
Tattoo Removal


Level Up!

Level 23.

You know I just remembered that I had tattoo removal coming up today, so I invented a lot of jutsu to fill the nearly ten-thousand EXP needed to level up. This level saw twenty points going into Medicine, bringing it up to 100 and three points going into Ranged Weaponry, bringing it up to 67 without bonuses.

9250 points flat until level 24.

Well, the Vault was progressing well. Got an elevator going down to the main Atrium and the Overseer's office has been starting, overlooking it. I also made the main storage room and started the corridor to the residential areas. If someone has to hide out in the Vault, I'll have accommodations.

The only sad thing about this is that, aside from the EXP from the initial jutsu, I didn't get EXP for building the Vault. I mean, it makes sense – the settlement mechanic was from Fallout 4 and I operate from on a mix of Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Eh, I'm not really complaining. I feel like I need things other than EXP to occupy my time. Right? Right?

…7 more levels until level 30…7 more levels until level 30…7 more levels until level 30…

Holy cow, I only have 7 more levels until level 30. That's…wow. I'm actually closing in on my goal. On Almost Perfect. Since I'll still have the henge up, it'll appear like I've got 10, so I don't need to worry about anyone suspecting anything by my appearance taking a sharp turn upwards because of scaling when I take the syringe.

That's...going to be earth shattering, actually. I'll…actually be able to understand people. Understand myself. That's going to be absolutely earth shaking. I…I wonder what I'm going to be thinking at that time? When I finally fix the thing that's been plaguing me since I was a toddler. A thing which, honestly should not have been this difficult to fix. What exactly have I been missing? What details of every interaction have I been unaware of?

How many people did I hurt?

I shook my head. I'll worry about it later.

Kakashi's tactic's training had finally come to a close, which meant the mission ban had expired. About time. Of course, now it's a question of how long I can go without needing to kill someone to ensure the missions success. I mean, at that point, the only problem I'd have is wondering if I'm doing it because there's no other way or if I'm doing it for the EXP…man, EXP became really manipulative all of a sudden.

Anyway, that meant that the Hokage asked to see me today in the afternoon which meant that it was time to finish Tattoo Removal. Should be fairly simple and I have more than enough medical knowledge to prevent as many complications as I possibly can, ensuring that Anko, unless I've completely misjudged the nature of this quest, won't be too inconvenienced by the removal of the curse seal. I'm going to just go ahead and guess that she'll be hospitalized for two weeks at minimum following its removal due to the nature of the seal and how intertwined it had to be with her chakra network, but she will recover before too long.

…you know what I just realized?

That the absolute best way to get away with a pacifist run in Fallout is to max out Stealth, Pick Lock and Speech. Probably Barter too, since that helps with understanding of the economic climate (which I don't have). I think...I might start putting points in them. Maybe sooner rather than later. Probably a good thing to do.

Doubt I'll max them completely, once I get almost perfect, it'll be like dumping ten extra points into all of my skills. I already had 10 extra points in every skill at the start thanks to having a five in every SPECIAL except for Intelligence and Luck…Intelligence gave me 20 bonus for the appropriate skills and Luck just gave five extra points for all of them, so…yeah.

Well, actually, I have a perfect stealth jutsu already and creating a lock-opening jutsu would…not be hard at all. Actually, I could probably use the same principles behind chakra-strings and blades to just create an artificial key…hang on…

Chakra Control Check Success: 100/75.

+600 EXP.

8,650 more EXP until level 24.

I admired the amorphous, glowing blue slat that was emitting from my index and middle fingers, turning my hand over. Well, now locked doors and chests will pose no challenge. Not that they did anyway, they'll just not pose a challenge quietly instead of getting demolished by explosive punches.

I sat down at my desk in front of the window in the Overseer's office, looking over the atrium which I was more than slightly peeved wasn't actual metal. After some thinking, I thought I might've had 'metal release' by combining Earth, Water and Electricity together, but do you know what I got?


Glowing green liquid that reminded me of a Xenomorph blood from the Alien franchise. After some thinking, I think I was happy to be reincarnated here instead of there. I mean, having the special system without jutsu or anything sounds nightmarish all on its own, but being in the same dimension that Weyland-Yutani, the Aliens and Predators call home? No thank you.

Speaking of that, actually, I wonder. With the substitution jutsu, my trip to the Penguin Empire, the Flying Thunder God, I think it…should be possible to cross dimensional barriers. Visit alternate dimensions. Go…back home. Back to Earth.

That'd be…amazing. I'd be able to go back…see my family, maybe introduce my parents to Naruto, Hisako, Nichiren, Kakashi-sensei…everyone. Heck, I even still look the same, if not a little pale and statue-like so it's not even that much of a problem. But I've been gone for a long time. They might not be alive or even living in the same place when I get there. But…I have to try.

You know, that's another thing. Once I get Almost Perfect, I'll be able to understand other people. That means I'll be able to see their virtues and their flaws clearly for the first time since I've been in this world. It's a little worrying because, once I see them for who they are…would I even be able to stand them?

I…I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But it's a legitimate worry. In my old world, some relationships got sour because, once enough time had passed and the two partners started to grate on each other, the relationship ended in blood and lost finances. Okay, not blood, but the point stands. That same thing happens when internet friends meet in person for the first time and their flaws are on display and harsh reality smacks the two hard enough it leaves a handprint on their soul.

…let's think about this later.

For now, though? I'm going to take advantage of the stereo seals I had written on the wall of my office here and listen to some music.

I tapped my fingers on my desk, sending chakra through the telegraph seals I had written on it like a key-pad, which in turn sent chakra through the seal I had written on the wall and then my office was filled with just the tune I needed I drift off with an easy smile on my face.

"Gimme the beat, boys, and free my soul! I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away…"

"You know, I didn't realize I had a twin brother," I told the Hokage, tilting my head to get a better look at one of the occupants of the office. He was pale, had a lifeless look in both his eyes and his skin, his black hair falling around his head just so to give him a maximum creepiness factor. He was almost as bad as I looked without a henge. Almost. The only thing I found entirely odd was the midriff baring shirt he wore. Like…dude, either wear a shirt or don't and I'd prefer it if you did. This half-way crap is unmanly. His wrists were also bound by chakra-suppressant cuffs, and his face was completely neutral.

Anko was there, alright, and she had spun on her heel with a shuriken in hand ready to chuck it at me when I teleported right into the Hokage's office. But that's not who I was referring to…wait, her mesh is transparent? I…wow, she's got some nice abs.

Don't stare.

There were a lot of guards in the room too, as I averted my gaze and looked, each of them spooked by my sudden arrival. Must be here to watch my clone. Or something. There was also a doctor, old man, bald, with a white coat.

"Ah, Shimoda-kun, you're right on time," The Hokage said with a light smirk.

"This is the Monster-Genin I've heard about?" Anko asked, easing out of her throwing-stance and regarding me with narrowed eyes and a frown. "Huh. Yeah, I guess you fit, kid."

"Don't call me kid," I replied with a frown and narrowed eyes.

She just grinned. "Why not?"

"Mitarashi," The Hokage chided, chewing on his pipe.

"Sorry, Hokage-sama," Anko's smile immediately faded, replaced by a professional stoicism.

"But yes, you are correct," The Hokage said. "Shimoda Daisuke, this is Mitarashi Anko and Sai. Also, meet Doctor Oshima."

"Nice to meet you all," I replied, giving a brief bow to the both of them. Why did Sai seem familiar? Like he was this ghost hanging around in the back of my head. "I'm removing things from both of them?"

"That is correct," Hiruzen nodded. "Sai, here, is a captured agent of the illegal ROOT organization. On his tongue is a seal that prevents him from telling the secrets of the organization. We need this removed."

"Interesting," I said, walking up to the guy. He hadn't said anything yet, instead choosing to regard me with cold dead eyes and this is like a reminder of how I look to everyone else and I don't like it. "How long did you interrogate him before you found the seal?"

"We searched for the seal first," Hiruzen replied with a slight frown. "It's a pointless waste of time and resources to interrogate someone who can't physically tell us what we need to know."

Valid point. "Want me to remove it now?"

"Can you?" The Hokage asked with a frown.

"I'd have to see it first," I replied.

"Open your mouth," The Hokage ordered and Sai obliged.

I was wearing gloves, so I didn't care as I grabbed his tongue and pulled it out, using Tree-walking to stick my fingers to the wet surface. I sent some chakra in there, to test the waters and found the seal. It was a small seal. Quick and clean, meant to be mass produced but had all the rough edges smoothed out. It was a very efficient seal.

"Yes, I can remove it," I replied with a frown. "His tongue will end up swelling slightly for a week and he might have some trouble eating or speaking for the first couple of days, but then he'll be able to say as much as he needs to avoid getting kicked around by the interrogators."

"Ah, good," The Hokage replied. "Proceed."

Quest Updated: Tattoo Removal.

Completed: Speak with the Hokage after you've completed your tactics training.

Remove Sai's seal.

Chakra-strings held his mouth open. One hand held the tongue out. I placed the thumb of the other on the seal and started the process. Disentangling chakra from his system wasn't easy, but I had the skill necessary…wait, did I turn notifications completely off? I did turn them completely off.

Anyway, it wasn't easy and it took time. His mouth was glowing blue as my chakra slowly extracted the suppression on his ability to speak. It probably stung a little bit, but I doubted it was anything more than, say, getting scratched by a shuriken. Bit by bit, the foreign chakra slowly wrapped itself around my thumb as I pulled it off. The black ink became visible and seemed to cap my thumb just over the bluish-goop that was the seal.

I released his mouth and he closed it with a breath and a groan. He was breathing somewhat heavily.

"You want me to place this on a paper for analysis or do you want it to get rid of it?" I asked the Hokage.

He pulled a piece of paper from his desk and slid it forward. I walked over to it and placed my thumb on it, letting the seal fall on the paper and the chakra infuse it instead. "Thank you, Daisuke. Guards, escort Sai back to T&I and inform Ibiki that the procedure is complete."

Every guard in the room left with the kid in tow. Wow, I wonder what sort of stuff he was capable of that he needed this high of a guard…unless they were also protecting him from assassination or suicide. Oh, yeah. That'd make sense, I guess.

Now it was just me, The Hokage, Dr. Oshima and Anko.

Quest Updated: Tattoo Removal.

Completed: Remove Sai's seal.

Remove Anko's seal.

"So, that was just a test run," The Hokage was grinning.

Anko had an odd look on her face. Her eyes were slightly wider than normal, her mouth turned down in thought. "Hokage-sama, do you think…?"

"I do think," Hiruzen answered with a nod. "If you think you're capable of explaining…"

"When I was about your age, I had a seal placed on my shoulder," Anko explained briefly. "It's made my life a living hell."

"You want me to remove it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If the Hokage thinks you can, then yes," Anko nodded with a serious look on her face and…a hopeful look in her eyes. "Please. Get rid of it."

"I'd need to look at it first," I replied.

"Mitarashi?" The Hokage started, but she had already started.

Her trench-coat had dropped to the floor and she was pulled off her mesh shirt and my eyes glued themselves shut so I didn't see anything else. Thank you, internet-surfing reaction speed.

"I'm wearing a bra," Anko said, sounding slightly annoyed…and amused.

I opened my eyes…ah. Flesh-colored bra. Got it. She turned around and there it was. The curse seal, written in black ink on her shoulder like a black-spot in pirate lore. I put my hand on the seal and sent chakra into it and…wow.

"This…is the most expansive seal I think I've ever seen," I said quietly, my chakra feeding into the seal, marveling at the intricacies and delicateness of the construction, all dedicated toward mangling a chakra-network to give it more power. "It's almost beautiful."

"It's not-" Anko started to snarl before cutting herself off. "Can you get rid of it or not?"

"Yes, I can," I said with a nod. "A couple things though."

"Like what?" Anko asked, looking over her shoulder with a frown on her face.

"First thing, it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt a lot. It'll be like me forcibly ripping your soul out of your body and stitching it back in place with a crooked needle," I said, actually kind of enjoying the fact that the writer in me was coming back stronger now. "And sedation won't work, your body will likely burn through it while going on overdrive to keep you alive, assuming the combination won't kill you. Which it might. This isn't like any other surgery where you can sleep through the pain."

"I don't care," Anko replied. "I want it gone."

"Okay noted," I said. "Second, this will probably end with you being hospitalized for the next few weeks. I'm literally chopping away a large part of your chakra network. You'll live, but you aren't doing Shinobi things for a long time after."

She stood, thinking about that for a while. "Okay…"

"Depending on her condition, she'll probably be on physical and chakra therapy for a long while," Dr. Oshima finally spoke. "Two months, at least."

"If given proper therapy and there's a liberal use of medical jutsu, I'd put it at three month's tops," I said with a nod.

"She'll get the care she needs," The Hokage said, still puffing on his pipe. "I wouldn't worry about it, Shimoda-kun."

"Good," I said. "So, did you want to me to get rid of it now?"

"Yes," The answer was immediate from Anko, but it had…something else in it. Doubt? "Yes, please. Get rid of it now."

The Hokage briefly took his pipe out of his mouth. "Let's move to the hospital first. Anko, if you'd get dressed?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Anko nodded, reaching down and grabbing her mesh shirt and trench-coat.

With that, we moved quickly to the hospital with Shunshin, going in through the roof and into the operating room. Dr. Oshima actually was able to follow us. After I made sure to use my cleaning jutsu, something I noticed some surgeons looking at me with envy as I preformed, I was allowed in. The operating room had a single table, which Anko had again stripped her trench coat and shirt off and laid down face first on it. She was quickly strapped in by the standing doctors so she didn't jump away and ruin the procedure.

There were doctors, surgeons, medics…basically everything needed to make sure that this won't turn out badly for Ms. Mitarashi because after this, she was going to be in a very bad way.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Just. Get. Rid of it," She said.

I looked to the Hokage.

He nodded, his hands behind his back, his pipe having been left in his office. "Proceed."

"Okay," I shrugged, putting my gloved hand on her shoulder.

There was an atmosphere in the room. Tense and watching. Why…did I get the feeling that his curse seal has been something of a topic in Konoha's medical community? Like a huge, massive problem that people have been trying to solve for a long time?

Anyway…I sent my chakra through the seal and started the high effort task of untangling…is that what I think it is? It that a soul? Is that a piece of Orochimaru's soul? Hanging around inside Anko like…okay I didn't get sick but I wanted to get sick. So that's how Orochimaru's body-snatching works. Ugh…you know, I'm probably just going to pop his brains all over the-stay focused.

I was trying to take my time to avoid unnecessary damage, but there was going to be damage. It's literally like a giant tumor that's been growing on her chakra-network, and it had. To. Go.

Anko was trembling on the table. Sweat droplets started to appear on her skin. Really wish we could've sedated her for this, but things that mess with chakra mess everything up.

…loosen that there, loosen start the withdrawal…wait.

"The seals started to fight me," I reported.

Anko made a questioning noise through the gag.

"Will this stop the procedure?" The Hokage asked with a frown.

"No," I replied. "But I thought it was interesting. Because the seal has a bit of-"

"Daisuke, let's talk about the seal after you've removed it, shall we?" The Hokage asked.

"Understood, Hokage-sama," I hadn't stopped my work, I had just started multitasking because I could do that. But I digress…

Orochimaru's chakra was purple, which is totally the color of evil. Or at very least, the Eldritch. If I ever wrote a story with a giant, C'thulhu-esque monster involved, it would totally glow purple. I pulled, gently but firmly, on this thing and the seal started to come apart, coating the chakra like it was tattooed ooze.

Anko was exercising a herculean amount of effort to not-okay she started screaming. Bummer. Not that I blame her, this would be something I'd have trouble dealing with and pain doesn't really bother me.


Her arms and legs were now curse-free. That's good. Up through her lower back and torso. She was now trying to get off the table, but was utterly restrained which was good. If I had to stop now…things would be bad. For her and everyone else in the room.


"It's out!" I called, looking at this long, two-foot long, hand-sized veil of purple chakra.

Anko had gone limp, her breathing deep as her sweat-soaked hair hung down her head. A large piece of paper had been brought out and I slammed the seal, which was truly massive, I had to say, onto the paper. "Would you believe that thing is a piece of Orochimaru's soul? Like, seriously, I almost got sick when I saw that!"

Quest Updated: Tattoo Removal.

Completed: Remove Anko's seal.

Speak with the Hokage.

"It what?" Hiruzen seemed alarmed.

The Doctors and nurses rushed passed us as they sought to tend to Anko who was certainly not going to be doing much of anything for the next couple of weeks or so. I mean, yikes. But she'll survive and without that thing being a burden on her system, it'll be a lot easier for her to do things like train, push herself, all the good stuff.

"It was a piece of Orochimaru's soul," I replied with a nod. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was gearing up to take her over or something."

Hiruzen said nothing, his wide eyes staring right at me. His mouth slowly turned into a frown as he glared. "Alright. Thank you, Shimoda-kun, for your service today. You've helped a good Kunoichi be rid of a terrible curse and you should be proud of yourself. You'll be paid accordingly."

What was the traditional thing good-guy PC's did when they did a quest? Refuse the reward. Be generous and stuff. "Don't worry about paying me. This was my pleasure."

Hiruzen blinked. "Are you sure?"

"Yup," I replied. "Besides, I have so much money sitting in my bank account that I don't know what to do with. Seriously, it's no trouble."

Hiruzen was looking at me…oddly. "You're very generous, Shimoda-kun."

"I try," I said. "If there's nothing else, may I take my leave?"


Quest Complete: Tattoo Removal.

+1200 EXP.

7,450 more EXP until level 24.

Well, now that that's behind me, I to find some new reading material. So, I was thus at my favorite haunt, the bookstore, where I can get lost in the shelves of literature and look for new works of fiction to read.

After completely passing the shelf and stand dedicated to the Icha-Icha series (seriously, what?), I found myself in my home away from home – the fiction section. Surprisingly bare of space-opera or science fiction, but that doesn't matter as much since I plan on going to space. Then again, I guess it's not that surprising since the Ninja world never had a Space Race.

They need one.

I perused the shelves. A lot of heroic fantasy, a lot of mysteries, actually. I guess when the world is filled with Shinobi, stories of unravelling who hired the assassins really caught on. It's interesting that since most authors are civilians that Shinobi are treated a lot like the Greek Gods in my old world – as Deus Ex Machina/Diabolus Ex Machina that started or tied up the plot. No real details given. Since they're trying to avoid assassination, it makes sense.

Doesn't mean I'm not going write about the realities of the shinobi world at all, but you know…priorities. That's something I'm going to save for Level 50 and I can 'lol-nope' anyone that tries to put forth an aggressive objection.

Anything on the shelves…no, I read this…this…this…geeze, I've even read the trashy romance novels just for something to read and they are exactly that – trashy. I read one whenever I need a morbid laugh, or just need something dumb to occupy my brain.

"Oh, Senpai," I turned my head and…there was Ino. "Fancy running into you here."

"Ino," I gave her a nod. "Nice to see you."

Still not entirely sure about what Ayame told me, if she wasn't actually pulling my leg, which part of me believes she was.

"You too," She smiled. "So, I was looking for something to read. Maybe you could help me pick out something?"

I blinked. "Sure, I guess. What kind of book were you looking for?"

She stopped, her eyes narrowing slightly in thought. "Romance. I want a romance."

"Okay, uh…" I started. "Going to say this up front, I am not the best judge of the quality of a romance."

"I still want your opinion, though," Ino replied with a slight frown. "You read a lot, right?"

"Yeah," I answered.

"So, you obviously know what you like," Ino nodded with a smile. She picked out a book, with 'Confessions of a Lady of the Court' written on the cover. "Have you read this one?"

"Actually yes," I nodded. "It's the story of a love triangle between a lady of the Daimyo's court and her conflict between the feelings for her arranged betrothal and the feelings she has for a farmer's son."

"Ooh, are they cute?" Ino asked with an intrigued look in her eyes.

"The lady thinks both of them are attractive, yes," I nodded with a slight frown. Right, she had the mindset of a shallow fangirl. "She states it incessantly throughout the book."

It was one of the trashy romance novels, written by a woman whose lust was on full display. I've believed that when an author writes, they put all of themselves into their words and the message that book is broadcasting is 'I want men'.

"You don't like it?" Ino asked with a frown.

"Most of the book is based on her bemoaning how she has to choose between one or the other," I replied with a shrug. "When she's not talking about that she's going on about how attractive the men are. There's not a lot of plot, it's mostly focused on the emotional torment the main character's going through."

"Oh," Why was Ino slightly pink now? I…is she embarrassed? That's something that goes a long with sudden blood flow to the face, right? Why would she be embarrassed? "Well, you know, that doesn't really mean it's bad, does it?"

"It's less a story and more of a portrait of an emotional dilemma in words," I shrugged with a slight frown. "I've found that to be a thing in a lot of romances, actually. If you like that sort of thing, go ahead and read it, but I don't read them very often."

Wasn't a particularly good one, but you know. Schlock has to exist, people need their fluff and everyone's got to get the crappy story out somehow. Right?

"An emotional portrait in words," Ino repeated. "Huh. I haven't heard that before."

"It's just what it is," I replied. "A story's a conflict and the events that happen as a result of that conflict."

"But this book has that," Ino said, eyes narrowing. "Right? You said she was conflicted about the two men in her life."

"I…sort of," I offered a wavy motion with my hand. "I guess it could've been interesting if, half-way through she made her choice and the fallout of that choice was explored. If she picked the farmer's son, for instance, her family would be shamed, the man she was already engaged too would be upset, maybe enough to hire a shinobi…"

"But that'd be a tragedy," Ino frowned, then her eyes lit up. "Ooh, in a fit of vengeance he hires a shinobi to kill the two lovers, but he realizes his mistake and jumps in front of the shinobi's kunai before his love could be killed, so he dies a hero and the two lovers live happily ever after."

"I…you know what, maybe you should write something like that," I told her with a small smile. "Sounds more interesting than what actually happens."

"What does happen?" Ino asked cautiously.

"That would be spoiling," I replied with a raised eyebrow. "And I hate spoilers."

"Awww," Ino looked a little disappointed. "But now I'm not sure I want to read it if it's not good."

"Hey, as I said, I'm not a good judge of the quality of a romance," I replied. "For all I know, this may be the greatest thing you've ever read."

Ino hummed, looking at the cover before looking at me. "So…what do you like?"

"It varies," I replied. "I read a lot of speculative fiction and fantasy. Larger than life heroes saving the world, that sort of thing."

"And saving the girl at the end, right?" Ino chuckled with a smile, batting her eyelashes.

"I…yeah," I replied, my insides…doing weird…oh no.

This is like with Hisako and her Taijutsu spars, isn't it? Like, I don't think I like her, then we do a Taijutsu spar and my head is spinning for the next hour or so. Which means that Ayame was not pulling my leg when she said that Ino liked me and instead of going for the physical activity of Taijutsu, which can be really fun, Ino's hitting me right in area I cherish most – fiction.

I…just fantastic. Really cool. Now I've got a whole new boatload of problems and decisions I've got to sort through.

"So, which ones your favorite?" Ino asked, turning toward the shelf.

Well, at least she seems actually curious about what I like. That's something, at least, but I'm going to have to be very careful. There was a copy on the shelf behind me, and I pulled it out. "My favorite, uh…Into the Dark Abyss, by Asahara Nami."

"Into the Dark Abyss," Ino repeated the title, taking the offered book and looking at the cover. "Okay. What's it about?"

"A boat full of fisherman gets dragged to the bottom of the ocean by a sea monster to a secret city beneath the waves," I replied, actually smiling in fondness. "Only one of them survives the ordeal, and he has to use his smarts and martial ability to escape the city before the sea monster finds him and eats him for dinner."

"So, it's a book about your ideal afternoon?" Ino asked with a slight smile.

"Actually yes," I nodded with a smile of my own. Then I furrowed my brow. "Wait…you heard that line? I thought you were unconscious."

"Oh," She was slightly pink again. "Sakura told me about it. Raved, actually. Said you were really cool and really crazy for it."

"…that makes sense," I replied. "You're doing okay, though, right? No surprise diseases or anything?"

"Yeah, I'm doing well," Ino nodded, still smiling. "Thank you for asking."

"Just making sure," I shrugged. "Can I help you find anything else?"

"Maybe we can just talk," Ino suggested, leaning on the shelf which was thankfully nailed to the floor.

"What about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, more about your favorite books," Ino replied with a shrug.

"Okay, so what do you want?" I asked with a frown.

Ino immediately frowned and glared. "Excuse me?"

"What do you want?" I repeated. "No one talks to me voluntarily unless they want something. Ever. It's a rule of my existence."

Ino's face slowly softened. "I…see. Well, Daisuke, I'd like to think I'm your friend. Friends talk to each other. It's what they do. Talking with my friends is something I like doing, so…maybe we can talk some more about your favorite books?"

"Okay," I dragged out the word. "Sorry, that's…new."

"Don't be sorry," Ino replied quietly. "So, maybe we can meet up later and talk more?"

"I'm…not really-"

"Not as a date," Ino quickly cut me off. "Just as friends. You can invite Naruto or Sakura if you'd think they'd be interested."

"I doubt Naruto really wants anything to do with books," I replied with a slight smirk. "Nichiren might be interested though."

"Right, Nichiren," Ino's smile got a bit…forced? Maybe a little aggravated, perhaps.

"Right and…Sakura reads books?" I asked. I knew she was a huge 'science-type' nerd, which made her pretty fun to discuss jutsu theory with on occasion, but I didn't know she had a fiction addiction.

"Oh yeah," Ino nodded quickly. "She actually got me interested in the War of Loves series."

"That's…not a bad series, actually," I said with a thoughtful frown. Not a great one, since the plot was a little non-sensible but the characters were likeable enough, I guess. "Cool. I guess we could invite her."

"And what about Hisako?" Ino asked with a turn of her head.

"I don't think she has any love for fiction," I replied with a shrug. "She's more of a 'loves to train outside' type of person."

"Okay," She replied with a smile. "So, when did you want to meet?"

"Uh…" What did my schedule look like? "I'm free on Thursday."

"Thursday at three?" Ino asked with a smile. "We can meet at Ichiraku's?"

I blinked, then remembered that Ayame had said she had come in to talk with Nichiren…she probably got turned into a regular customer by Ayame's therapy…jutsu. Shoot. "I guess that can work."

"Awesome, I'll see you there," Ino smiled, turning around on her heel.

I stood there, with just the strangest feeling in my stomach, more than a little reminiscent of what usually happens after Hisako and I have finished Taijutsu training.

…what just happened?

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts