naruto was poor, he did not have the luxury to buy those clothes. As he looked pretty silent and downcast, at which, Kamura spoke.

"Let's go Naruto, even I have forgotten my P.E. clothes, I guess we have to run wearing the same clothes today."

Sasuke was in the same boat, and when he noticed Naruto and Kamura, not wearing P.E. clothes, a relaxing atmosphere was created for him.

When Shikamaru who was half-changed, looked at three of them, he also put on back his normal clothes.

It was a single person's thought, but it changed the atmosphere of the class, as everyone felt something changing and also follow the same suit.

The moment their class appeared on the P.E. ground, every class's attention was gathered on them, as they all found them wearing the same casual dress.

Looking at them, Iruka had a headache as he looked at them and asked.

"Why are you guys not changing..." He asked all of them where it was Kamura who came out first to reply.

"Sorry sir, but it seems our whole class of boys forgot to bring the P.E. dress." Hearing that Naruto felt a little touched, as he held back his tear.

Sasuke's stance mellow out toward others, especially Kamura who started it first, and Hokage who was watching it all smiled.

'This year's batch is going to bring a storm in the history of our Academy.'

Murmuring Sarutobi looked out of the window and sent out a clone, to Iruka's side, who told him to let them continue to train like that.

"Okay! Lord Hokage is fine with it, so every one of you has to continue your class, dressing like that." With a smile, Iruka praised everyone silently inside his mind.

As they all started to run around the ground first when Sasuke ran beside Kamura asked.

"Why? But thank you for all of that."

"What are you talking about?"

Kamura play being idiot, at which, Sasuke did not speak further as they all continued to run around, as they helped those who were running slower to complete the run along with them.

"You are not alone Sasuke, there are Uchiha who are still hidden around this world,"

Kamura spoke silently to Sasuke, who turned to look at Kamura. With shocked and yet silent happiness within his eyes.


It was yesterday night, that Hokage came to see Sasuke, which was a surprise to him.

The Hokage had another person with him, who carried the same red eyes, as his brother did.

When the person left, he did say that his kid would greet him, at some point.

That was the reason why Sasuke believed in Kamura who had a sick body but was also able to complete the run without getting tired.


Girls also noticed the change. When they found Sasuke and Kamura chatting with each other, all of them reveal a sigh due to the feast they were getting, by the smiling sight of them.

"He knew Sasuke Uchiha..." Hinata thought, but looking at her body she did not have much confidence when it come to talking with other males.

But looking at Sakura, she found Sakura more attractive than her.

"No! I need to ask her, only then I will be able to change." Shaking her head, she walked toward Sakura who was surprised by Hinata who came to talk with her.

But hearing that Hinata wanted to talk with Kamura, who was Sasuke's friend, Sakura was really to find a companion.

As she was also having the same feeling, but it was for Sasuke and not for Kamura, so both of them can hit off, was something she believed.