
Things start to go Horribly Wrong

I slid down a clothes line with perfect balance, a big, stupid grin growing on my face and refused to leave. Up a wall, over the roof and down another line, this time upside down, careful not to whoop and holler as I did so because people were undoubtedly sleeping.

This was awesome. Pure, adrenaline-filled awesome and I hopped, skipped and jumped across the city, enjoying the views, the way the moonlight above played with the shadows on the buildings beneath. I was always a sucker for this kind of view and it was breathtaking tonight.

I ran up the legs of a water tower and summersaulted, landing on the top, and looked over Konoha. The Academy in the distance, with Mt. Rushm-I mean, Hokage Rock (totally not a rip off, I swear!) behind it. It looked utterly majestic, theoretical plagiarism notwithstanding. I took a deep exhale, breathing in that fresh night air.

Oh wow. I should've done this much sooner.

I took a seat on the metal top of the tower and just took in the view.

Shame the mission office is closed. I could get a million things done while everyone else was still sleeping. Speaking of getting things done…

Let's see if I can crack Iruka's sensor jutsu. Some form of echolocation, likely derived from his name, which means Dolphin if I'm right. So, logically, I that would mean bunching up a ball of chakra like so…and then releasing it in a pulse and getting sensory data from the echoes. Of course, I could not be able to understand what the jutsu is telling me. Or even worse, the chakra might not bounce back at all or worst of all, it could wake up every shinobi within a mile radius and they'd be pissed.

Of course, they might not be able sense the chakra and it wouldn't do anything to anyone other than the most powerful shinobi…that doesn't help. Okay. So, echolocation jutsu later. Let's try the megaton punch.

…in a minute because this breeze feels good.

Okay, relaxation over.

I hopped down from the water tower, holding back a laugh as I took the distance easily, and ran down the side of the building. Now, where's something I can pound to dust that no-one will miss…?

As I ran out of the alleyway, I looked for something like a brick or a rock with a giddy smile on my face. Because exploding things was always fun. Exploding things with my fist was almost assuredly double the fun, right? Right.

Eventually, I found an alleyway that indeed had a cinderblock just lying around. So I set it up on a garbage can and…I faltered for just a second.

I had the right numbers for this jutsu, right? I think? 70 for Chakra Control, 70 for Taijutsu? Yeah. I have those. Better double check, don't want to break my hand again because that freaking hurt. I grabbed my black book and…yup. I had both of those. More than those, actually.



Alright, here we go.

I cock my fist back, channel chakra into it and throw the punch-please don't hurt me-!

It shattered in a reasonably bang, which caused various dogs around to start barking uncontrollably.

Chakra Control Check Success: 100/70.

Taijutsu Check Success: 80/70.

Perk Unlocked: Tsunade Special

Use your chakra to empower your Taijutsu with explosive punch!

+500 EXP.

"Cha-ching," I muttered in synch with a grin. Now to get out of here before I get arrested for disturbing the peace or something.

1,890 EXP till level 7! Then I master Taijutsu and then start mastering another skill, probably Ninjutsu. Geeze, at this rate I'll be ready when my first C-Rank goes down the hole. I mean, it'll still suck, I'm not completely delusional, but I'll be actually prepared when that happens.

The next day, Kakashi had us all training with throwing our shuriken and kunai.

This, of course, would be the thing that makes me nervous because my aim, regrettably, still completely sucks. I bounced on my feet and was fingering the kunai in the holster on my waist.

Mostly, I was dreading Kakashi-sensei getting upset when my aim didn't get better through practice. Because that was the downside of my gaming the system; amazing Chakra Control and Punching skills, but by aim with thrown weapons, a staple of shinobi combat, sucks.

Best part is that we were practicing on different stumps with no way to get in each other's way, so we could just go collect our shuriken and kunai when we ran out. So I took my time, trying to land each shuriken, focusing intently on the target and nothing but the target and…I managed to get every shuriken to actually hit the stump! Without a critical hit ensuring a bullseye!

It's kind of like what happens when you aim down the sights of a gun. Progress!

Then I went, collected my kunai and began again. Same result, but at least this time I didn't have to trudge into the unknown forest behind my target to collect my ammo.

"You know," Kakashi sensei appeared behind me, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. "If a Shinobi were standing still long enough for you to hit them, your teammates would have killed them already."

"Ah, Sensei!" I said, trying to calm down. "You startled me."

"I do that from time to time," Kakashi eye-smiled. "Now, why are you taking so long to throw your kunai?"

"I have zero skill with ranged weaponry," I said honestly.

"Hmm? You seem perfectly capable of holding and throwing your kunai just fine," Kakashi asked.

"That's very funny, Sensei," I replied deadpan. "I mean that my aim with them is terrible and that like this, I can actually hit the post and not send shuriken and kunai off into the forest."

"I know, I'm not an idiot," Kakashi replied with equal deadpan. "How did you pass the Academy test like that?"

"Pure luck."

"I see," Kakashi's eye went half lidded. "Well, that means you and Nichiren can be study buddies while you both work to improve your aim."

My eye twitched. "Hai, Sensei."

"What's wrong?" Kakashi's eye frowned.

"I've just never had talent with thrown weapons," I replied with a sigh. "Practicing's never helped."

"Well that's no reason to stop trying now," Kakashi replied with an irritating eye-smile.

"But Kakashi-sensei," I pressed on. "Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on honing my strengths rather than waste time bringing up a skill that I'm pretty sure I'll never use?"

"Under most circumstances, you'd be right," Kakashi nodded. "However, this is shuriken. One of the fundamental principles of Shinobi combat. This is something you'll never stop using, no matter how many jutsu you pick up, simply because of how valuable a non-chakra option is at range."

I deflated. I didn't need a check to tell me I failed a speech challenge. "Hai, Sensei."

"Cheer up," Kakashi said. "Someone as smart as you, you'll get it in no-time. You can help Nichiren in the meantime."

"Excuse me, Umino-sensei?" I said with a bow. I had approached the mission desk after training with a specific quest – because Naruto's address was classified for some freaking reason.

"Oh, you're Shimoda Daisuke, right?" Iruka answered with recognition. "One of Kakashi's students? What can I help you with?"

"Well see," I replied. "I'm actually friends with Uzumaki Naruto and I haven't see him in over a week. I was wondering if you knew where I could find him."

"Oh? And what makes you thing I'd know?" He asked with a frown.

"I heard he was in your class, Umino-sensei," I answered with a frown. "If that's not true, I apologize for bothering you."

"No, he is," Iruka held up a hand. "He has mentioned you a few times, but I had to be sure you were the Daisuke he was talking about."

"Yup," I smiled. "That's me!"

"Well, I do know where he is," Iruka replied. "He was pretty depressed about not graduating this year."

"I don't blame him, I hated the academy," I said, then froze, catching Iruka's frankly dangerous look. "N-no offense, Umino-sensei. I'm sure you make up for it by sheer presence alone."

"That's alright," Iruka said, his eyebrow twitching and letting me know he was not alright. "I was actually about to go see Naruto this evening. Maybe we should go together?"

"Yes, absolutely!" I loudly agreed. "Maybe we should bring food or something. Is there a place he likes?"

"Actually yes!" Iruka said with a too big grin. "There's a restaurant he likes. Have you ever been to Ichiraku Ramen?"

"No," I answered, secretly glad that was still a universal constant. "Do they do take out? I'm buying!"

"That sounds like a great idea," Iruka nodded. "I'll meet you at the Academy gates at six, sound good?"

"See you at six, Umino-sensei," I said, high-tailing out of there as fast as politeness allowed.

Geeze, open mouth, insert foot. Way to make a good first impression, for crying out loud! Stupid 1, well, 4, Charisma. This sucks.

Well, Iruka said to meet him at 6 and although this isn't a quest for some freaking reason, this is important enough that I'm willing to let that slide. So, I take a seat outside the walls. It was 2:31pm, and I can only wait in 1-hour increments, so I wait for three hours.

5:31 rolls around and I wasn't disturbed for some reason. I stood up and checked my wallet. I had my 500 Ryo which I was willing to spend on Naruto's absurd dietary requirements and hopefully enough for Umino and I to have a bowl or two ourselves.


After thirty minutes of alternating between checking my pip-book, messing with Chakra strings and getting bored, Iruka walked out the gates.

"Umino-sensei," I greeted, bowing to him.

"Shimoda," Iruka nodded in turn. "You don't need to be so formal."

"Sorry," I replied. "So, lead the way?"

"How much do you have on you?" Iruka asked.

"500 Ryo," I replied.

"That should be enough for about five bowls," Iruka nodded. "You do know that's not going to be enough for Naruto, right?"

"I was hoping this would get me something closer to 10," I mumbled, kicking the ground. "Like I said, I've never been there."

"Well, I appreciate you trying," Iruka answered, nodding. "Let's go, I'll pick up the other five."

I followed him down the street, around a couple bends and came to the bannered seats of Ichiraku Ramen, both famous and beloved in my old world for being one of the few to serve Naruto with neither malice or cheating him.

Frankly, I consider treating Naruto to ramen from here as a Pilgrimage and Rite of Passage for any Naruto fan to be done at least once a year. The only reason I wouldn't put it as more often is because it would be expensive as heck.

We entered the restaurant and…well what do you know! There was Naruto, sitting at the counter, eating a bowl. Ichiraku-san, who didn't look as big as I thought he would in real life, was standing behind the counter stirring a ramen pot and…Ayame? I think that's her name. Slender, hair color was a nice shade of brown, really nice face…she's pretty. She was also writing down Naruto's order.

"Well, that's saves time," I said, nodding to myself.

"Iruka-sensei! Daisuke!" Naruto's face lit up like a Christmas tree he was so happy to see me. Or see Iruka. Actually, it might have been Iruka. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I haven't seen you in a week, so I wanted to find you," I said with a smile of my own. "See how you were doing; you know?"

"So he came to find me since he knew you were in my class," Iruka continued my story. "He had the idea to treat you to ramen, so I took him here and you apparently had the same idea. Imagine that."

"You're going to treat me to ramen?" Naruto asked with a sparkle in his eye.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Cool! Daisuke, this is Ichiraku Teuchi-san and his daughter, Ichiraku Ayame-chan," Naruto introduced us to the two in turn and we exchanged polite bows. "They make the best ramen in the whole world!"

"Well, I guess I better have some, right?" I answered, taking a seat. "Just take it easy, alright? I didn't bring a lot."

"You got it!" Naruto replied happily. He gestured toward the menu. "I've already ordered, so…"

"Uhh…" I got lost in all the choices on the board. "I guess I'll take a Miso Ramen."

"That's my favorite!" Naruto chirped happily.

"And I'll have the Tonkatsu," Iruka ordered, sitting on Naruto's opposite side.

So, that was our evening. Sitting, eating, talking. The Ramen was delicious, not even close to the instant ramen I was used too, loaded with real meat, hard-boiled eggs, amazing noodles and…yeah, Naruto wasn't exaggerating. This stuff was the best. Apparently the stand's been up for around twenty-two years, and Ayame's been working since she was my age. 12, that is to say. Not my over-twenty age from my previous life.

…suddenly, my situation just became a lot more frustrating. Whatever, focus on the now.

"So, how's the Academy, Naruto?" I asked, in an attempt to appease Iruka by showing support for scholarly pursuits.

"It's boring," Naruto half-whined. "That's why I'm trying to get out early."

Oh, I could feel Iruka's cold glare on my pitiful, mortal form. "Ah, it can't be that bad. You learn a lot from all the instructors there."

"But all they teach is useless, boring stuff," Naruto continued. "I still can't even do the Bunshin."

"…have you asked for help?" Oh no…

"I tried, but they just go into how I'm terrible with Chakra Control," Naruto sighed. "I get the feeling they don't really want to help me."

You know, I had really hoped that the 'teachers at the academy sabotaging Naruto' thing was only fanon. I really, really did. Because I liked some of them. Sure, they couldn't help me in the slightest, but they were still cool to be around. But…well, there were a lot of teachers around. So maybe it wasn't one of mine? I hope?

"I'm sorry, man," I replied with a sad frown.

"So what is it that you don't get?" Iruka asked, not unkindly.

"I just don't know what they mean by 'Chakra Control' to begin with," Naruto grumbled before bringing a noodle-full of ramen to his mouth.

Did Naruto not even know or understand how Chakra Control applies to him? That can either be the fault of his terrible attention span or the fault of the teachers. It was probably something in the middle. But…ugghhh, that would explain his problems with the Bunshin. Though he did get the Henge and the Kawarimi as I understand it, both of which were Ninjutsu like the Bunshin.

"What do you do when you're trying the Bunshin?" Iruka asked with a frown.

Naruto swallowed his ramen and started to make hand seals. "Well, I make the seals like this, then I do the jutsu."

"No, I mean…how do you move the chakra when you 'do the jutsu'?" Iruka pressed.

I mean, the 'too much chakra' theory is debunked when you factor in that Naruto's main problem was with tree-walking: He kept slipping off, which was a sign of too little chakra, not too much, which meant…but he did the Kawarimi and Henge so he knew how to put his Chakra into a Jutsu so…maybe he didn't know too put chakra into his jutsu this time.


"I dunno, you just make the hand-seals and the clones pop out, right?" Naruto shrugged with a frown.

"That's…do you do that with the Henge or the Kawarimi?" Iruka asked incredulously.


If Naruto figures it out now, Mizuki won't be able to, or be willing to, make Naruto his patsy in his scheme to steal the scroll for Orochimaru. If he doesn't do that, then Naruto doesn't learn his most effective technique: Kage Bunshin. A technique so awesome it shares two syllables with the word Hokage.

"No!" Naruto shook his head. "You have to shove your chakra out when you do those jutsu, don't you?"

"You have to do that with this one, too," Iruka replied incredulously before launching into a -barebones discussion of how moving chakra with the Bunshin was supposed to work.

What do I do? I don't have the charisma, or the speech skill to derail this conversation from removing Naruto's most valuable weapon from his arsenal in the future! That he might not have gotten it anyway because butterflies is not important right now!

And if I do derail it, Iruka won't forget that Naruto doesn't understand it correctly and just teach him later!

Wow, I did nuke Canon on accident, didn't I?

"So like this?" Naruto had stood up while I wasn't paying attention, made the seals and poof! There appeared one of his sickly looking Bunshin. Seriously, mine looked like a statue, that looked like a puddle of playdoh.

Oh, whew. Okay. Naruto's poor academic performance saves Canon. Alright.

Naruto groaned in frustration, kicking a chair and looking about ready to pull his hair out.

"Here let me help you," Iruka said, standing up. "Now, I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder and I want you to slowly go through the jutsu again, okay?"

"Okay Iruka-sensei," Naruto nodded.

Ayame and Teuchi were both watching in fascination as Naruto, slowly, went through the motions and Iruka, able to sense the chakra build up, started walking him through the jutsu.

Me? I was panicking. This…is really good in the short term but horrible in the long term. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't stop it. I was bouncing on my seat, trying to avoid simply jumping off of my chair and telling them to hold off until next graduation.

But it wouldn't work.

4 Charisma. 28 Speech. There was no way this check wasn't going to be at least in the 50's.

"Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto called out and…next to him was a perfectly healthy Bunshin.

I was about to faint.

"Congratulations, Naruto!" Ayame cheered with large smile. "That's amazing!"

"Way to go, Naruto!" Teuchi congratulated with a wide smile of his own.

"Thanks Ayame-neechan," Naruto smiled wide, looking giddier than I've ever seen him. "Teuchi-san."

"I knew you could do it Naruto," Iruka smiled warmly.

"Nice work Naruto," I offered half-heartedly. "That's amazing."

"Hey thanks I couldn't do it," Naruto looked at me funny. "Daisuke, are you okay? You don't look so well."

"I'm sorry," I said, looking away. "I just started feeling a little unwell. But seriously, congratulations, Naruto."

I slapped the bundle of Ryo from my wallet on the counter. "Here's your cash, keep the change. I got to go lie down."

I stood up and went to leave.

"Daisuke…" Naruto sounded concerned.

"Congratulations, Naruto," I said with the biggest smile I could muster. "I'm really happy for you. I know you'll make an excellent Hokage."

"Can you make it from here?" Iruka asked with concern.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's actually not far from here. See you, everyone!"

With that, I took off. I ran up the side of the building and hopped all the way to the orphanage. I slid in my room and plopped on the bed.

What have I done?

I went to sleep and didn't wake up. Even when I technically did wake up. I looked at my watch and…huh, I have to be at training in an hour.

Can I be the late one, for once? Probably won't hear the end of it for a while. If ever, especially after all the crap I've given Kakashi behind his back. Euggghhh.

I sat up in my bed and looked around my little room in the Orphanage. As a Genin, I believed I was expected to move out soon. I was going to have to look into that soon, because, as the pitter-patter of little feet out in the hall proved, this was getting too crowded for me.

I'll take care of that later.

Because now I needed to figure out how to get Naruto to learn the Shadow Clone.

Quest Added: Chasing Shadows

Learn the Kage-Bunshin before Naruto graduates.

(Optional: Learn the Tajuu Kage Bunshin).

…that worked. Okay. I'll need to raise my Ninjutsu as fast as possible. Which shouldn't be too hard, I can just max out Ninjutsu and use my 10 Int to be good for something for once. Or I could max out stealth and steal from the scroll directly. Either way, I'll get there before the end of the year easy.

Well, that made me feel better. Okay, now I just need to ask Kakashi if I can take D-Ranks on my own time and if yes, I'll feel a lot better about myself. Not entirely better, but close.

So, I ran out the window and down toward the Academy, since we actually had a mission today, which helped, actually. Hard work had a way of calming a person down in my experience.

"Hey, look who's on time today!" Nichiren called with a smile at my approach.

"Yeah," I replied. "Imagine that."

Hisako's gaze narrowed. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't really want to talk about it," I said, letting my head hang. "Stuff happened, that's all."

"A-are you sure?" Nichiren asked, sounding worried.

Inhale. Exhale. No snapping at my teammate for prying. "Yes, I'm sure."

They both looked at each other.

"Alright," Hisako frowned with concern. "But if you need to talk about it, we're here. That's what teams are for."

No. I really can't talk to you about it, can I? "Thanks Hisako."

I sat down in my usual spot and…didn't wait. I needed the time before the mission. Wallowing in the misery of my mistakes.

"And he's gone to dream land," Hisako sounded annoyed. "I wish he'd tell us how he does it."

I didn't move to dispel the illusion. Because I'm actually curious.

"Maybe it's another thing tied to his bloodline?" Nichiren said. "I mean, sleeps a part of it, so maybe it's a…lesser type of sleep? Maybe?"

Remarkably perceptive of him.

"Perfect chakra control, total recovery with a good night's sleep," Hisako listed, snark dripping from her every word. "What else does his bloodline cover, shooting fire from his eyes? The only thing he seems to be bad at is throwing, and I think that's because he doesn't really practice that."

"What makes you say that?" Nichiren asked, nervously.

"Because he's as good as he was at it when we all started the academy," She scathingly replied. "He hasn't improved at all."

Hey. I got better at it by two whole points, thank you very much!

I mean, she's right, but still!

"Whatever, it doesn't matter," Hisako said, leaning against the wall. "We shouldn't be talking about him behind his back anyway."

Oh. Thanks, Hisako.

…I'm not sure I want to wait, now. That…huh. They react to the game mechanics. I wasn't expecting that for some reason. I mean, I knew the game didn't pause when I whipped out the pip-book but I didn't think they'd react to simply sitting motionless. For reasons unknown.

"I kind of wish he'd actually talk to us, though," Hisako grumbled.

"Do you think he'd stop waiting if he knew it made us uncomfortable?" Nichiren asked.

Ah, screw it.

"I might stop now that I know, actually," I said, looking up at them. "Sorry, I didn't realize how awkward that was."

They both looked at me in horror. Or embarrassment. Something in the middle.

"Did…did you hear all of that?" Hisako asked quietly.

"Afraid I did," I admitted. "I needed some time before the mission. Something waiting like that doesn't really give you."

"I'm sorry," She said. "I shouldn't have been talking about you behind your back."

"Don't worry about it," I waved it off. "I shouldn't have been checking out of reality like that to begin with. And you're right, by the way. I don't work on it."

"Why not?" Hisako asked with a frown.

"Honestly, slugging chunks of sharpened metal doesn't interest me that much," I shrugged. "No offense, I know that's something you're good at, but…it doesn't interest me. Punching people in the face does, so that's what I work on."

"That's…kind of dumb," Hisako's frown was joined by a frustrated glare.

"I know," I answered. "Kakashi-sensei gave me a lecture about it and I'll try to…practice and get better. I don't know if it'll help, though."

"It will," Hisako answered. "As long as you're actually training instead of goofing off, it will help."

That's what you think.

About an hour and a half later, Kakashi showed up.

"What's your excuse this time?" Hisako asked with a sigh.

"There was a traffic jam not too far from here," Kakashi eye-smiled sheepishly. "People packed from one end of the street to the other. Maneuvering through them was a pain."

He's a Jounin. But we don't care.

"Kakashi-sensei," I asked, standing up.

"Yes my cute little Genin?" He asked, still cheerful.

"Is it okay if I do d-ranks on my own?" I asked. "Like, when I have free-time, I mean?"

"Hmmm…and why do you want to do that?" Kakashi inquired, his hand cupped on his chin.

"Because I need to move out of the orphanage," I replied with a grim look. "To many new kids there."

"Ah well," Kakashi nodded, "I can see that. I'll have to get you authorized to take D-ranks on your own, but I believe you can do so. As long as it doesn't get in the way of your training."

Training doesn't help me anyway. "Yes, Kakashi-sensei."

Quest Completed: D-rank…

Quest Completed: D-rank…

Quest Completed: D-rank…

Quest Completed: D-rank…

Quest Completed: D-rank…

+750 EXP.

1140 EXP until level.

Well, doing D-ranks has been exciting. Well, the rewards were. I was now sitting on 100,500 Ryo and with that, instead of doing another D-rank when we broke up, it was time for some shopping.

So, I went into a shop named 'Bullseye Weapons and Armory'. Before I graduated, I had the privilege of looking inside from the windows, and they seemed to have everything. So, when I actually went inside, it was everything I thought it was and more.

Oh, everything seemed to glow in glorious awesome. If I let my mouth hang out, I would've been salivating. As I passed the tables and wall-mounted shelves loaded with armor, little notifications popped up, letting me know the various articles stats as well as their prices.

"Can I help you?" I looked up and at the counter was Tenten.

Alright, I'm giving this place my business. Anyone who uses that many weapons clearly knew their stuff.

"I'm just browsing," I replied with a cheerful nod. "You've got quite the selection here."

"Thank you," She said with a polite smile. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I most certainly will," I went back to browsing.

I found a pair of gloves that give a Damage Reduction of 5 when worn together. They were made of blue fabric and were plated both on the forearms and on the back of the hand. The thing that attracted me to them, however, was the Strength Bonus of 2. They also cost 11,000 RYO but I had more than enough. Not really needing to rest allowed for that.

So, I put them in a basket, having noted the please put all items in one of our complementary basket while shopping sign that was out. I wonder if they dealt with thieves often. It was a village of Ninja, so…probably, if I had to be honest.

Next, I went through the Pants. I found something that gave a Damage Reduction of 10 and an Endurance Bonus of 1. It was a pair with kneepads woven into the fabric. I'll take it. Cost 22,000 Ryo. Again, had more than enough. 67.5k, to be specific, though I did need to be careful.

I found a pair of boots, plated with shin and toe-guards. Damage Reduction of 5 once again, but they also came with an Agility Bonus of 2. 11,500 for those. Bought.

With those in my basket, I noticed on the far wall they had a rack dedicated to goggles. Not glasses, goggles. Which made sense, since glasses would be in a civilian store. So, I walked over and checked over the various goggles.

I found a pair, 'specially padded for comfort' it said. They were separate lenses and looked fairly good. The thing that grabbed my attention? No DR but they did have a Perception Bonus of 3. Bought. Need perception. Badly. It was also the most expensive set of goggles in the store, clocking in at 20,000 Ryo.


Then, I walked around and…well, I needed a wire-mesh shirt. They provided a lot of protection and flexibility for what they were. So, I looked around and found one that was my size. 10 DR. 25,500 Ryo. Could be worn under my other stuff. Bought.

Now…was there an over piece I could buy right now? Looking at how much they were, the least expensive being 25,000 Ryo, the answer was no. That was okay, I had plenty now, and the rest could hopefully serve as rent and a security deposit so I could finally stop mooching off of Kumiko-Obasan.

Perfect plan.

I walked up to the counter and presented my basket.

Tenten looked at it with care. "Is that all? You're not restocking any Kunai?"

"I have some kunai," I replied with a shrug. "I don't need to restock just yet. I'll come here when I need to, though."

"Alright then," Tenten nodded and began ringing me up. "That'll be 78,500 Ryo."

I dug deep into my wallet and pulled out the appropriate funds: Seven 10k notes and 5 One-hundred notes. "Here you go."

She took the money, rung me up with a nod and handed me my stuff in a couple bags. "There you go."

"Thank you," I said with a smile. "By the way, what was your name?"

"Higurashi Tenten," She replied with a small bow. "My parents own the store. Yours?"

"Shimoda Daisuke," I introduced myself with my own little bow. I contemplated telling her I was on Kakashi's team. Then decided against it. "It was nice to meet you."

"You as well," She said as I turned to leave. "Have a good day."

Looking for an apartment was actually pretty simple, because Kakashi-sensei actually gave me a recommendation on a complex and it was hard to turn down that kind of endorsement.

The agreement was signed, the first month's rent and security deposit were 21,000 Ryo combined and I suddenly had my own apartment. It was a nice, spacious one, actually. Had a living room and kitchen in one room, fold up Futon in the bedroom and a separate bathroom. I got a good deal. Rent was going to be 10,000 a month, which I think is actually rather generous, thinking back to my old life.

So, I had 1000 Ryo which to play around with and the last thing to do was to say goodbye to Obaasan. So, I headed back to the Orphanage.

You know, I suddenly feel terrible for not telling her sooner. But…things have happened and now I must live with the consequences.

I found the Matron back in the kitchen, making a large pot of ramen and…geeze, I feel awkward, now. Okay, just play it cool. You're just telling the one person who raised you and protected you in a whole new world that you're finally leaving the roost. No pressure.

"Obaasan?" I inquired nervously.

"Hmmm?" She turned around. When she saw me, her eyes lit up. "Ah, Daisuke. Good evening, take a seat."

"I…uh, I have something to tell you," I said.

"You can tell me from the chair," She quipped. "Now sit."

I sat down. "I…I've decided that it's time that I move out."

She stopped in her tracks, and turned back around. "Well. I can't say I'm surprised. A Shinobi needs his own home, after all. Have you decided where you're going to live?"

"My Sensei recommended a complex," I explained, drumming my fingers on the table. "The rent and security deposit have already been paid for."

She smiled kindly. "My, my. You've still got that wonderful initiative. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Obaasan," I said, feeling a weight come off my chest. "I thought you'd have been mad I decided this without talking to you."

"Mad? No," She said. "A little sad, but I'm not mad. Or even that surprised. You were never really comfortable here."

I gave a confused hum.

"The other kids, except for Uzumaki, usually avoided you," The Matron shook her head as she stirred the pot. I winced at the mention of Naruto. "I couldn't understand it. Sure, you looked a little…odd, but you were a very nice child. Remarkably easy to raise too, I might add."

"Thank you?"

"But don't worry," She said, still smiling. "No matter what happens, you still have a home here. We still owe you for killing those rats."

"Thank you," Repeating myself. "For raising all of us. You know, I saw how you…tried, to show Naruto the same kindness you showed all of us. Even while everyone else wished he didn't exist for some reason."

"I wish I could've done more for him," She shook her head again. "But it's a good thing he left when he did. Things might've reached a boiling point."

"What do you mean?" I asked with tilted head.

"Oh, it doesn't matter anymore," She said with a smile and a laugh. "Listen to an old woman doddle. This deserves celebration! What would you like? Dango? Mochi?"

"Yes. Yes to all of that."

The next day, I was in a phenomenally good mood. I was walking from my new apartment to the area right outside the Academy where we waited for D-Rank missions. I was wearing my new boots and pants. A long-sleeved blue shirt that went over the mesh, going really well with the accessories that I bought yesterday.

I'm feeling good, even counting that I have to ignore the quest sitting in the pip-book in order to do so. Anyway, I'm humming a tune quite happily as I just avoided skipping to the meeting place. I was the first one there, as usual.

Boy, having my own place felt good. I felt like an adult now, even though I'm technically twelve.

I just kept humming and whistling tunes as they came.

"You seem awfully happy," Hisako awkwardly smiled at me with a half wave. She examined my new gear-pieces with interest "Where did you get all of that gear?"

"I got this at Bullseye's Weapons and Armor," I said, spreading my arms to allow for a better look. "And I got my own apartment yesterday. So I think I might be the happiest Genin in Konoha right now."

"The gear looks functional," Hisako nodded with approval. "Looks good on you. I like it."

"Thank you!"

"Wow, that gear makes you look different," Nichiren said as he walked up. "In a good way, but still."

"Yeah, I guess it might take some getting used to," I scratched the back of my head. "It's good though. I felt like I might need the extra protection, so I should get used to wearing this as fast as possible."

"You seem happier," Nichiren noted. "Something good happen?"

"I got my own apartment yesterday," I answered with a grin. "Moving out of the orphanage was fulfilling."

"Ah, that's awesome!" Nichiren said with a fairly large smile for him. "Congrats!"

"Congratulations," Hisako offered.

After an hour, Kakashi-sensei walked up the path. "You look different."

"Like the gear?" I asked with a grin.

"Meh, it looks functional enough," He shrugged. I felt like a bucket of ice water washed over me. "It looks useful for when you start doing C-ranks."

"Which will be?" Hisako asked eagerly.

"Eh, soon. I don't think you're quite ready yet," Kakashi replied.

Hisako's head drooped in despair.

Normally, I would be bored myself with the constant D-ranks, but I'm just happy I have a steady source of EXP now.

"Besides, I think Daisuke's heart might be broken if we stopped doing D-ranks," Kakashi eye-smiled, ruffling my hair as he walked past.

"Hey!" I mock-pouted at the barb. "It's not like we'll be able to savor doing D-ranks forever! Might as well savor it while we can, right?"

Kakashi actually stopped mid-step. "Too true, Daisuke. Too true."

He led us into the mission office and collected a mission scroll from an Iruka who spared an odd glance at me behind Kakashi's back. I shrugged in response, to Nichiren and Hisako's confusion.

Kakashi pocketed the scroll. We followed him out of the office.

"This mission's a little different than anything we've done in the past," Kakashi told us when we got outside. "It's still a D-rank, though."

"How's it different?" Nichiren asked, curiosity shining behind his glasses.

"As long as I'm not pulling weeds or painting anything, I don't really care," Hisako said, twirling a kunai by the ring at the end.

"Well, the mission involves an old house by the village wall," Kakashi explained. "It's owned by a fairly wealthy merchant, who is selling it back to Konoha and leaving the village to live elsewhere. He's hired us to give the house a deep cleaning."

I nodded. Alright, this is a pretty good change in the routine. "What kind of deep cleaning? Pest control or washing the windows?"

"A little bit of both," Kakashi said. "Apparently, he's got this rat problem in the basement and a lot of the rooms haven't been used since his family have moved out. So that's our mission. We'll go more over plans when we get there. Are we clear?"

"You got it!" Nichiren said cheerfully.

"Understood," Hisako replied, her sounding somewhat enthusiastic.

"I can handle a rat problem," I smirked, remembering those 'roided-up rats like it was yesterday.

Quest Accepted: Upon a Midnight Darkly

Go to the Merchant's House.


That's not a D-rank Radiant quest.

That's its own quest. That carries the horrific implication that for the first time in Naruto history, a D-rank might be the thing that goes horribly, horribly wrong. It has an ominous name and everything! But…it's in Konoha's walls, right? Right! So it can't go that badly, can it?

I mean, it could mean anything. More 'roided-up rats, other types of animals…it could be a haunted house or infiltrated by enemy Nin, there is probably a dark secret, it could be a surprise crossover with H.P Lovecraft…

"Daisuke?" Kakashi asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" I said, my voice cracking with nerves. "Why do you ask?"

"You look like you've just seen a ghost," Kakashi answered, seemingly totally calm.

"No, no," I said laughing it off. "I didn't see a ghost. I just got really nervous for some reason. Hehehe…"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kakashi asked with a neutral tone. "You don't need to worry. It's just an old house. I'm sure whatever haunted house stories you might have heard are complete fiction."

"Yeah," I nodded vigorously. "Yeah, you're right. There's no such things as ghosts. Besides, we're in Konoha's walls."

I was not dumb enough to ask what could go wrong. Because there were thousands of things that could go wrong.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Nichiren nodded with a smile. "Nothing could go wrong."

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The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

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